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TRT report on torture of women in Assad's prisons

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Feb 27, 2016
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United Kingdom
“We were raped first and then beaten until we fainted, at every interrogation” – Hajra, 28, detained in 2011.

“No matter how hard we resisted and tried to protect ourselves, they never stopped torturing, beating, insulting and, worst of all, raping us”- Bushra, 32, from Aleppo, detained in 2012.

“The prison guard would come to us sometimes and ask us ‘who is ready? Today I feel like it [sex]’, those of us who were unmarried or virgins would hide behind the married women because we would be terrified of being picked out.”- Saya, 32, from Aleppo, detained in 2014.

Very disturbing report by @khalil Dewan of @TRT into the barbaric imprisonment, incessant rape and torture of women in Asad’s dungeons in Syria.

report download link - https://researchcentre.trtworld.com...osZaONr2hFA5lMUuOfH4Qoc#.XK4iUwBGjbw.facebook
I would hope that reports like this would wake up the Iranian fanboys amongst us who think so well of them. If they could help Assad do that to (sunni) women in Syria, I'm sure they'd have no problem helping out India against Pakistan if it suited them. You may not like my words but deep down you know it's true.

There has been some hope recently where some people have woken to Iran's true nature but that was only because Iran went out of it's way to make anti-Pakistan statements in public.
now according to a chrisitian syrian friend of mine who is living in syria atm and studying medicine... tells me that among all the chaos... assad is actually the good guy. the rape and killiings is being commited by rebels who're against the govt. and isis...

war is just a terrible thing... makes everyone a monster
I would hope that reports like this would wake up the Iranian fanboys amongst us who think so well of them. If they could help Assad do that to (sunni) women in Syria, I'm sure they'd have no problem helping out India against Pakistan if it suited them. You may not like my words but deep down you know it's true.

There has been some hope recently where some people have woken to Iran's true nature but that was only because Iran went out of it's way to make anti-Pakistan statements in public.
do not believe these lies.
now according to a chrisitian syrian friend of mine who is living in syria atm and studying medicine... tells me that among all the chaos... assad is actually the good guy. the rape and killiings is being commited by rebels who're against the govt. and isis...

war is just a terrible thing... makes everyone a monster

He's just backing his dog. Minority religions would prefer to team up with the ruling alawite minority than to be under sunni Muslim rule.

TRT is propaganda TV.

Weak attempt to cover for Assad's crimes. There are many more news organisation who have reported on how rape is used by Assad as a weapon, feel free to google and read them instead if you are unhappy with TRT.
He's just backing his dog. Minority religions would prefer to team up with the ruling alawite minority than to be under sunni Muslim rule.
That was Al-Qaeda who promised to enslave all of minority Syrian women and kill all of the men like how their ISIS brothers did.
Something that you are saying already happened by Wahhabi extremists.

Weak attempt to cover for Assad's crimes. There are many more news organisation who have reported on how rape is used by Assad as a weapon, feel free to google and read them instead if you are unhappy with TRT.
poor Saudi propaganda.
I stay with facts and proved crimes by Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria
That was Al-Qaeda who promised to enslave all of minority Syrian women and kill all of the men like how their ISIS brothers did.
Something that you are saying already happened by Wahhabi extremists.

We are not dumb people on this forum. I'm afraid this "but it was ISIS & Al-Qaeda!!!!" weak defence won't work.

I guess it was ISIS and Al-Qaeda who opened for Chahabar port for the indians too... Or maybe the "wahabis" forced Iran to make all those anti-Pakistan statement? Lol.
We are not dumb people on this forum. I'm afraid this "but it was ISIS & Al-Qaeda!!!!" weak defence won't work.

I guess it was ISIS and Al-Qaeda who opened for Chahabar port for the indians too... Or maybe the "wahabis" forced Iran to make all those anti-Pakistan statement? Lol.
I bring document but you still are saying nonsense about great and honest Syrian government.
Chabahar what has to do with Syria or bla and bla
Second we will build Chabahar port and nobody can do any shit against it.
eh, seriously condused? assad is muslim, what purpose that serves my friend who's a christian?

Assad belongs to a group of people known as alawites, they number some 10% of the population. It's a bit of a weird one, where the group is very secretive about it's true beliefs and just tends to blend in with whatever they think is in the best interests of their group. For example, when the crusaders were in Syria, alawites managed to persuade them into thinking that they too were a sect of christianity. In todays world, they currently go about as a being a subsect of twelver shiaism.

The Christians think that life will be better for them if a fellow minority group rules instead of sunni Muslims (who form the majority of the syrian population).
“We were raped first and then beaten until we fainted, at every interrogation” – Hajra, 28, detained in 2011.

“No matter how hard we resisted and tried to protect ourselves, they never stopped torturing, beating, insulting and, worst of all, raping us”- Bushra, 32, from Aleppo, detained in 2012.

“The prison guard would come to us sometimes and ask us ‘who is ready? Today I feel like it [sex]’, those of us who were unmarried or virgins would hide behind the married women because we would be terrified of being picked out.”- Saya, 32, from Aleppo, detained in 2014.

Very disturbing report by @khalil Dewan of @TRT into the barbaric imprisonment, incessant rape and torture of women in Asad’s dungeons in Syria.

report download link - https://researchcentre.trtworld.com...osZaONr2hFA5lMUuOfH4Qoc#.XK4iUwBGjbw.facebook

TRT should also report about:
1. How Turkey allowed Thousands of Jihadis to pour into neighboring Syria?
2. How Turkish supported Terrorists defected to and fro from ISIS/Daesh?
3. How the Son of Erdogan carried out Illegal Multi-billion Dollars of Trade on looted Syrian Oil?
4. And how STILL Turkey Supports HTS (Hayat e Tahrir as Sham), and Other groups in the Turkish Occupied Idlib area of Syria?

Here for your Information:
View media item 17955Flag of Turkey along with Flag of Terrorist Organization: FSA (Free Syrian Army)
View media item 17956Too many rats in one Photo: But Turkish supported Zinki Child Beheader Group is absent in this photo.
Open up your eyes please.
View media item 17957Grand Alliance between FSA and ISIS/Daesh.

Whether you like it or not, but Turkey's hands aren't clean in destabilization of Syria either!
Did Turkey collaborated with Israeli MOSSAD in case of Syria? This question is worth consideration. But Turkish Intelligence does recruited a lot of Pakistanis for War in Syria, however, "Arbab e Ikhtiar" care little!
I see you've gone on a rant about Turkey and ignored the report of Syrian women being raped by Assad's regime.

So tell me, are you one of the supporters of the syrian regime and do you support them raping (sunni) women?

TRT should also report about:
1. How Turkey allowed Thousands of Jihadis to pour into neighboring Syria?
2. How Turkish supported Terrorists defected to and fro from ISIS/Daesh?
3. How the Son of Erdogan carried out Illegal Multi-billion Dollars of Trade on looted Syrian Oil?
4. And how STILL Turkey Supports HTS (Hayat e Tahrir as Sham), and Other groups in the Turkish Occupied Idlib area of Syria?

Here for your Information:
View media item 17955Flag of Turkey along with Flag of Terrorist Organization: FSA (Free Syrian Army)
View media item 17956Too many rats in one Photo: But Turkish supported Zinki Child Beheader Group is absent in this photo.
Open up your eyes please.
View media item 17957Grand Alliance between FSA and ISIS/Daesh.

Whether you like it or not, but Turkey's hands aren't clean in destabilization of Syria either!
Did Turkey collaborated with Israeli MOSSAD in case of Syria? This question is worth consideration. But Turkish Intelligence does recruited a lot of Pakistanis for War in Syria, however, "Arbab e Ikhtiar" care little!
I bring document but you still are saying nonsense about great and honest Syrian government.
Chabahar what has to do with Syria or bla and bla
Second we will build Chabahar port and nobody can do any shit against it.

Let's see those documents you are claiming exist. Let's see you prove the 'great and honest' Syrian government.

Every independent organization has reported mass torture, war crimes and mass killings in Assad's prisons. There are not only independent third party reports, thousands of photos, videos, eye-witness reports and every sort of evidence showing the Assad Regime's war crimes. Even satellite imagery has captured the scale of the mass killings carried out in his prisons.

Syria is ruled by a clan that calls itself alawi but in reality is a non-muslim cult not dissimilar to the qadianis of Pakistan. A cult that will go to any extreme to keep syria under their rule. When reports and photos first emerged of their activities in syria, the sheer barbarity of these subhumans was difficult to believe for most in the muslim world. Everybody suspected the reports were propaganda, because it was unbelievable that Muslims could do such inhuman acts. But once we look at the origins of this cult, their motives become clear.

They won't last long now, because they went too far. They didn't just quell a rebellion, they started a total war. And the Iranians and Syrian Shias have made the mistake of supporting these brutes.
I see you've gone on a rant about Turkey and ignored the report of Syrian women being raped by Assad's regime.

So tell me, are you one of the supporters of the syrian regime and do you support them raping (sunni) women?

You CAN lure someone else, but NOT ME!Why?

1. Because the Syrian War was the cause of rift between ME and MOSSAD. MOSSAD planned to send me to Syria to Chop Assad's soldiers and to join the ISIS/Daesh working there, so in essence betraying Your Own Sunni Brothers & Sisters and using them for the interests of Israel! But what is the definition of INTEGRITY:
INTEGRITY means: Working right even when NO OTHER is watching!
And betraying my Conscious wasn't easy for me either!

I Knew what was happening inside Syria, I was aware of the ground facts, credit goes to good old @Horus plus months of research into Syrian civil war.

Those peoples working in the ranks of Syrian Military are normal peoples: they are marries, they have wives, sisters and children's UNLIKE Rabid Jihadi Wahabi Terrorists, who raped many Syrian Women's!

And I am from Sunni background, but I care little for your Shia-Sunni rant!
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