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TLP set to become mainstream political party as govt lifts ban

Worst scenario: TLP use their newfound recognition to galvanise even more people into their ideology. Millions of young people without jobs or a future due to financial inequality and corruption are perfect raw recruits for their movement.

Best scenario: TLP political leadership messes up big time once mainstream losing support from the masses.

There is no denying that the TLP mindset has a lot of support amongst the lower strata of our society. It's the Pakistani equivalent of the BJP/RSS. If hate filled rhetoric and politics can be so profoundly popular in our neighbor countries then how can we be an exception.

Further much as it disgusts me to say but they have a right to establish a political party even though their rise will probably cause irreversible damage to our country's cohesion, image and economy for the foreseeable future.

I agree. Some of these kids on this forum are needlessly shitting thier pants.

1. We choose to be a democracy. Democracy is the dictatorship of the majority. If this is what the majority want them who are we to object.

2. I remember in 2002 when the wahhabi and deobandi parties formed the MMA. What did they achieve? Control of KPK. They were so bad people voted in ANP 5 years later. Since then they're a non entity.

This is Pakistan. In its history people know what the Mullah truly is. Nobody trusts them. A handful of idiots will vote TLP, they might win a few seats, they'll screw it up and dwindle into non existence. Much like the previous version Sunni Tehreek which has existed since 1990.

How many of you who have diarrhoea about TLP ever worried about Sunni Tehreek? I bet none of you. Why? Because religious parties in Pakistan are non entities - protest votes at best.
Tu sunni hone ke certificate issue karta hain?

Read before jumping in, its him calling a certain sect as sunni only. sunnis are all those who follow sunnah.
Religious party has assured the authorities that it would not resort to violence, says interior ministry
The federal government on Saturday approved the summary to lift a ban on Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), almost a week after the religious party reached an agreement with the authorities to end protests across the country.

The approval comes during a meeting of the federal cabinet after the Ministry of Interior sent it a summary in this connection, saying that the group had assured the authorities that it would not resort to violence during any protest.

The Punjab government on Thursday approved revoking the proscription of the religious outfit and also allowed releasing hundreds of TLP activists as part of the agreement.

The federal government had earlier banned the TLP by declaring it a "militant organisation" for creating unrest in the country through a series of violent clashes with the law enforcement agencies.

Earlier today, an anti-terrorism court (ATC) in Lahore granted post-arrest bail to at least 10 TLP leaders.

During the proceedings, the prosecution did not oppose the bail in light of the agreement that assured the detained TLP leaders would be released.

Last week, the government had successfully reached an agreement with the TLP, putting an end to a 10-day protest. The pact came after around two weeks of clashes that left at least seven policemen dead and scores injured on both sides

The announcement was made at a news conference in Islamabad where Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Mohammad Khan, prominent cleric Mufti Muneebur Rehman as well as TLP members Mufti Ghulam Abbas Faizi and Mufti Mohammad Ameer were present.

Prime Minister Imran Khan had defended the agreement as the only viable option left at the government’s disposal to defuse tensions amicably, saying the move warded off further bloodshed.

PM Imran had said he never subscribed to the idea of using force as a strategy to resolve such matters, adding that the intensity of the standoff between the government and the group demanded a peaceful solution to it.

The TLP leaders who got the bail included Maulana Farooqul Hassan, Ghulam Ghaus Baghdadi, Pir Zaheerul Hassan, Maulana Sharifuddin, Engineer Hafeezhllah Alvi, Muhammad Badar Munir, Qari Ashraf, Muhammad Akbar, Muzaffar Hussain, Muhammad Umair, and Muzamal Hussain.

The petitioner’s counsels told the court that the TLP leaders and workers had been detained on "baseless charges".

zamāna aayā hai be-hijābī kā aam dīdār-e-yār hoga
banegā saarā jahān mai-ḳhāna har koī bāda-ḳhvār hogā...

nopes. something is cooking under the hood. just wait & see. sharifs but zardari in jail for 11 years but became allies. something similar cooking here. rumors in the corridors are that PTI & tlp will be allies in the coming elections, they'll be used to cut down the pmln vote back in punjab & pee pee pee's vote bank in sindh. let's see...
foundations of the state itself will be shaken when you use religious sentiments for short-term political victories
They will be a menace to the country- regardless of whoever rules the country PTI,PPP,PMLN
this comes with greater ramifications than just petty politics
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U r talking as if we dont see what happens in these mazars. How ppl prostate and ask the dead. How they send their daughters to these mazars and how some loot ppl with taweez and other crap. I have so many proofs and atuff but dnt want to poison the thread.
There are no terrorist groups in kpk, a Pakistani saying this is shameful. Tableeghis are not terrorists and are the least controversial group in Pakistan. I have never seen them support sectarianism or terrorism. Infact tableeghis are the most peaceful and humble ppl. Unlike the dancing and abusive monkeys. Ppl like u are thekedars of sunni? Who are u to call them sunnis onky? Biddatis can never be sunnis, only those are sunnis that follow sunnah of the Prophet SAW. So yes kpk ppl are majority sunnis but they dont do biddats and shirk.

Lol your the one going on every thread making sectarian comments about sunnis but then telling others not to do it. No need for double standards. All I am saying is if Tlp and others are bad people then Tablighi, AH, JD, SSP, LJ, ASWJ, TTP and the rest are the same.

Yes wrong things happen at certain mazars, arrest them, jail the fake pirs, but please hang the 20,000 terrorists who the courts let go, hang their sponsors, no need to be deflective. If no terrorists then bring the army back, its this type of mentality which made us suffer, we need to find the real terrorists, find their sponsors, their political supporters and take action, otherwise it will be back to square one.

Shirk in Masjid Nabawi, Some dream of destroying the Prophet peace be upon him Masjid and grave Astaghfirullah
I agree. Some of these kids on this forum are needlessly shitting thier pants.

1. We choose to be a democracy. Democracy is the dictatorship of the majority. If this is what the majority want them who are we to object.

2. I remember in 2002 when the wahhabi and deobandi parties formed the MMA. What did they achieve? Control of KPK. They were so bad people voted in ANP 5 years later. Since then they're a non entity.

This is Pakistan. In its history people know what the Mullah truly is. Nobody trusts them. A handful of idiots will vote TLP, they might win a few seats, they'll screw it up and dwindle into non existence. Much like the previous version Sunni Tehreek which has existed since 1990.

How many of you who have diarrhoea about TLP ever worried about Sunni Tehreek? I bet none of you. Why? Because religious parties in Pakistan are non entities - protest votes at best.

The MMA was a very powerful alliance, its during their time that terrorist groups became very powerful, they would not take action against terrorism because they have the same ideology as the terrorist. The Pakistani awaam/army had to suffer afterwards.

I also think Tlp will be forgotten like the Sunni Tehreek, the problem is PTI on purpose trying to make it out like Tlp is terrorist but the public know they're not. This way more support for Tlp. How did Tlp become so big, its because the local Masjid molvis and people support it, otherwise Tlp is small group, what i mean is people with different ideology support Tlp only because they are correct on the Blashphemy laws. If Tlp is blacklisted from social media then why Blashphemy contents are not removed. The government is responsible for it. Pakistan is a Islamic state, we will not accept Blashphemy of our Prophet peace be upon him.
Tu sunni hone ke certificate issue karta hain?

He thinks only the wahabi are sunnis, even though if you read the Islamic history of the Indian subcontinent or elsewhere, be it China, Indonesia, no wahabis were present until the British used them against the Ottomans. Now he is labelling everyone else as non sunnis.
Read before jumping in, its him calling a certain sect as sunni only. sunnis are all those who follow sunnah.

You labelled the Majority sunni population as non sunnis, talk about yourself first. Stop your sectarian propaganda. I already condemned Tlp or any other sunni organisation for violence but protesting doesn't equal to terrorism. The real terrorist are walking with IK. If Tlp killed the police then arrest and hang them, but government also shouldn't be shelling protesters because Pakistan law gives them right. IK and PTI were the role model for these people.
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Good news. Clear all the foreign elements from this party. (Whatsapp group caught by ISI). But this dharna culture needs to be stopped.
If this means PPP and PML N will not be in parliament, shukar hai!
Give them enough rope they will hang themselves. I think thats what government is doing. I doubt these riots are getting widespread support from silent majority.
Lol your the one going on every thread making sectarian comments about sunnis but then telling others not to do it. No need for double standards. All I am saying is if Tlp and others are bad people then Tablighi, AH, JD, SSP, LJ, ASWJ, TTP and the rest are the same.

Yes wrong things happen at certain mazars, arrest them, jail the fake pirs, but please hang the 20,000 terrorists who the courts let go, hang their sponsors, no need to be deflective. If no terrorists then bring the army back, its this type of mentality which made us suffer, we need to find the real terrorists, find their sponsors, their political supporters and take action, otherwise it will be back to square one.

Shirk in Masjid Nabawi, Some dream of destroying the Prophet peace be upon him Masjid and grave Astaghfirullah
Seriously u must be a huge moron to put tableeghi jamaat and TTP and other terrorists in one place. Are tableeghis banned organization like TTP? Are they violent like TLP monkeys? You claim to be the majority and then demand the courts do this and that, why dnt ur majority do it? Who doeant want the terrorists hanged? Yes find financers, who funds such huge dharnas, who pays for all?? who decides timing? Its evident TTP and TLP have same financers. Only idiots wont see that.
I dont care what arabs do, do u want me to show what ugly stuff u ppl say? Ur merely defending them for sectarian affilliations but we dont, we clearly called out terrorists and fought them but we wont let sectarian hypocrites like u paint all with the same brush.
PTI/TLP. AND NEWCOMER, TTP. ALL join hands for democrazy in pakistan, hahahahah, what a joke

PTI and TLP are not corrupt like PPP and PML (N).

PTI and TLP are nationalist parties while PPP and PML (N) are lackeys of Hindu India.
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