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Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

And Strobe Talbott. He doesn't know a thing. He was just next to Clinton telling him what was going on, but he doesn't count either. Because you know different. :rofl:
Tell me one good reason how US got involved in this if Vajpayee didn't give him a blowjob. Just tell me.
Here's more, kids. This time from a DG ISI.

And you're the only one who can pull a trigger?

What do you know? Anything at all?

Yeah, right. Nothing to show, but it's a fact. Even Shahid Aziz doesn't count. He was a Lt. General and DG ISI, but you know more than he does.

loud mouth and overrated
And Strobe Talbott. He doesn't know a thing. He was just next to Clinton telling him what was going on, but he doesn't count either. Because you know different. :rofl:
cow-co-cola alert:crazy:
That single jerk took your 100s and 100s of fags down. That's what was the reality. You lost so many fags in that war.

I know. That's what he said, and you swallowed it hook, line and sinker. GOOD for you.:p:

See you can't answer it. Tell me why the hell US wanted to get involved??Why?? Why?? WHYYYYYYYYY? :)


It's in Strobe Talbott.

Now read up everything you've been given and do your homework properly.
It's in Strobe Talbott.
All this time you had been talking in circles. Here is the thing, your army, navy air force, parliament and senate knew that they can't fight Pakistan. Your side Kashmir's supply was halted by Pakistan army. You were about to lose Kashmir so Vajpayee gave blowjob to Clinton and things changed right away. I agree our PM was weak and couldn't bear the world pressure. He gave orders to withdraw our army. When we had retreated your fags were trembling to go up there fearing their lives.

Now read up everything you've been given and do your homework properly.
I don't but those stupid articles and point scoring videos. You can't answer simple question why US got involved?

I know. That's what he said, and you swallowed it hook, line and sinker. GOOD for you.:p:
The whole world was trembling that what would happen now? Pakistan is about to eat whole India alive. They said lets threaten about about economic sanctions and all that so they withdraw their forces. The whole world schemed against Pakistan and hence India got kargil posts again only when Pakistani forces withdrew.
Ran out of facts? Happens with fanboys.
Here are a few facts, India despite being so big land wise and economically as well has never done well in any wars they fought against Pakistan. I wonder why, the answer is low quality food they give to soldiers. Another answer is that their army recruits fags only. Be it 1948, 1965, 1971, 1999 they flatted badly. Very poor show by the fags. Only their western masters help them keep breathing else....
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