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  1. opinion786

    Implement without thinking!

    There were fiscal policies, macro-management and sincerity in Musharraf's era and Shaukat Aziz's government that enabled us to achieve the following. Though we were also hit by disasterous earthquake, worldwide inflation and high crude prices. Economic Comparison 1999 - 2007 and beyond...
  2. opinion786

    Implement without thinking!

    Trade Deficit itself is not a problem. Yet it becomes one when your macro-economics unbalance starts occurring and reserves start depleting. India's trade deficit is around $63 billion and public debt of around $132 billion but their Foreign reserves exceed both (deficit + debt) combined...
  3. opinion786

    Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

    This is exactly the problem. There is no way of judging sincerity. Regards
  4. opinion786

    Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

    Please allow us transit rights (in return for transit fee) through disputed Kashmir via India to Bangladesh. We also have landlocked rights. :devil: I don't think it should be controversial? But then, please, don't blame the ISI for trying to realize some X-Y-Z plan for some sort of a...
  5. opinion786

    Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

    If you do not care WHOM your neighbours elect ... you should also not care HOW they are elected (i.e democracy). If they're the Prime Minister, President, Queen or King of their country ... that post/title is enough to address them. Neighbours concern should only be WHO's in post/authority...
  6. opinion786

    Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

    No concern for those ... who don't have concern for themselves! The Afghans themselves have allowed their land to be used by intelligence agencies of the world for espionage purposes. If they wish to bleed themselves to death ... that's their prerogative. There's no such thing as global...
  7. opinion786

    Zardari seeks $100 billion for Pakistan's survival

    This is false perception. Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto well-received worldwide aid and assistance from USA, IMF, OPEC, European countries, ODA & OOF bilateral agreements and World Bank. United States has provided Pakistan with $ 10 billion in assistance since Sept 11, 2001 are misleading...
  8. opinion786

    US Have the Money: If Only We Didn't Waste It on the Defense Budget

    $700bn — five times Pakistan’s GDP SHOCKWAVES from the global credit crisis spread this week, threatening industry and jobs worldwide and putting pressure on the US Congress to pass a $700 billion bailout of the financial sector. But how much is $700 billion — what can it buy? Compared to...
  9. opinion786

    Pakistan behind increased Afghan insurgency: UN

    Wrong! Pakistani forces are well aware that if they do not eliminate the recruited, groomed & paid militant agents of international secret agencies .... they themselves will be slaughtered (as a token of thanks). This is manifested in the fact during 2007 - 232 army men, 163 paramilitary...
  10. opinion786

    Pakistan behind increased Afghan insurgency: UN

    And, do you really think that they (USA) approached you for YOUR benefit and not their own benefit? Why?
  11. opinion786

    Whats " The End" of war on terror

    When every single recruited agent of international vested interests are thrown OUT of pakistan and the border fenced & mined. When the plans to balkanize Pakistan die down! Pakistan First!
  12. opinion786

    Talking to the Taliban

    So you want to redraw the borders according to religion? That's exactly what USA wants as 'redefined borders of middle east' and what Israel calls 'Greater Israel'. New Middle East map: the new Middle East map: ethnic cleansing to control oil Which forum? By which name? We're bombing...
  13. opinion786

    Zardari seeks $100 billion for Pakistan's survival

    1- Has he given any feasibilty report on how he intends to spend those $100 billion? 2- Has he seeked approval of Parliament for this $100 billion? As loan cannot exceed beyond 50% of our GDP. 3- Where is the Prime Minister of the country??? Or has the parliament accepted that there's a...
  14. opinion786

    Baitullah Mehsud dies

    Good riddence!
  15. opinion786

    Pakistan’s Faith in Its New Leader Is Shaken

    Bogus money or just debts? First decide. It doesn't matter if they're held by government or nation's wealth. Coming to the economics of forex reserves, they are basically held to achieve a balance between demand for and supply of foreign currencies, for intervention, and to preserve...
  16. opinion786

    Friends’ unveil initiative to avert collapse: Over $15bn needed: media

    When this idiot Zardari didn't know how to fish in the first place .... what's he doing tryin to fish around begging? His fishin of words will be debacle to our $160 billion economy!
  17. opinion786

    Pakistan’s Faith in Its New Leader Is Shaken

    This is one of the most misconceived arguments - that Pakistan’s Economic woes are a result of some Global problem. The recent problems are 100% due to PPP’s insincerity, recent economic mismanagement, corrupt legacy and lack of credibility amongst investors. Seven months and they have yet...
  18. opinion786

    Pakistan's president tells Palin she's 'gorgeous'

    This cheapster that has been elected by the votes of our 10 million public ..... If it weren't for the cameras, he might have been his usual play boy ! Now where are those, usual hue & cry critics, that accused Shaukat Aziz of charming Condi Rice ?????
  19. opinion786

    Raza Rabani

    Right man! What some biased people don't understand is that Musharraf would NOT kick himself out of Presidency to invite Zardari inside! Musharraf refused to work with PPP government and hence he resigned. Our Prime Minister has said several times that "WoT is our fight". Long Live Our...
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