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India: Debt ridden couple tries to sell kidney, end up losing Rs1.7 million in online fraud


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India: Debt ridden couple tries to sell kidney, end up losing Rs1.7 million in online fraud
Broker asked for processing fee and promised to return it once kidney was transplanted

Published: September 15, 2020 13:27Mohammad Siddique, Correspondent


A couple in India seeking to sell a kidney have fallen prey to an online scam, losing money in the process.Image Credit: Supplied

Hyderabad: A debt-ridden couple’s attempts in Andhra Pradesh to sell a kidney to come out of a financial crisis has ended up taking them further into debt.
A husband and wife in Vijaywada were promised Rs20 million (Dh1 million)for a kidney, but were cheated after being asked to pay processing fees, according to Andhra Pradesh police,

Police inspector M Satyanarayana said that the couple, Kameshwar and Bhargavi, started scouting for a prospective buyer of a kidney as they had fallen on hard times after their medical shop incurred huge losses. “The medical shop was set up in partnership with another friend and following some dispute it ran into losses,” Satyanarayana said.
To come out of the distress, Bhargavi decided to sell her kidney and during their search for a buyer, they came across one ‘Sakra World Hospital’ in New Delhi. A person named Chopra Singh started negotiating online with them with an offer of Rs 20 million for one kidney.

As the desperate couple continued to communicate with the broker online, he asked them to pay a processing fee promising that it would be refunded once the kidney was transplanted.
The broker continued to fleece the couple on one pretext or the other and made the couple pay him Rs 1.7 million over 24 transactions into his bank account. The couple borrowed money from various sources and even raised a bank loan to pay him.
Kameswar and Bhargavi decided to approach the police when the fraudster demanded another half a million rupees to conclude the deal. “We realised that it was a fraud and the person was cheating us online,” a distraught Kameswar said.

what kind of debt-ridden dumbfuck ready to sell a kidney to get rid of the existing debt would take more debt to sell their own kidney and give it to a fraudster?
Why don't they just try faking a death to pick up the insurance money and changing identities thereafter? Has to be a better idea than giving up your own kidney lol
Indian online scammers are now targeting other Indians?

Maybe its time for Indian authorities to take this seriously finally. Because these scams bring in millions every month to India and Philippines they largely ignored these awful crimes that usually target elderly and the most vulnerable overseas.

I sympathise with plight of the desperate.

Shocking people have no shame by stealing of poor people. Problem with humanity is that we admire and respect someone driving a flashy car, even if they are involved in crimes like sex trafficking.
This is very sad. People out there are in dire needs thats why they sell body parts. We should refrain from negative comments as clearly they are simple people
Money money money. And many people say that the traditional money system should remain forever.

Readers tell me why should we not install a communist system in the world where the old money system has been abolished and people don't have to suffer unnecessarily ?
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