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  1. Type59

    China’s population up less than half a million in 2021, births plunge again as crisis deepens

    Only around a billion people at beginning of 20th century (I can't be bothered looking stats up). My point is no one was complaining about lack of people, now global is close to 8 billion and some people are worried 🤯
  2. Type59

    The most important Egyptian military deals during 2021

    No point in making versus comparisons. No war is likely, because both nations have more to lose then to gain. Both sides understand that.
  3. Type59

    Indonesia New Capital City in East Kalimantan news and updates

    Another way to make more money by the business and political elites. Indonesian members will disagree, but you will see how Jakarta and surrounding areas will be deprived of investments. People don't realise only the wealthy will be able to move to new capital. Look at Karachi, Burmese capital...
  4. Type59

    US inflation jumped 7% in December as prices rise at rates unseen in decades

    Not good for poorer people of the world. Everyone is being hit by inflation. Bilal and Maryam our are only hope😜
  5. Type59

    Samba Dance Show of Half Naked Women from Brazil in Saudi Arabia!

    Give people an inch they take a mile. The event manager did it for publicity. Next time some other person will go further just to get publicity.
  6. Type59

    Hindus in Chhattisgarh take oath to boycott Muslim businesses, refuse Muslim tenants, and profile all Muslims

    Tried boycotting China, but failed, now going for easy option:disagree:
  7. Type59

    UAE Faces Risk of Inclusion on Global FATF Watchlist Over Dirty Money

    Faft should be followed by every country. Pakistan is atleast trying to comply with every condition, but some countries are openly defying rules. No foreigner (unless Pakistani origin) launders money in Pakistani property market. In contrast US, UK, UAE etc are havens for money laundering from...
  8. Type59

    Faisalabad: German-Pakistani man murdered by brothers over property dispute

    This thread is relevant to many Pakistanis, it's disgusting that brothers will kill each other over money. Most cases like this, there's plenty of money to be shared, but greed consumes them. People saying thread should be shut, seem to have no sympathy for the deceased.
  9. Type59

    Taliban clash with Turkmen border troops

    Taliban has been a decentralised group for past 20 years, hence it's gonna be difficult for new central authority to rein in different commanders.
  10. Type59

    Workmanship on HAL Tejas Still Poor

    Got an American powerplant, which is important for safety. Rough appearance is acceptable.
  11. Type59

    Breaking : India deploys first S-400 air defence system in Punjab sector

    Turkey and China have same missile systems. You be foolish to believe, India's version is completely different to theirs electronically. China will test their stealth fighters against s400 radar, since Pakistan is widely expected to get j-31 ... Not end of the world.
  12. Type59

    Civil war erupts in India!!

    I am team monke.
  13. Type59

    India May Acquire T 14 Armata Ahead of Dec 6 Putin Visit to Counter imbalance in Tank warfare against pakistan

    You can sat that about any ground vehicle. Lets not forget infantry... Vulnerable to everything.
  14. Type59

    Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad - Updates, News and Discussions.

    The ones above rpg 7 are mortars. They have a big probe sticking out of warhead. Never seen mortars like that.
  15. Type59

    United States, the collapse of Biden: if you voted today Trump would beat him

    Trump was unpopular during his presidency. Remember he lost popular vote to Hillary in 2016. Generally hard to meet peoples expectations. Have low expectations with politicians and you will be happier.
  16. Type59

    TLP set to become mainstream political party as govt lifts ban

    Give them enough rope they will hang themselves. I think thats what government is doing. I doubt these riots are getting widespread support from silent majority.
  17. Type59

    Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad - Updates, News and Discussions.

    Mortars. Look like tandem warheads though.
  18. Type59

    Pakistan procures costliest ever LNG cargo from qatar petroleum

    I swear people can't understand article due to political bias. Natural gas prices have skyrocketed globally. Companies rather pay default fees for cancelling shipments then to honour contracts. That pretty much shows current global situation.
  19. Type59

    Reports of Tentative Truce, Amnesty for Militants as Pakistan Negotiates with Outlawed TTP

    TTP cant be trusted. Nevertheless, it seems that new government in Kabul is pushing them to disarm. Which is a positive. Lastly, Afghan Taliban call the shots, if their sincere then TTP will buckle.
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