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  1. opinion786

    Saudi Special forces

    I can die for two countries - Pakistan and Saudi Arabia !
  2. opinion786

    Saudi Special forces

    Lastly, 1. Do we know that Arabs fought 3-4 wars with Israel over Palestine, in 1967 and 1973 also? 2. Egypt, Jordan, and Syria directly fought. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria contributed troops, arms & money to the Arab forces. 3. The 1st day...
  3. opinion786

    Saudi Special forces

    I fully back & support your observation. Most comments are negative as people haven't seen the modern Saudi Arabia and what the kings have actually delivered for their country's & nation's prosperity. Those who say that Saudi has done nothing for Palestine in Gaza ... here few posts for them...
  4. opinion786

    Pak GDP growth < 1%

    Because demon-crazy is assisted by crooks and dakoos! Inflation is STILL highest ever in pakistan ..... inflationary effect didn't disappear..... but the growth disappeared! Pakistan's May inflation highest in three decades | Reuters
  5. opinion786

    Saudi Special forces

    They are not corrupt but SENSIBLE and realistic! They have transformed their country from a Badoo one to one of the most modern with best infrastructure, and all because they had honest, dedicated and god-fearing leaders! Fortunately they have also started spending billions on their education...
  6. opinion786

    Harun Yahya

    I also love to collect the bookss of Harun yahya ! Also, I remember Dr Shahid Masood copying whole of Harun Yahya's program the 'The End of Times'
  7. opinion786

    Few Questions for Pakistanis

    Asim's definition best explains everything! We can never serve Islam nor help other Muslim countries, until and unless we serve and strengthen our country first & foremost. For that, we have to 1- Strengthen our Economy 2- Improve literacy and Education 3- Fortify our Militaries...
  8. opinion786

    Mumbai Attacks

    Mumbai Mystery: American Designs on Pakistan and India Tariq Saeedi, with Sergi Pyatakov in Moscow and Mark Davidson in Washington • Mumbai episode is the latest in a long and nefarious story that started unfolding some 16 months ago in the barren hills of Baluchistan, a sparsely...
  9. opinion786


    I am in total support of 'Boycott Israeli products' and also American to whatever extend we can! Boycott 'MacDonalds' & 'Starbucks' .... they have announced they would contribute their 2 weeks income to Israeli army.
  10. opinion786

    Lecture by President Musharraf

    A new website dedicated to Musharraf: MusharrafPakistan.com - Home
  11. opinion786

    Lecture by President Musharraf

    Ex-Pakistani president defends country's record in war on terror BY ADAM GORLICK L.A. Cicero musharraf onstage Following his talk Friday, Pervez Musharraf spoke with Stanford political science Professor Scott Sagan, left, and answered questions from the audience in Memorial Auditorium...
  12. opinion786

    Lecture by President Musharraf

    Musharraf: &#8216;Pakistan is Not a Perpetrator of Terrorism&#8217; New America Media, News Report, Viji Sundaram, Posted: Jan 18, 2009 Editor's Note: At a recent Stanford University appearance, former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf adamantly defended his country, asserting that...
  13. opinion786

    Lecture by President Musharraf

    You can get news update from here: News Our leader - Musharraf
  14. opinion786

    Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

    ^^^ Excellent observation - chinese economist ....hahaha .... I'm all in favor! best regards!
  15. opinion786

    Happy Birthday Neo!

    Happy Birthday NEO! Many happy returns for the day and year long! Best Wishes!
  16. opinion786

    Where is OIC?

    Bhai, USA will bombard our heads like a swin into the crap .... Iraq and Afghanistan are recent examples. .... one Pakistan and Saudi will make no difference to them. Both countries (Pak & Saudia) are being labelled as Terrorist exporters and this excuse soon will come handy.
  17. opinion786

    Shame on Saudi Arab, Turkey and Egypt

    We also have our set of traitors - Zardari & Co - that have come to do USA's direct bidding. Can we remove our traitors???
  18. opinion786

    Shame on Saudi Arab, Turkey and Egypt

    Bro, sanity must prevail. Emotional decisions become self-inflicted wounds. Simple comparison of Arab military (and their training) to Israel's military capability - says it all. The Arabs have experienced three wars with Israel and availed nothing - infact lost their terrorities...
  19. opinion786

    Where is OIC?

    People start expecting too much from OIC. Atleast OIC has given muslims a diplomatic platform to sit and discuss their situation and issue a combined Muslim statement against Israeli or Indian aggression, in Palestine and Kashmir. UNO or OIC are diplomatic platforms .... and not military...
  20. opinion786

    Shame on Saudi Arab, Turkey and Egypt

    They may say the same to us: shame on us pakistani that we are a nuclear power & military might, and cannot help the Kashmiri in hour of need and from Indian brutal aggression. This will be nothing BUT a Suicidal recipe, and will give Israel the excuse to move its forces into neighbouring...
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