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  1. uzbi aka viper

    Imploding Indian Army

    operation blue star, genocide of gujarat , atrocities in kashmir , ethnic and inter religion discrimination all under your so called democracy ? to hell with that. i am talking about its people , and you are crying about land, lolz part of india ? our ancestors ruled india for centuries. i...
  2. uzbi aka viper

    Imploding Indian Army

    denial mode?? listen moron the wet dreams your country to adjoin kashmir will never come true. Secondly, lets turn your question around, have you (so called this depicted valid piece of paper ) presented it to UN ? to confirm the truth ?? No!! but yes, you are like your ancestors "the ultimate...
  3. uzbi aka viper

    Imploding Indian Army

    although i am not a forensic analyst of any particular document, but over writing is a clear indication' that it is fake.Maybe its forcefully signed .However its a long debate.The authenticity of this particular document is far from being called the real one. lolz we are invaders, kashmir was a...
  4. uzbi aka viper

    Imploding Indian Army

    instrument of accession dikha he de bhai aj kashmir wala ,you ki baat man lunga mei phr, ab ye na keh deyna kay wo jal gya ha ,drawer mei rakha tha gum gya ha, unstable province? kashmir isnt integral part of india firstly and secondly the case of kashmir is highly different from sindh and...
  5. uzbi aka viper

    Parwaaz Hai Janoon

    lolz criticism for good he jamhoriat ki khoobsurati ha bro...
  6. uzbi aka viper

    Parwaaz Hai Janoon

    yeh hui na baat, highlight the real face of ba***dz...show them why black day is observed on 15 august, show them the ones who get blinded'were without weapons, show them those females who got raped wernt terrorists, show them why the pakistani flag is there in every protest they record, show...
  7. uzbi aka viper

    Parwaaz Hai Janoon

    its weird with the fact that,paf is supporting such kind of storymaking which is going nowhere,its all 'glamour' thingy as it seems by watching this teaser, why the hell they aren't making films on the real life stories related to wars we fought and the pain we beared in this war on terror?This...
  8. uzbi aka viper

    Why Pakistanis lack rationality and common sense?

    khota karhaai?? cm'on man really ? now being a lahori i am offended. Pakistan is in a state of war for the last 15 years.Everything is halal in war man cm'on.
  9. uzbi aka viper

    Pak Army Brigadier asking for 3 men back from Afghans? (in Pashto)

    pigeons are enough for you banyas to make your dhotis leak.
  10. uzbi aka viper

    ‘Russia does not plan to sell fighter jets, weapons to Pakistan’: report

    yeah not su35 but mi35 ..so we got something from ruskies atleast. you know what i mean its ....'35' ..:partay:
  11. uzbi aka viper

    JF-17 Block 4

    its obvious that after building such a enormous aviation city at kamra pakistan air force wont stop after completion of block 3, there must blck 4 or gen.5 under azm project.
  12. uzbi aka viper

    Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

    pakistan is a fact , and that really hurt you crippled old indians.well em out of your rubbishness..
  13. uzbi aka viper

    Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

    loud mouth and overrated cow-co-cola alert:crazy:
  14. uzbi aka viper

    Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

    i wish i could had a live debate with you other than this cyberworld , than i will able to teach u how "gun" is used...you just sit there and talk big thats what you think...in reality you are nothing. Facts are way too different from your urls and youtube searches old skunk.
  15. uzbi aka viper

    Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

    Than you should better go to school jerk .:partay:
  16. uzbi aka viper

    Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

    you sounds experienced one :sarcastic:
  17. uzbi aka viper

    Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

    shaba shaba aj iske demagh ki dahi krni ha joey ki..brb gudnight
  18. uzbi aka viper

    Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

    lolz yeah i am so scared. help me lolz
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