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New Iranian Missiles Pose Threat to U.S. Aircraft in Yemen, Pentagon Says

what is the range of this anti-helicopter missile?
what is the range of this anti-helicopter missile?
Possibly as much as over 100kms,the rocket powered versions of these sorts of NLOS weapons,depending on their size,usually have a range of 10,20,30kms+,by comparison this thing is jet powered and is pretty long,possibly getting close to 3m in length.
this missile possibly will be effective against anything flies slower than mach 0.9 and lower than 10 km. ie helicopters, drones, cargo planes and etc.

looks like Iran has taken a strategic decision to increase its support to the Houthi Heros defending yemen..

Before the houthi's had extremely limited supply of ATGMs for example. and all their supply were Russian origins that could plausibly be denied by IRan and claim its old Yemeni stock...

Same bullshit excuse was made for newer and extremely lethal Houthi missiles and cruise missiles the houthi's supposedly developed on their own.

now though Iran doesn't even seem to care about plausibil deniability.. Send in dehlaviehs (kornets). which without question would be linked to Iran..

and now were seeing pleasant surprised in the anti-air and now anti-ship department....

this war is going to get a lot more 'interesting' for the Saudis going forward.

cant wait to see this missile in action.
the important point for me is the size of each shipment, 170 missile per one shipment is huge. countries buy missiles with this quantity from major weapon suppliers. this demonstrates our industrial backbone and it seems like it's strong.

It flies in a figure-eight pattern and looks for targets? Is it autonomous?! !
it possibly uses man in loop as @Sineva said before, but it's doable to use it as a line of sight SAM.
this system will put an end to propeller drone attacks on insurgent groups that lack air support.

guys do you remember this image/concept that i had:

the point of this conceptual torpedo was to counter ASW helicopters. as @PeeD said it was not possible due to many hurdles. what if we use this new missile to do this job?? we can program it to even secure submarine path...
Look like you dont feel anything with the suffering of Yemeni people in general. If Iran doesnt provide military help to Houti, there is no way Houti can launch an attack to the government that start the war.

Yaman should solve their dispute trough democratic means, not military one.

Stupid mentality...
So they are kicking the occupiers azzes again.
Look like you dont feel anything with the suffering of Yemeni people in general. If Iran doesnt provide military help to Houti, there is no way Houti can launch an attack to the government that start the war.

Yaman should solve their dispute trough democratic means, not military one.
The saudi coalition has killed thousands of people and put millions in famine while the saudi clan family are living in pure welfare in their hotels in Europe.
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