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cheap way to establish shelter home in Pakistan unlike what ik govt is doing

I think it is much easier for the govt to build shelters..why do you want to create anarchy in the country. Well I know you are always promoting anarchist agenda but it won't work here.

I see and hear many things. And you, are being cheeky.
this is advise and suggestion to ik and not criticism ,anyone can make mistakes in decision and it is better to correct yourself before it is too late and such mistakes done in good intention are not bad thing so lets not blame each other and even ik has made mistake he cannot be blamed for it as he has done it in good intention,most of shelter homes are needed for night time accommodation and during after noon in summers and Friday is only one day in week when Mosques are filled at full capacity and on other days free space is available and also govt colleges have also huge space which can be utilized for night time accommodation as they are empty during night time
I think it is much easier for the govt to build shelters..why do you want to create anarchy in the country. Well I know you are always promoting anarchist agenda but it won't work here.
Gotta love these genius patwaris, when their master was in power on and off for more than 30 years they didn't do anything, now all of a sudden they are all super experts.

What biryani plate minds cannot understand is that the housing construction has multiple benefits, they will provide housing for the poor, boost the economy by creating more employment, allow more companies to be created which will help competition, force cities to create master plans, and so much more.

Patwaris are just angry that for the first time tax money if going to help the people and not buy them plates of biryani
They are, but not in urban centres. In “some” urban areas Masjids are locked down within 15 minutes of each jamat. Whereas in rural areas Masjids are always open for travelers and those who need shelter for a night or two. People of that street provide food to them as long as they are staying. So we just need to appreciate this behabior and expand it to all Pakistan. One might say masjid is for Praying only, i disagree, Masjids were supposed to be community centres. They were community centres in time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Khulafa e rashedeen. Where everyone was allowed to take shelter in masjid, arrange gatherings, discuss social issues, carry eductional activities etc.
Well, the libturds who have been been controlling the country have relegated the Masjid to only for praying similar to Church. While masjid should not only be a community centre but a focal point for local government as well. During Holy Prophet (Peace be upon)'s time masjid-e-nabwi was the place where all decisions were made. Be it running day to day affairs, deciding legal cases, passing new orders, distribution of resources, or even call for assembly to defend the state in case of the imminent attack. The same continued during Khilafat-e-Rashida. And as soon as, Muslim turned toward monarchy under Moawiyya
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IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer.

Just wait, when Pakistani Peoples will become only a bunch of Poor Farmers, only then they will realize, what PTI did to them!

I am apolitical, but PTI Government is only catering Sectional Interests! Wake up Folks!

or they sud show a way like PMLN how to make money 101. or give jobs like PPP did in PIA.
And kiddo, do you really think that someone will buy your delusional crap?

So It looks like I have Invoked PTI Supporters. Delusional Crap?
or they sud show a way like PMLN how to make money 101. or give jobs like PPP did in PIA.

I DO NOT support Nora Party or PPP or Red Shirts! I live among peoples, ordinary peoples and I am sensitive to changes, and my observation is that Economic Conditions in Pakistan are deteriorating continuously.
Poor is becoming Poorer and Rich is becoming Richer!
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I was listening to a Islamic lecture yesterday and I learnt that going 100yrs ago masajids had a rest area/lodging for travellers....now even masjids are locked up after prayer times because people, society and circumstances have changed.
Masajid became a private property and no one want to share the property with anyone
So It looks like I have Invoked PTI Supporters. Delusional Crap?

I DO NOT support Nora Party or PPP or Red Shirts! I live among peoples, ordinary peoples and I sensitive to changes, and my observation is that Economic Conditions in Pakistan is deteriorating continually.
Poor is becoming Poorer and Rich is becoming Richer!

The rupee had been artificially overvalued by the previous government. The exports decreased, trade deficit increased, CAD increased, the debt drastically increased. This will obvious harm the economy in the long run. The only thing you can really do now is wait it out, not much else tbh. If you elect money launderers then expect the country to get poorer.

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