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  1. Möbius Curve

    Canadian artillery wake up (video)

    That is a scene from the movie Vertical Limits (2000) Those were simple times, when we relied on VCR's. Then came CD's and then DVD's and then the Hell unleashed itself!:tsk:
  2. Möbius Curve

    Need of Long Range Surveillance Units

    HUMINT is NOT a child's play. It carries with itself serious implications. You must carry with yourself perhaps a bottle of Cyanide Or wire yourself with explosives but whatever, might be learn Rule No. 01: NEVER GET CAUGHT! But HUMINT Operatives are highly trained peoples, trained to walk on...
  3. Möbius Curve

    Vote: KhalaiMakhlooq should exit PDF

    Khalai Makhlooq will stay active on the diverse forums and across continents. They are NOT things disposable. They know how to create many faces and many circles out of a circle!
  4. Möbius Curve

    cheap way to establish shelter home in Pakistan unlike what ik govt is doing

    So It looks like I have Invoked PTI Supporters. Delusional Crap? I DO NOT support Nora Party or PPP or Red Shirts! I live among peoples, ordinary peoples and I am sensitive to changes, and my observation is that Economic Conditions in Pakistan are deteriorating continuously. Poor is becoming...
  5. Möbius Curve

    cheap way to establish shelter home in Pakistan unlike what ik govt is doing

    IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer. Just wait...
  6. Möbius Curve

    Israel’s fingerprints are all over India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan: Robert Fisk

    Of course! Use whatever protection available at your end.
  7. Möbius Curve

    Israel’s fingerprints are all over India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan: Robert Fisk

    https://www.mossad.gov.il/eng/careers/Pages/application.aspx Here it began 8 Years ago! Warning: Before you visit this site, wear a mask so that you remain unidentified!
  8. Möbius Curve

    Fighting in Rakhine State Claims Myanmar Officer, as Many as 20 Soldiers

    nice job! Send more Burmese soldiers to Hell!
  9. Möbius Curve

    How well you know about yourself?

    Your result: 100% You know yourself as well as anyone could ever claim to know themselves. You also know, then, that knowing yourself is an on-going process. You are always changing! ================================================================== I like it. Life is an adventure and Death too...
  10. Möbius Curve

    TRT report on torture of women in Assad's prisons

    You CAN lure someone else, but NOT ME!Why? 1. Because the Syrian War was the cause of rift between ME and MOSSAD. MOSSAD planned to send me to Syria to Chop Assad's soldiers and to join the ISIS/Daesh working there, so in essence betraying Your Own Sunni Brothers & Sisters and using them for...
  11. Möbius Curve

    TRT report on torture of women in Assad's prisons

    TRT should also report about: 1. How Turkey allowed Thousands of Jihadis to pour into neighboring Syria? 2. How Turkish supported Terrorists defected to and fro from ISIS/Daesh? 3. How the Son of Erdogan carried out Illegal Multi-billion Dollars of Trade on looted Syrian Oil? 4. And how STILL...
  12. Möbius Curve

    Why are there so many farmer suicides in India?

    Because Indian Government sucks blood of farmers: farmers who are already poor & marginalized. In Urdu we say "Qahar e Darwesh Barjan e Darwesh", so, poor peoples unable to do anything, end their own life in the end!
  13. Möbius Curve

    Libya on brink of Tripoli showdown

    Victory to Khalifa Haftar! Insaha Allah!
  14. Möbius Curve

    The Russian Military Orders 150,000 AK-12 and AK-15

    AK 47, the rifle which has served conflicts around the globe. Look at the photos below and observe that even these African Indigenous Tribes have realized the importance of AK 47! 1 by Möbius Curve posted Apr 11, 2019 at 2:11 PM None other than a functional AK 47! 2 by Möbius Curve posted Apr...
  15. Möbius Curve

    PTM being discussed on Indian Media as its pawn is about to be launched.

    Always DECIDE First, "Whom to Save and Whom to Drown" and then ACT firmly! You Saved them without deciding, and this is YOUR fatal mistake! Now reap all troubles!
  16. Möbius Curve

    In Israel, Comedy Is No Laughing Matter

    b82 by Möbius Curve posted Apr 5, 2019 at 10:59 AM Jewish Bottle dance is my favorite!
  17. Möbius Curve

    Suggestions for Indian Military!

    The purpose of this post is to provide suggestions to Indian Military on how it can counter Pakistan, and what should it do, and to highlight issues/problems with the Indian Military. Other than that, I have seen a lot of amateurish discussions and I do not want to get engaged in that useless...
  18. Möbius Curve

    China holds burial ceremony for soldier remains returned from ROK

    Korean War 1950-53! Your sacrifices shall never be forgotten! Death to American Imperialism and her running Dogs!:guns:
  19. Möbius Curve

    The Body Pullers of Syria.

    04-03-2019 The clouds have unzipped their burden onto the earth, but now the rain has stopped and the roads are soggy. The irrigation channels in the pastures overflow with muck. Bayonets of bright green grass peep through the bloated soil. In the distance, the tailpipe of a tractor puffs a...
  20. Möbius Curve

    The picture says it all

    Well Said Bro! Keep it up @Zarvan Our Army actually stopped and wreaked the great game which was being played in FATA & Waziristan area! It was they: Pakistani Military, which saved Pakistan from being infected with cancerous tumor, which was spreading far & wide in Pakistan!
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