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TLP set to become mainstream political party as govt lifts ban

that is the logic... India should be you closest entity...

There are exceptions to the rule... Especially if your enemy is a Nazi.... A Jew couldn't keep a Nazi as a close "friend"...
There are exceptions to the rule... Especially if your enemy is a Nazi.... A Jew couldn't keep a Nazi as a close "friend"...
You compared India to Nazi... How many millions of minorities are killed in systamatic way.. how many concentration camps are there in India... How many millions are in concentration camps...

If you don't have answer, then you are brainwashed and being used...

On any day... Number of muslims died unnaturally in India would be less than 1/20th of Muslims died unnaturally in Pakistan... Pakistan is only place in world where Muslim willl kill another Muslim in name of Islam.

Ps... Genuine doubt.. what is the meaning of Niazi, which is used with Imran Khan saab..
Why the f*** are you in this thread man? Consistently posting random stuff that adds no real value to this Pak-centric thread
Derailing into crappy indic stuff-
@Clutch you can discuss India all day long somewhere else in the forum please even whatever section, I don't want Pajeet energy here, not literally every thread/space should be turned into this crapfest
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Absolutely, but it also negates the very concept of what Pakistan was meant to be. So, in essence what I said about Jinnah’s Pakistan being dead isn’t wrong and whatever Pakistan is to be defined is up to the people regardless of their intelligence or consequences of their decisions.

Frankly, I have little stake in it anymore and neither do you other than essentially failing to recognize it as the same place we were born in.
That doesn’t mean I am forced to support it regardless or work to assist all its people if they have chosen to go down this path. My focus is to help those that want to leave Pakistan (engineers, doctors, IT professionals etc) and all those who do not resonate with this new Pakistani direction and help them preserve their way of life and ideals in a country that accepts them the way they are.

Let us not conflate two separate domains: one is personal, for an individual to make choices that determine their lives, and one is collective, for a society to determine its governance. What Pakistan was meant to be is a matter of debate, but what it has become is clearly evident, whether one agrees with it or not. Regardless, the right of the majority to enforce their ideals by due process must be supported.
You compared India to Nazi... How many millions of minorities are killed in systamatic way.. how many concentration camps are there in India... How many millions are in concentration camps...

If you don't have answer, then you are brainwashed and being used...

On any day... Number of muslims died unnaturally in India would be less than 1/20th of Muslims died unnaturally in Pakistan... Pakistan is only place in world where Muslim willl kill another Muslim in name of Islam.

Ps... Genuine doubt.. what is the meaning of Niazi, which is used with Imran Khan saab..
It took almost a decade for the German Nazi to get to the Final Solution of concentration camps and extermination. It started with discrimination then oppression then physical attacks against the Jewish people.

Likewise in India the discrimination is well established and the oppression has been happening for a while and now the physical attacks through lynching and rapes has started. Next is mass extermination of Indian Muslims.

It took almost a decade for the German Nazi to get to the Final Solution of concentration camps and extermination. It started with discrimination then oppression then physical attacks against the Jewish people.

Likewise in India the discrimination is well established and the oppression has been happening for a while and now the physical attacks through lynching and rapes has started. Next is mass extermination of Indian Muslims.

Unfortunately lynching happened in India... But what is the scale... It would be far less than killings in Pak in the name of religion.
Only in your wet dreams..
TLP is no doubt dangerous but trust me those who actually run this country and have all the power whether it's military, industrial , economical etc will never allow TLP to be in any kind of ruling position. Not just that the majority of moderate Muslims in this country will never vote for such a right wing religious party.
Such a party never ruled pakistan in the past and never will. That's the hypocrisy of pakistan as a state actually. We call it Islamic republic,made it's constitution on Islam but the parties we elect and vote for are hardly Islamic.
Pakistan in a way is creating self created mess

a) Jamaat Ul Islami (Normally get may be 1-4 seats in election but they cause chaos on streets)
b) Jamaat Ulema Islami (Normally get may be 1-2 seat out of 300 seats in election but chaotic)
c) TLP (Again a entity no one has heard of blocking roads and causing havoc)
d) TTP (Known Terrorist outfit in past but peace is being brokered to end their activities)

The main problem for all these groups is they are not really doing anything "Constructive" in society or helping Pakistan during a difficult pandemic year with rising prices.

All these Parties on average will just get 2-6 Seats in General Election out of 300-400 seats or what ever that total is

Should such entities be allowed to cause so much chaos on the streets

TLP and TTP should be banned if these entities go against the state of Pakistan

If tomorrow Pakistan bans all these outfit tomorrow there will be no impact on Pakistan's Democratic System
There will be Political parties that have educated Islamic Leaders still in place which are more constructive to Pakistan's growth
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Wake up dudes.

TLP has same agenda since decades. Don't waste your priceless time on debating.
That's the hypocrisy of pakistan as a state actually. We call it Islamic republic,made it's constitution on Islam but the parties we elect and vote for are hardly Islamic.

Its good for Pakistan. What has Afghanistan achieved in last govt of Talib?
If Talib again introduced Shariah, all world will kick them badly, Afghanistan will go 20 year back.
Secularism is best solution, Jinnah was too Secular, Mirzaye and Dalit were also in politics in his era, later country got Hijacked.
Protesting on a Man's grave is No No :coffee: (if the picture above is real about protest near grave)
Pakistan should keep TLP and TTP in ban list

I do not understand soft spot for TTP who attacked children's school in past

  • While Forgiveness is good virtue but the crime committed in past also needs to kept in perspective , I am unsold on this area

What should have happened
a) TLP leaders should have been captured transported to Prison while tribunal determined the extent of crime
  • Assets frozen till further notice
  • State should determine their Agenda ? ! What exactly they are claiming to be and share the summary with Nation

b) TTP is Terrorist out fit only avenue should be complete revocation of this entity and past members identify themselves so they can kept track of (The party or entity needs to be disbanded and made none functional)
  • The members who renounced violence their financial asset should be tracked and monitor for next 10 years
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Its good for Pakistan. What has Afghanistan achieved in last govt of Talib?
If Talib again introduced Shariah, all world will kick them badly, Afghanistan will go 20 year back.
Secularism is best solution, Jinnah was too Secular, Mirzaye and Dalit were also in politics in his era, later country got Hijacked.
Yes it's good no doubt. Was just telling that to make a point that TLP pose a threat to us but the chances of it coming to power are very remote. Primary reason is the interests and priorities of ones who actually run this country are simply not aligned with TLP.
So is IG Punjab going to be kidnapped tonight?

Jahils are standing infront of a grave, shouting and violating a decorum of a shrine . Not just that they don't know the man they are admiring used harsh words for their types in his poetry.
images (35).jpeg
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Yes it's good no doubt. Was just telling that to make a point that TLP pose a threat to us but the chances of it coming to power are very remote. Primary reason is the interests and priorities of ones who actually run this country are simply not aligned with TLP.

Jahils are standing infront of a grave, shouting and violating a decorum of a shrine . Not just that they don't know the man they are admiring used harsh words for their types in his poetry.
View attachment 791869

Brilliant post @SecularNationalist Sums it up, specially the Quote from IQBAL sums it up brilliantly



"If it distances you from Allah , then Education is a Curse (Corruptive)
Your Property or your Children , all are a Curse (Corruptive)
Protecting the Un Deserving Corrupt, your sword, becomes a Curse (Corruptive)

Forget about your sword, even saying "Allah Akbar" becomes a curse (Corruptive) (If context is wrong)"

Responsibility lies on Government to explain in clear meaningful reporting , who are these TLP and why all of sudden their agenda has become important, out of Blue, if they are a political party why did they not contest in Election and bring their agenda to Parliament
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