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Mosquitoes overrun Chinese apartment complex turned into ‘vertical forest’

Get Ya Wig Split

Feb 22, 2017
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Residents shun Chinese 'vertical forest' housing project because the trees meant to revolutionize urban living have attracted plagues of mosquitos

An experimental green housing project in a Chinese megacity promised prospective residents life in a 'vertical forest', with manicured gardens on every balcony.

All 826 apartments were sold out by April this year, according to the project's estate agent, but instead of a modern eco-paradise, the towers look like the set of a desolate, post-apocalyptic film.

Only a handful of families have moved into Chengdu's Qiyi City Forest Garden because of an infestation of mosquitoes, state media have reported.


Drone photos show an aerial view of Qiyi City Forest Garden residential buildings complex in Chengdu, China


The project in the southwestern city was built in 2018, with every private balcony designed to provide space for plants to grow


A photo from the beginning of August shows residents looking on from a balcony covered with plants in their apartment


All 826 apartments were sold out by April this year, according to the project's estate agent, but instead of a modern eco-paradise, the towers look like the set of a desolate, post-apocalyptic film

The project in the southwestern city was built in 2018, with every private balcony designed to provide space for plants to grow, according to local media reports.

Without any tenants to care for them, the eight towers have been overrun by their own plants - and invaded by mosquitoes.

Plants have almost entirely swallowed up some neglected balconies, with branches hanging over railings all over the towers, footage shot this month showed.


Plants have almost entirely swallowed up some neglected balconies, with branches hanging over railings all over the towers


Some residents appeared to have braved the mosquitoes as a handful of balconies had pruned plants and outdoor furniture, and lights turned on inside the apartments

Paper was seen taped over some of the windows that were still visible behind the overgrown plants.

But some residents appeared to have braved the mosquitoes - a handful of balconies had pruned plants and outdoor furniture, and lights turned on inside the apartments.

Only about 10 families have moved in, according to the state-run Global Times newspaper.


When the project was built in 2018, each balcony was given space to grow its own plants but they are now overrun, with branches hanging down on the balcony below


The plants on the balconies in Chengdu's Qiyi City Forest Garden have overgrown and been invaded by mosquitoes

Residents shun Chinese 'vertical forest' housing project because the trees meant to revolutionize urban living have attracted plagues of mosquitos

An experimental green housing project in a Chinese megacity promised prospective residents life in a 'vertical forest', with manicured gardens on every balcony.

All 826 apartments were sold out by April this year, according to the project's estate agent, but instead of a modern eco-paradise, the towers look like the set of a desolate, post-apocalyptic film.

Only a handful of families have moved into Chengdu's Qiyi City Forest Garden because of an infestation of mosquitoes, state media have reported.

View attachment 670515
Drone photos show an aerial view of Qiyi City Forest Garden residential buildings complex in Chengdu, China

View attachment 670516
The project in the southwestern city was built in 2018, with every private balcony designed to provide space for plants to grow

View attachment 670517
A photo from the beginning of August shows residents looking on from a balcony covered with plants in their apartment

View attachment 670518
All 826 apartments were sold out by April this year, according to the project's estate agent, but instead of a modern eco-paradise, the towers look like the set of a desolate, post-apocalyptic film

The project in the southwestern city was built in 2018, with every private balcony designed to provide space for plants to grow, according to local media reports.

Without any tenants to care for them, the eight towers have been overrun by their own plants - and invaded by mosquitoes.

Plants have almost entirely swallowed up some neglected balconies, with branches hanging over railings all over the towers, footage shot this month showed.

View attachment 670519
Plants have almost entirely swallowed up some neglected balconies, with branches hanging over railings all over the towers

View attachment 670520
Some residents appeared to have braved the mosquitoes as a handful of balconies had pruned plants and outdoor furniture, and lights turned on inside the apartments

Paper was seen taped over some of the windows that were still visible behind the overgrown plants.

But some residents appeared to have braved the mosquitoes - a handful of balconies had pruned plants and outdoor furniture, and lights turned on inside the apartments.

Only about 10 families have moved in, according to the state-run Global Times newspaper.

View attachment 670521
When the project was built in 2018, each balcony was given space to grow its own plants but they are now overrun, with branches hanging down on the balcony below

View attachment 670522
The plants on the balconies in Chengdu's Qiyi City Forest Garden have overgrown and been invaded by mosquitoes

When you take green environment way too far :enjoy:
Gosh, trees are not the main cause of mosquitoes. Clean stagnant water is. We have even more trees around us here in Malaysia. And there are ways of getting rid of mosquitoes. We live with mosquitoes year round. Chengdu ? Only in summer.
Gosh, trees are not the main cause of mosquitoes. Clean stagnant water is. We have even more trees around us here in Malaysia. And there are ways of getting rid of mosquitoes. We live with mosquitoes year round. Chengdu ? Only in summer.

The problem is like most Chinese real estate, people aren't living in it. So the water is stagnant and the plants have overgrown and become a home for insects and mosquitoes and eventually its going to cause cracks in the balconies and structural damage.

Went from looking beautiful to looking awful. These plants need to be tended to at least every few months.
Looks beautiful.

Best to release sterilised male mosquitos. Plenty of ways to get rid of mosquitos and prevent re-infestation. Main cause is stagnant water.

This is better than the situation I face up. My apartment is 300-meter away off a river and its green belt, I can't count how many mosquitoes are killed here every summer.
I'm okay with having some plants in the condo, but this is just going overboard.
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