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cheap way to establish shelter home in Pakistan unlike what ik govt is doing

i think many Masjids come under Auqaf and govt can negotiate them for this and they will provide them with shelter if govt support them with financial help which would be much lesser than amount spend on separate shelter homes and even govt colleges can be used for this purpose as there is no one at colleges during night and space is free
Allah kre asa hojae ku ke isse kafi sahulat hojae ge
Who is this gentleman? He has more sense then all of Pakistani leaders combined.
IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer.

Just wait, when Pakistani Peoples will become only a bunch of Poor Farmers, only then they will realize, what PTI did to them!

I am apolitical, but PTI Government is only catering Sectional Interests! Wake up Folks!

yes and pakistan must vote for PMLN or PPP so pakistanis becomes slaves.
yes and pakistan must vote for PMLN or PPP so pakistanis becomes slaves.

For the first time in 2018 I saw & studied election process in Pakistan by serving as Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) at PK--- at --. During my entire life I have NEVER polled vote to any party, be it any, and I will NEVER give my vote to any party, because I think a lot and I study a lot!

There were 4 Polling booths and Two stations at our site. My observations are folows:

1. Poor & destitute peoples, peoples who can be lured into "Promises" by the Political Parties determine the Political Course of the Pakistan. Since Poor peoples are in majority, and because they are "Poor", they easily get enticed into "Promises" of Political Parties in Pakistan.

2. There were little participants from the Middle Class, and almost none from the Upper Class. Why and about what should they bother? I saw little vote casters from Middle Class. Also Middle Class is Educated and by dint of their education, they at least secure Government Jobs and positions, which frees them economically.

3. Before the election day, all strata belonging to "Hotel Wala's", "Rairhi Wala's", "Dhaba's Wala's" , "Mazdoors" and so on went to their respective villages to caste vote. In Peshawar, this I Observed.

4. At our polling station, we counted votes Five Times in sweltering heat & temperature, in from of Political Candidates of Parties and Army Personnel's, and PTI Candidate Won with a clear majority. Everything was fair and straightforward.

These are my observations.

"He THINKS too much, therefore he is dangerous!" :azn:
IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer.

Just wait, when Pakistani Peoples will become only a bunch of Poor Farmers, only then they will realize, what PTI did to them!

I am apolitical, but PTI Government is only catering Sectional Interests! Wake up Folks!

Well put. Even lower Middle class is being dragged towards poverty. Real impact will be visible an year into IMF program.

This person in video is making sensible statements. Such simple steps however, prove very difficult to implement on ground due to different nuances.
IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer.

Just wait, when Pakistani Peoples will become only a bunch of Poor Farmers, only then they will realize, what PTI did to them!

I am apolitical, but PTI Government is only catering Sectional Interests! Wake up Folks!
If you don't farm then what do you eat! Unless you can swallow cash and coins?
It's a good sound suggestion (for long term deployment) but there's already too much politics and power struggles in masjids.

Dedicated home shelters will be quicker than negotiating with these mosques.

Start shelters and offer the package to mosques. It will take some time to ramp up the numbers. Add new shelters depending on the mosques adding or not adding in the target area.

This definitely is not a quick and short term solution as the surgeon thinks it to be.
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