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Featured So much for "Isolation"

Afghanistan became a playground for superpowers and other nations..

Whats Indians excuse for reelecting a guy who banned large domination notes in 2016? Your nation has gone south since 2014.

Then 2020 short notice lockdown. Still he is popular with average indian including migrants. Walking home during lockdown chanting "modi is right" and "modi knows best".

Is it a rule that always one person has to decide the fate of a society ?
MODI shamelessly ask for overflying to paris . even he was denies earlier and he have 4 hours extra flight to avoiding pakistan . he seems sick of extra hours that is why asked again for over flying and fly over pakistan en-route to pairs

26 octuber MODI was denied by pakistan for overflying
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28oct India has taken up Pakistan's denial of use of its airspace to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's flight with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

29oct once again pakistan refused modi for overflying despite india cry to ICAO . modi went riyadh this time
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12 nov once again pakistan refuse modi to fly over pakistan and go to brazil . modi was forced to refuel this time in GERMANY . :lol:

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hinduvta butcher gang deserves this treatment
pakistan is forcing Indian Air Force (IAF) Boeing 737-7HI BBJ serial number K5012 and K5014 to land for refueling in iran . that is why both indian defense minister and indian foreign minister have landed in iran as pakistan did not allow then to fly over pakistan .both have been handed over fron OPMU to OPOM oman .they have to fly from delhi to gujrat and then gujrat to oman and then over iran and central asia to russia :lol:

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so india got poorer for having to pay higher fuel charges
But wait
Indian intentions were far more ambitious
Vowing to block Pakistani trade
Stop its international sports
End its diplomatic relations and expulsions from names sake world bodies and organisations

Now you watered down your ambition to Kashmir issue? Even that is not that isolated
China is now roughing up Indians through both words and actions

Tell Bollywood to make a movie to keep your sense of supremacy as prophesied in Vedic data archives

That might have happened but then they voted MODI to power who basically fuucked up everything for his local politics.
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