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  1. J

    Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

    Russians are master at developing powerful engines and we will not have any problem acquiring Russian engine for our jets.
  2. J

    We could have inflicted heavy damage on Pakistan during aerial raid if we had 'tech asymmetry': IAF

    So Sakhoi 30MKI are peace of crap as they cry that F-16's had advantage .Pak airforce should go for F-21(F-16 viper) instead of Mig-35 to counter Rafale.
  3. J

    13 suspected Indian IS fighters killed as MOAB hit Afghanistan: Reports

    How halarious is that to me that indian call all Kashmeris indian and announce Indian occoupied kashmir as their part but when a kashmeri citizen kicks their *** by killing 44 army personal, they quickly turn to pakistan and say its job of pakistani based group. How stupid indians are that...
  4. J

    Russia Competes With China for Arms Sales to Pakistan

    If US offers a counter deal of F-21 vipers then we must accept it no natter what tech Russians develop.hardware they supply has reliability issues and maintenance cost is high... Just look at indian Mig-21's .they lost around 700 out of 1000 jets.American tech is way ahead .
  5. J

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    Why not consider SAAB Gripen JAS 39 .its latest and can compete rafale and is much less priced .
  6. J

    NYT: India warned Sri Lanka of terror attack several times

    True. we need to see who is beneficial to these attack and that is india.
  7. J

    If US refuses to supply F-35, Turkey will satisfy need elsewhere: Turkish FM

    Well SU 57 Might be a great choice but american Tech is still superior to Russian/Chinese tech .both countries are a decade behind interms of tech .
  8. J

    NYT: India warned Sri Lanka of terror attack several times

    False flag .its not ISIS its definitely RAW operation .how can we forget indian backed terrorist org Tamil Nado .How pakistan helped SL defeat them,even supported their army on the bettlefield planning.
  9. J

    Pakistan WARNS India's Arms Deals, Including S-400, Can Encourage Misadventure © Spu

    Deal could not be cancelled .Russia only cares about money and pak economy us not strong enough .
  10. J

    How to destroy India's S-400 missiles depots

    That is tech we are looking for .its Israeli tech but other countries too develop such tech .i hope we pursue such to counter S400.
  11. J

    PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

    Did the Saab confused their Awacs ??? Abd they shotdown their own helicopter ?
  12. J

    Pakistan Certified To Repair SAAB AWACS

    Right .that is surely a blunder ...why tgere was no inquiry regarding this failure of security forces ???
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