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Zardari seeks $100 billion for Pakistan's survival

Zardari is not asking for loan but a grant.

He does not want even the word Aid to be used. Correct me if I am wrong, so Pakistan does not need to repay the $100 billion if provided, which is good for Pakistan. In that case why the forum members are opposing Zardari?

How bout Fair deal we give you all the Pakistani politicians + Mullahs each and every one you test your nukes on them .in exchange you will get all the 100% of 100billion GRANT he will get from the World we don't want no part of it and all we want is a movie of all of them being nuked at a same time and to make sure they all disintegrate:victory::taz: FAIR DEAL who else will make ya that deal.:pakistan:
Raheel : Only the dictators in Pakistan get the full support (financial and ilitary) of International community. i.e USA. Because they can exploit the dictators more effectively. As soon as the democratic Govt takes charge, the US and its allies cut the aid and support of Pakistan just because they have to deal with a lot of people as compared to a dictator and as a result people like us are made to belive that Pakistan has progresse under dictatorship

This is false perception. Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto well-received worldwide aid and assistance from USA, IMF, OPEC, European countries, ODA & OOF bilateral agreements and World Bank.

United States has provided Pakistan with $ 10 billion in assistance since Sept 11, 2001 are misleading.

“Let’s be true, more than half of that amount is not true “assistance” but rather reimbursements for costs accrued by the Pakistani military - Flynt Leverett at Washington Think Tank.
Reality of USA Aid : Public being misled Our leader - Musharraf

Even this recent government of PPP:
Bush backed $15 billion Pakistan aid bill: Gilani
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