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TLP set to become mainstream political party as govt lifts ban

Seriously u must be a huge moron to put tableeghi jamaat and TTP and other terrorists in one place. Are tableeghis banned organization like TTP? Are they violent like TLP monkeys? You claim to be the majority and then demand the courts do this and that, why dnt ur majority do it? Who doeant want the terrorists hanged? Yes find financers, who funds such huge dharnas, who pays for all?? who decides timing? Its evident TTP and TLP have same financers. Only idiots wont see that.
I dont care what arabs do, do u want me to show what ugly stuff u ppl say? Ur merely defending them for sectarian affilliations but we dont, we clearly called out terrorists and fought them but we wont let sectarian hypocrites like u paint all with the same brush.

Lol at first you started sectarian attacks and now your making personal attacks. This is the mindset I am talking about, a mindset which believes they are chosen people of Allah almighty to fight shirk and bidah. Majority Pakistanis believe in rule of law and we want the police, courts to prosecute the terrorists and their sponsors but nothing has been done.

Brother I have more information on wahabism than you can imagine so please don't rock that boat. Let's go back to the topic which is about Tlp becoming mainstream party like the Jamat Islami, Jamat ulema e Islam etc. You can attacks TLP all day along but your hating on them because of the sect they belong too. This is why I bought out your favourite sects. Read your own comments.
Lol at first you started sectarian attacks and now your making personal attacks. This is the mindset I am talking about, a mindset which believes they are chosen people of Allah almighty to fight shirk and bidah. Majority Pakistanis believe in rule of law and we want the police, courts to prosecute the terrorists and their sponsors but nothing has been done.

Brother I have more information on wahabism than you can imagine so please don't rock that boat. Let's go back to the topic which is about Tlp becoming mainstream party like the Jamat Islami, Jamat ulema e Islam etc. You can attacks TLP all day along but your hating on them because of the sect they belong too. This is why I bought out your favourite sects. Read your own comments.

I started sectarian attacks by saying KPK have terrorist groups and added tableeghis to it as well?? U should be ashamed that u quickly would term KPK full of terrorists just to defend ur sect. Ppl like u start speaking language of indians. U damage ur country by saying all terrorist groups operate in KPK and add tableeghis. Ur defending TLP terrorists just because of sect. Did u find anyone of KPK or me defend TTP because of sect????? Do u have brains to comprehend or not? It's also you posting videos of saudis and wahabis and trying to make a dumb point, to which i told u i can bring such stuff too, but i didnt because im not sectarian.
Goodbye Pakistan

indeed, it will be good bye to Pakistan.
TLP will take Pakistan back to stoneAge.
Lol at first you started sectarian attacks and now your making personal attacks. This is the mindset I am talking about, a mindset which believes they are chosen people of Allah almighty to fight shirk and bidah. Majority Pakistanis believe in rule of law and we want the police, courts to prosecute the terrorists and their sponsors but nothing has been done.

Brother I have more information on wahabism than you can imagine so please don't rock that boat. Let's go back to the topic which is about Tlp becoming mainstream party like the Jamat Islami, Jamat ulema e Islam etc. You can attacks TLP all day along but your hating on them because of the sect they belong too. This is why I bought out your favourite sects. Read your own comments.

Tablighi Jamat doesn’t represent or support any sect. Tablighi Jamat has people from all madhabs (Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki and Hambali) and sects Deobandi, Wahabi, Salafi, ahleHadith, Sufi, Baralvis. For example, south India (Tamil Nado and Kerala) and SriLanka, both follow Shafi mazhab.

There is no reason to argue with RazaKhanis. They lack basic understanding of Islam and they are brainwashed by their Ulemas. They don’t study history of Islam and Muslims and all their claims and practices of Shirk and Biddats are ibased on Qissa Kahanis and incorrect understanding of Quran & Hadith. I partly blamed Deobandi for not defending the ibarat of their Ulemas and not presenting proofs (articles and books written by British) that RazaKhan was British supporter.
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He thinks only the wahabi are sunnis, even though if you read the Islamic history of the Indian subcontinent or elsewhere, be it China, Indonesia, no wahabis were present until the British used them against the Ottomans. Now he is labelling everyone else as non sunnis.

Wahabi is still OK, as long as we are not fanatic on any sect and keep being tolerant to other Islamic sect

Many Indonesian is also Wahabi as our second biggest Islamic organization is Wahhabi, but they are not a follower and blend Wahabi with Islam modernist and no linked to Saudi since the organization is made before Saudi was even born as a country.

Muhammadiyah (Arabic: محمدية‎, followers of Muhammad); also known as the Muhammadiyah Society (Indonesian: Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah) is a major Islamic non-governmental organization in Indonesia.[2] The organization was founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan in the city of Yogyakarta as a reformist socioreligious movement, advocating ijtihad - individual interpretation of Qur'an and Sunnah, as opposed to Taqlid - conformity to the traditional interpretations propounded by the ulama.[3] It played an important role in the expansion of Salafism in Indonesia.[4] Since its establishment, Muhammadiyah has adopted a reformist platform mixing religious and secular education,[5] primarily as a way to promote the upward mobility of Muslims toward a 'modern' community and to purify Indonesian Islam of local syncretic practices.[5] It continues to support local culture and promote religious tolerance in Indonesia, while a few of its higher education institutions are attended mostly by non-Muslims, especially in East Nusa Tenggara and Papua provinces. The group also runs a large chain of charity hospitals,[2] and operated 128 universities as of the late 1990s.[6]

In 2008, Muhammadiyah was considered the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia with 29 million members.[3] Although Muhammadiyah leaders and members are often actively involved in shaping the politics in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah is not a political party. It has devoted itself to social and educational activities.

Recent Wahhabi that has direct link into Saudi I admit is a bit fanatic and favors Saudi so much.


Many terrorist is Wahhabi, but IMO it is not the fault of Wahabi, but because all of them comes from Authoritarian region (AQ from Saudi, and ISIS from Syria)
آج پاکستان کے دیسی انگریزوں کے گھروں میں صف ماتم بچھ گئی ہے ۔ ساری موم بتی مافیا آج اس فورم پر رونے پیٹنے لگی ہوئی ہے ۔
دل خوش ہوا۔
Haqiqat ha bhai :enjoy:
PTI and TLP are not corrupt like PPP and PML (N).

PTI and TLP are nationalist parties while PPP and PML (N) are lackeys of Hindu India.

also there is no - corruption scandel of TTP- WHY NOT pti have a honeymoon with them also,
Wahabi is still OK, as long as we are not fanatic on any sect and keep being tolerant to other Islamic sect

Many Indonesian is also Wahabi as our second biggest Islamic organization is Wahhabi, but they are not a follower and blend Wahabi with Islam modernist and no linked to Saudi since the organization is made before Saudi was even born as a country.

Muhammadiyah (Arabic: محمدية‎, followers of Muhammad); also known as the Muhammadiyah Society (Indonesian: Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah) is a major Islamic non-governmental organization in Indonesia.[2] The organization was founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan in the city of Yogyakarta as a reformist socioreligious movement, advocating ijtihad - individual interpretation of Qur'an and Sunnah, as opposed to Taqlid - conformity to the traditional interpretations propounded by the ulama.[3] It played an important role in the expansion of Salafism in Indonesia.[4] Since its establishment, Muhammadiyah has adopted a reformist platform mixing religious and secular education,[5] primarily as a way to promote the upward mobility of Muslims toward a 'modern' community and to purify Indonesian Islam of local syncretic practices.[5] It continues to support local culture and promote religious tolerance in Indonesia, while a few of its higher education institutions are attended mostly by non-Muslims, especially in East Nusa Tenggara and Papua provinces. The group also runs a large chain of charity hospitals,[2] and operated 128 universities as of the late 1990s.[6]

In 2008, Muhammadiyah was considered the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia with 29 million members.[3] Although Muhammadiyah leaders and members are often actively involved in shaping the politics in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah is not a political party. It has devoted itself to social and educational activities.

Recent Wahhabi that has direct link into Saudi I admit is a bit fanatic and favors Saudi so much.


Many terrorist is Wahhabi, but IMO it is not the fault of Wahabi, but because all of them comes from Authoritarian region (AQ from Saudi, and ISIS from Syria)

ISIS was created by the enemy of Islam and many countries Islamic groups are getting funding from foreign agencies. for example, In Somalia, west has created different groups, Islamic groups and secular groups get funding from foreign agencies. It’s the only way to destroy the country from within. These foreign agencies provide support and arms to multiple different groups through direct support or support via NGOs.
I started sectarian attacks by saying KPK have terrorist groups and added tableeghis to it as well?? U should be ashamed that u quickly would term KPK full of terrorists just to defend ur sect. Ppl like u start speaking language of indians. U damage ur country by saying all terrorist groups operate in KPK and add tableeghis. Ur defending TLP terrorists just because of sect. Did u find anyone of KPK or me defend TTP because of sect????? Do u have brains to comprehend or not? It's also you posting videos of saudis and wahabis and trying to make a dumb point, to which i told u i can bring such stuff too, but i didnt because im not sectarian.

Says the guy who uses PDF to start sectarian hatred debates. Read your comments and then speak. The terrorist wherever they are will be exposed, their supporters, funders will be exposed InshaAllah. I understand its very painful.
Welcome to Mullah Republic of Pakistan. We are our own worst enemy. Government and establishment again acted like spineless cowards. We truly are a ticking time bomb, more afraid of people than Allah.

interim Afghan government helped with the negotiation, what the cluster f is going on.
Welcome to Mullah Republic of Pakistan. We are our own worst enemy. Government and establishment again acted like spineless cowards. We truly are a ticking time bomb, more afraid of people than Allah.

interim Afghan government helped with the negotiation, what the cluster f is going on.
also there is no - corruption scandel of TTP- WHY NOT pti have a honeymoon with them also,

Yes. PTI, TLP and TTP should form an alliance.

Consolidation of Pashtun votes would mean that PTI will no longer need to rely on corrupt parties like PPP and PML(N) .

PPP and PML(N) are lackeys of Hindu Indians and they need to be kept at bay.

Yes. PTI, TLP and TTP should form an alliance.

Consolidation of Pashtun votes would mean that PTI will no longer need to rely on corrupt parties like PPP and PML(N) .

PPP and PML(N) are lackeys of Hindu Indians and they need to be kept at bay.

disgusting............ TTP/TLP GOONS WILL BE TRAINED AGAIN, TO FIGHT, THE INVISIBLE isis,, in afghanistan............ along with IEA....
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