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Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

I certainly agree. I feel India has no business being in Afghanistan. Allow me to quote myself.

Afghans have enough problems as it is, we (Pakistanis and Bangladeshis) obviously feel Indian aims in the region are nothing but selfish...Afghanistan barely has an economy (that too if you can call drugs part of an economy) so there is nothing they can offer India other than a chance to out flank Pakistan and lets face it; in this world no one just does things to 'help' out others out of the goodness of their hearts...particularily not India. Therefore this dissatisfaction with Zardari's decision.
Kasrkin, why should we let the Indians trade via our country?

What is to guarantee that the Indians will not use this transit system, to flood our markets with their cheap goods? AFter all, most of what is exported to AFghanistan, ends up being resold in Pakistan - minus the sales tax.

This will only encourage smuggling, and hurt our exchequer.

More than Indians/Afghans, you are casting aspersions on your own authorities.

You seem to doubt their effectiveness in making sure that the transit system is used for the intended purposes only. If that is not the case it can always be revoked.

I personally don't care about this transit facility. Pakistan should only give it when it feels that it is also benefited by the same or at least not harmed.

Till that time, pl. keep it to yourself.

Following an agreement in principle between the two top leaders of Pakistan and India for allowing Indians an overland trade access to Afghanistan via Pakistan, businessmen are eagerly waiting to see the historic Grand Trunk Road re-emerge as a busy trade corridor between South and Central Asia.

The road built by the famous Pathan king, Sher Shah Suri in the 16th century linked Peshawar with Calcutta. For centuries, it served as a trade route between the Central and South Asia. Many business visionaries feel confident of revival of this old highway.

“On the political level, the two states continue to trade accusations, but businessmen from both sides remain locked in consultations without any break, to improve trade and explore investment opportunities’’, a Jodia Bazar trader said. He had a lot of information on what’ was going on quietly to improve bilateral business links.

He recalled that the first truck carrying tomatoes from India rolled into Punjab via Wagah for the first time on October 1 last year. Since then no official review has been made of trucks and railway wagons carrying goods from either side, to improve the traffic. But in the year 2007, imports from India exceeded $1 billion. Pakistan’s exports were a little over $400 million.

“In 2008, the two-way trade could be close to $4 billion,’’ he reckoned and estimated that the volume may go beyond $6-7 billion by 2010, once the two sides finalise mutual investment arrangements.

The Indian Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh and Pakistan’s President, Mr Asif Zardari met recently in New York on sidelines of 63rd United Nations’ General Assembly session and announced mutual agreement on four vital business related issues. This accord will allow Indians an overland access to Afghanistan, open up the line of control between the two parts of Kashmir in October for resuming cross border trade and bilateral trading via railways of permissible 2,000 items at Wagah in Punjab and at Khokhrapar in Sindh.

May be, it is a mere coincidence that while the Zardari-Singh accord was being announced in the New York, Karachi businessmen were talking to executives of a top business house in Mumbai about a joint venture project for assembling of CNG buses in Pakistan. “The only hitch on moving ahead with the plan is law and order situation’’, said a businessman.

“Pakistan never sought import of CNG buses in CBU,’’ Tariq Sayeed, Chairman of Saarc Chamber of Commerce and Industry said, adding that the idea was to seek Indian co-operation for setting up a plant. The CNG buses and heavy vehicles have a big market in Pakistan, India and in Afghanistan. And Pakistan has initiated a six billion dollars international trade corridor project; on its completion, the demand for heavy vehicles will increase manifold.

The Saarc Chamber Chief disclosed that the deputy chairman of Pakistan’s Planning Commission visited India sometimes back and offered investment opportunities. “Every investment proposal will be considered on case to case basis,’’ Tariq recalled. But, he said, the Indians are keen to invest in transport, steel and coal fired electric projects etc. “Pakistan stands to benefit from Indian investment,’’ he argued because an auto project like CNG buses will help revive sagging vendor industry. It will also create jobs for our people.

Indian business houses have stepped up their investment exploration since last one year or so. As recently as in May this year, Ruia brothers, Shashi and Ravi of ESSAR group met Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani in Islamabad. ESSAR is interested in energy, steel and shipping sectors.

In the last quarter of 2007, top Indian businessmen landed in Islamabad with investment proposals. Ratan Tata is said to have come in his personal plane with about half a dozen directors of his numerous companies to discuss investment proposals with the then Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. Ramesh Ambani from the House of Reliance, involved in a number of fields-telecommunications, energy, synthetic textiles, visited Islamabad and Lahore in late 2007. His main interest lay in setting up a giant polyester fibre plant that could cater to textile needs in India and Pakistan and the export markets. But no headway could be made on these proposals because of political developments.

“Possibly, this government will pick up the thread from where it was left by the previous one to begin a new chapter of business relationship with India’’, Siraj Kassim Teli, an influential former President of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry said. “We want the governments of two countries to draw up an agreed framework of consultation on business which should be allowed to operate freely without any official interference,’’ Teli added.

Ejaz Khokar, a well-known sports wear manufacturer and exporter from Sialkot named half a dozen Indian fashion design companies and owners of store chains who are keen to work with Pakistani businessmen. Stop and Shop is one such chain in India looking for Pakistani products for sale.

Mr Rahul Mehta, a well-known fashion designer in Mumbai is seeking visa to visit Pakistan to talk to a Lahore-based fashion design gallery owner for putting his products on exhibition and for sales.

“You know Indian bridal dresses are now a craze in affluent classes in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and other places,’’ Ejaz said and pointed out that these much sought after bridal dresses are coming mainly through informal channels.

His proposal is to have joint venture for expensive dresses to cater to the needs of 15-20 million consumers in Pakistan and 300 million in India. At the same time, the two sides can join hands to offer low cost dresses to 800-900 million consumers in both countries through outlets under joint ownership.

Bilal Mullah, another garment manufacturer and exporter however advises caution before entering into a big business arrangement with Indians. “A small gap in bilateral trade is affordable but a big and ever-widening deficit can hurt us financially and also our industry,’’ he warns.

But as this debate goes on, there are many businessmen in Karachi, Lahore and other places who plead for joint ownership of retail outlets in India and Pakistan for offering various products.

“After all, we were earning over $3 billion from exports of low value products to the US,’’ an exporter said. He believes that India and Pakistan with so many common factors, poverty being one of them, should join hands in serving their people.
Maybe indians refraining from stopping our water flows will be a good gesture.

Mark my words, the next India Pakistan controntation will be due to water. If not now, then in a few years time.

Until India fulfills its treaty obligations regarding water, I'd say stop all one sided good will gestures.

I have not seen one neutral report about this.

This is only an internet forum fad. Else don't you think your government would have gone to town (and the international redress mechanisms) for the issue? Has that happened?
=Vinod2070;202569]The Afghans will also benefit from that and they are your fellow Muslims. Any concern for them?

No concern for those ... who don't have concern for themselves!

The Afghans themselves have allowed their land to be used by intelligence agencies of the world for espionage purposes. If they wish to bleed themselves to death ... that's their prerogative.

You want to harm Afghanistan just to spite India? Doesn't seem a good global citizenship.

There's no such thing as global citizenship .... for us it's: Pakistan First!
But I would like to know what and why you as a Bangladeshi are reading into this sir?

India has been pressing Bangladesh for transit rights to the North East states. Thus far we have viewed the matter as one involving national security and sovereignty. India has often used the North-East issue against Bangladesh and could use transit (in fact a corridor) as a means to provide weapons to that region. It also has the unpleasant connotation of dissecting Bangladesh in half if transit is allowed. The entire north of Bangladesh has been claimed by several Hindu groups in India as part of that country. They have even encouraged these districts to secede.

If Pakistan allows this transit facility with all its problems of RAW involvement in Afghanistan it weakens our argument at our end. It also allows for greater Indian influence in Afghanistan which at this point does not seem very friendly towards Pakistan. The transit issue in Bangladesh is also considered as another ploy for Indian expansionism. There are also numerous strategic considerations in both transit facilities across Pakistan and Bangladesh. Why give our nemesis such an advantage?

I am surprised Pakistanis have not considered these matters before allowing transit. How does Pakistan know that a corridor is not being provided in the name transit? In fact, I do not think many Pakistanis actually know the terms of this arrangement. Should you not be a little apprehensive?
I assume that this transit facility would cut across Kashmir. Is that not a strategic consideration for Pakistan?
Most importantly if the comments imputed to Zardari are true than Pakistan loses its right to represent countries in South Asia. It will by default fall on India to completely dominate the region which they will gladly do.
We do not care whom our neighbors elect as long as the are elected by Democratic means we support the post.

If you do not care WHOM your neighbours elect ... you should also not care HOW they are elected (i.e democracy). If they're the Prime Minister, President, Queen or King of their country ... that post/title is enough to address them.

Neighbours concern should only be WHO's in post/authority and what the bilateral relations of both the countries should be.

You cannot desire democracy for Saudi or UAE Kings and how they're chosen.
Vinodh, Pakistan has time and again reported India to internation forums, and is infact involved in mediation with India regarding the water issue.

The World Bank is the mediator in this case. However, it has been difficult, since teh World Bank apponted an NRI to handle this dispute. Now what kind of decision we will get, you can yourself speculate.

The Hindu Business Line : `World Bank may help resolve Baglihar row'

It's sad to see that an enlightened Indian like yourself doesnt know the basics about this dispute. Stop being hogwashed by your media, and look for the truth.
India has been pressing Bangladesh for transit rights to the North East states. Thus far we have viewed the matter as one involving national security and sovereignty. India has often used the North-East issue against Bangladesh and could use transit (in fact a corridor) as a means to provide weapons to that region. It also has the unpleasant connotation of dissecting Bangladesh in half if transit is allowed. The entire north of Bangladesh has been claimed by several Hindu groups in India as part of that country. They have even encouraged these districts to secede.

If Pakistan allows this transit facility with all its problems of RAW involvement in Afghanistan it weakens our argument at our end. It also allows for greater Indian influence in Afghanistan which at this point does not seem very friendly towards Pakistan. The transit issue in Bangladesh is also considered as another ploy for Indian expansionism. There are also numerous strategic considerations in both transit facilities across Pakistan and Bangladesh. Why give our nemesis such an advantage?

I am surprised Pakistanis have not considered these matters before allowing transit. How does Pakistan know that a corridor is not being provided in the name transit? In fact, I do not think many Pakistanis actually know the terms of this arrangement. Should you not be a little apprehensive?

Yes indeed we should. K thanx:tup:
Vinodh, Pakistan has time and again reported India to internation forums, and is infact involved in mediation with India regarding the water issue.

The World Bank is the mediator in this case. However, it has been difficult, since teh World Bank apponted an NRI to handle this dispute. Now what kind of decision we will get, you can yourself speculate.

The Hindu Business Line : `World Bank may help resolve Baglihar row'

It's sad to see that an enlightened Indian like yourself doesnt know the basics about this dispute. Stop being hogwashed by your media, and look for the truth.

DS, AFAIK there is no active dispute going on now about the water treaty with the WB.

I know something about this dispute. I also know that the seasonal fall in the water flow is being projected as something else by some vested interests.
Why is it so controversial? Why are you so insecure and want others to be insecure too? This is not how self-confident countries behave.

Why is such a normal thing as transit rights (in return for the transit fee) such a bad thing? Why would it compromise a nation's sovereignty? It is so normal a practice all over the world.

Do you think the landlocked countries don't have any rights?

Please allow us transit rights (in return for transit fee) through disputed Kashmir via India to Bangladesh. We also have landlocked rights. :devil: I don't think it should be controversial?

But then, please, don't blame the ISI for trying to realize some X-Y-Z plan for some sort of a sovereign Islamic state in India's northeast, with support from some X-Y-Z fundamentalist elements within Bangladesh government and intelligence. Regards!
Please allow us transit rights (in return for transit fee) through disputed Kashmir via India to Bangladesh. We also have landlocked rights. :devil: I don't think it should be controversial?

But then, please, don't blame the ISI for trying to realize some X-Y-Z plan for some sort of a sovereign Islamic state in India's northeast, with support from some X-Y-Z fundamentalist elements within Bangladesh government and intelligence. Regards!

If you ask sincerely for the transit rights for the "right" reason (no pun intended), I am sure India will consider it.

The way you have worded it, you won't get even a look-in.
If you ask sincerely for the transit rights for the "right" reason (no pun intended), I am sure India will consider it.

The way you have worded it, you won't get even a look-in.

This is exactly the problem. There is no way of judging sincerity. Regards
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