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  1. Type59

    Situation for travel to Pakistan from Uk

    No you dont need it,
  2. Type59

    Situation for travel to Pakistan from Uk

    Booked with BA. Cheers
  3. Type59

    Situation for travel to Pakistan from Uk

    I was under impression you dont need test with Qatar Airways.
  4. Type59

    Situation for travel to Pakistan from Uk

    Hi. Please Help Whats situation when fly from England to Pakistan? Do you need coronavirus test certificate? Thinking to use Qatar Airways with detour in Doha. I believe Qatar Airways does not want certificate but Pakistan immigration might? For my uncle he has valid British passport and...
  5. Type59

    Only the US has more coronavirus cases than India. But unlike Trump, its leader seems immune from criticism

    Sheep. But good for Pakistan and China because modi has lead Indians astray. Carry on modi.
  6. Type59

    India: Debt ridden couple tries to sell kidney, end up losing Rs1.7 million in online fraud

    Sad. I sympathise with plight of the desperate. Shocking people have no shame by stealing of poor people. Problem with humanity is that we admire and respect someone driving a flashy car, even if they are involved in crimes like sex trafficking.
  7. Type59

    Featured Modi govt formally confirms that India took two big loans from China in the thick of the border standoff

    Indians will spin this as a victory. "India forced China to sign over loans or has negative interest rate attached to loan".
  8. Type59

    Mosquitoes overrun Chinese apartment complex turned into ‘vertical forest’

    Looks beautiful. Best to release sterilised male mosquitos. Plenty of ways to get rid of mosquitos and prevent re-infestation. Main cause is stagnant water. https://news.yahoo.com/singapore-fights-dengue-more-mosquitoes-070905838.html
  9. Type59

    ‘India had far more Covid cases than official count’

    Lack of tapped water makes hand washing a luxury. They failing on basic prevention method of good hygiene.
  10. Type59

    Featured United States has secretly built and tested a prototype of a potentially sixth generation fighter jet.

    I read years ago, china has a sixth gen program. The lead designers of j 20 were transferred to new fighter program, once j 20 was completed.
  11. Type59

    SpaceX's Starlink Satellite Internet Service Latency Comes in Under 20 Milliseconds [Goal: 1Gbps download]

    For a guy that loves space exploration, he does ruin for everyone else. https://www.cnet.com/news/spacex-starlink-satellites-are-photo-bombing-shots-of-comet-neowise/
  12. Type59

    Chinese city the size of New York predicts 27 per cent birth rate drop

    Higher literacy and more women in work force is better reasons then what you stated.
  13. Type59

    PLA Infrastructure at BLACK TOP HILL

    Seem like you need to be educated about muscle building. Gaining mass naturally takes a long time of training, eating right and resting. Military personnel dont have luxury of time, they want instant gains. Well there are downsides to steriod use, thats why people avoid it...
  14. Type59

    PLA Infrastructure at BLACK TOP HILL

    Steriods. Juicing is common with special forces troops.
  15. Type59

    U.S. Budget Deficit Hits Record, Days After China Says It May Dump American Debt

    Forget china for a second. US debt is not a problem now but what about in 30 years. Current politicians in USA do not care about future generations. They only care about enriching own family at expense of the masses. I said it to some Americans I know, but seemed to think I had an agenda...
  16. Type59

    U.S. Budget Deficit Hits Record, Days After China Says It May Dump American Debt

    Nah have you seen me defending china. Like every nation it has its flaws. Indians always defending flawed policies, like usa will give you a green card as reward.
  17. Type59

    Featured So much for "Isolation"

    Not sure what you mean?
  18. Type59

    U.S. Budget Deficit Hits Record, Days After China Says It May Dump American Debt

    Like nixon said Indians like to suck up. Plus getting advice from people who think banning large domination notes is a "masterstroke" is a no no.
  19. Type59

    Featured So much for "Isolation"

    Afghanistan became a playground for superpowers and other nations.. Whats Indians excuse for reelecting a guy who banned large domination notes in 2016? Your nation has gone south since 2014. Then 2020 short notice lockdown. Still he is popular with average indian including migrants. Walking...
  20. Type59

    U.S. Budget Deficit Hits Record, Days After China Says It May Dump American Debt

    Under Bill Clinton country had a budget surplus, now successive administrations have made life for future generations difficult. Today debt build up wont be an issue but in 30 years time its gonna be a different issue. Future retirees will suffer from benefit cuts. Former administration...
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