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Pakistan behind increased Afghan insurgency: UN

Only one word for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon S.O.B. Everyone is getting on Pakistan nerves.
lolz..:lol: darkstar. imran..good choice,should be given a chance..now let me say some thing about asif zardari..
na koi chaku na koi khanjer,asif kanjer asif kanjer....

lol....brings back childhood memories of election time.
What do you think of the Idea of our Army and Air Force conducting raids into AFghan territory to neutralise them, a la hot pursuit?

Neutralising whom NATO forces or the taliban?
The saddest thing for of all these western schmucks is that now that the Bajaur offensive has started the Taliban commanders are freely hopping between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Whenever we attack they go into the shelter of Afghanistan.

They had been saying that about Pakistan but when it mattered they themselves fell really short!

What do you think of the Idea of our Army and Air Force conducting raids into AFghan territory to neutralise them, a la hot pursuit?

Neutralising whom NATO forces or the taliban?

He meant the Taliban who were 'hopping back and forth' between Bajaur and Afghanistan as Asim indicated.

Personally I don't think its a good idea, since we essentially open the way for the US to do what it likes in Pakistan.

If we can get a handle on the insurgency in FATA, and deploy enough assets to control everything thrown our way, so that the US has little room to complain and act unilaterally in FATA, it might be something to consider.
He meant the Taliban who were 'hopping back and forth' between Bajaur and Afghanistan as Asim indicated.

Personally I don't think its a good idea, since we essentially open the way for the US to do what it likes in Pakistan.

If we can get a handle on the insurgency in FATA, and deploy enough assets to control everything thrown our way, so that the US has little room to complain and act unilaterally in FATA, it might be something to consider.

Essentially, this burden really lies on Pakistanie forces in FATA. This is the most bizarre situation for Pakistan because Pakistanie forces do not want to fight in FATA because of feeling of nationalism and feeling of killing it's own citizens, and of course if they do not fight there is US waiting at the door step. Don't you think Agnostic that Pakistan is in big paradox, which will really come back to what the army forces action is.
You're right about the paradoxical nature of the situation. It's walking a tight rope, so to speak. A good cop bad cop strategy of the civilian and military establishments could make it a bit cloudy for any American decision making detrimental to Pakistan's interests, it is hoped.

A warning to our Indian Friends. You have just entered into USA's strategic embrace. We are aware of their friendships since the 50's. They're not in it for you, but for themselves. This friendship can be fickle.

Take it as friendly advice.
A warning to our Indian Friends. You have just entered into USA's strategic embrace. We are aware of their friendships since the 50's. They're not in it for you, but for themselves. This friendship can be fickle.

Take it as friendly advice.

First the friends with US in 50's is false, it just started recently as Clinton Adminstration.

The friendship between US and India is not fickle because it really started from Money. The whole Nuclear deal is only regarding Money not any military strategy. The concept of contenment of China from US for using India is 5% compare to the buisness aspect of the Nuclear Deal. So, don't you think that India is for themselves also. Do not forget that India did not approach US, but vice versa.
I didn't say india were friends form teh 50's. I meant, Pakistan knows about us friendship from the 50's as we were their friends since then. But at every critical juncture, we were forsaken.

As for business, they will go anywhere for a quick buck.

Don't take this containment of China issue lightly. China is going to emerge as the biggest threat to US homogenity and influence in the next few decades ( not saying it is already). They will make use of you in good time, like they did of us.

Just watch and wait.
This is the most bizarre situation for Pakistan because Pakistanie forces do not want to fight in FATA because of feeling of nationalism and feeling of killing it's own citizens,

Wrong! Pakistani forces are well aware that if they do not eliminate the recruited, groomed & paid militant agents of international secret agencies .... they themselves will be slaughtered (as a token of thanks).

This is manifested in the fact during 2007 - 232 army men, 163 paramilitary troops and 71 policemen were killed in terrorist attacks and they also faced 41 suicide attacks. Many soldiers were beheaded and slaughtered in tribal belt and settled districts of NWFP during 2007.

PIPS - Pakistan Institute For Peace Studies (R&D - ANNUAL REPORT 2007)

The Pakistani forces know who they are fighting! They have seen the slaughtered Jawans in tribal agencies .... and they know where the traces lead to!
And, do you really think that they (USA) approached you for YOUR benefit and not their own benefit? Why?

Hence, don't you think that India is for themselves also and there benefit.
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