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  1. uzbi aka viper

    Video of the two pilots that ejected

    being highly patriotic, but i think i m starting to agree with you, unless paf or ispr give us a damn clearance of its f16-b or maybe f16- D, however they left us to debate , defend and in confusion, its a different time now, its a digital world now , i think our air chief should come forward to...
  2. uzbi aka viper

    Pakistan will release captured Indian pilot tomorrow as a peace gesture. Prime Minister Imran Khan

    this is another slap on the face of india and its lies ..just assume an airforce who has lost his best jet (f16) hit down by his adversary ?? do u all think it would be easy to return their pilot? opposition and people of pakistan will kill I.k ...but the truth is ..it didnt happend , india lied.
  3. uzbi aka viper

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    he is a son of retd.air marshall...now indian media and twitter is accepting that is abhinandu :partay: abhayyyyoooo nandu ...hogya tu nangu.
  4. uzbi aka viper

    We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

    i wish i could tell you the bigger picture in that..but em nt in a mood to give much info. everywhere.hope for the best buddy
  5. uzbi aka viper

    We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

    dnt wanna comment , its a sensitive issue. timeline is after 1989 and its constant till now and i dnt know from where...em playing with words try to understand my riddle..hope you do.
  6. uzbi aka viper

    PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

    well not me too, but i dont criticise paf..as if they were sitting ducks...on the other way its like your joining hands with a stupid statements of indians.
  7. uzbi aka viper

    PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

    i dont believe "inheritance of notunki" as prevail in india..anyways.
  8. uzbi aka viper

    PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

    i respect u as a pakistani, but i wish i could give u a negative rating on about being too judgmental and being like end of the world for us.
  9. uzbi aka viper

    We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

    i india is a country of more than hundred crores people, they got face saving scenario, in my personal opinion they made a mockery of themselves ,killing nothing just tp save their faces, soverignity! ohh plz every now and than we exchnge drone intrutions along loc..
  10. uzbi aka viper

    We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

    it wasnt loc ? or it was a international border ? pweiizzzzzz even google shows its a disputed territory for long...not big deal..they will get a response.
  11. uzbi aka viper

    We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

    sad to see so many senior members here are full of emotional mensturation today..for nothing..really for nothing..
  12. uzbi aka viper

    We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

    take a breather brother calm your nerves down,they have lost 40 lives ? what have you lost ? trees?
  13. uzbi aka viper

    We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

    they didnt even killed a single living being on earth ? how can you say those words for air force..infact our force make them run like rabid dogs and in fear they drop payload in the middel of nowhere, what do you want us to avenge ? trees? in loc area? thats not even a international border...
  14. uzbi aka viper

    PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

    grandpa ! go to bed ...call it a day ...its really late at night...set examples for the other ones at your home..do try to sleep early next time :undecided:
  15. uzbi aka viper

    PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

    budhaaay apni manjji pakki krwa ley :flame::D:partay::guns::crazy_pilot::kiss3::laughcry:
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