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  1. Air Wolf

    Pakistan will not offer bases to the US military.

    When people who are hoisting US colors in their profiles say stuff like the following, it's not convincing anymore and doesn't carry any weight - Pak still needs US - Pak can't break away from US - Pak should keep it's goodwill in US whatever is left of it Maybe it's the same case as that of...
  2. Air Wolf

    Is Biden Demanding Use of Pakistani Military Bases After Pullout From Afghanistan?

    People are not able to see this or they are turning a blind eye but that's exactly what's happening. This man single handedly destroyed the gains achieved during Raheel Sharif's tenure. If not worst, he is at the same level as Kiyani. But who is to blame. None other than our very own Khan...
  3. Air Wolf

    Possibility of F-35 for Pakistan Air Force

    You are holding Pakistani "Top Brass" in too much high esteem. Past behavior tells us that they will be more than happy to oblige for a mere 1-2 squadrons of F-16 Block 72.
  4. Air Wolf

    EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

    Keep going in circles and see if it yields desired outcome. Hasn't Imran Khan done what you are suggesting? Since he assumed office, he has done exactly the same. First at OIC, then in UNGA, couple of times while addressing the nation. Did it worked? Did France took heed? When we are so...
  5. Air Wolf

    EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

    Because world in general and west in particular understands and respect power, be it financial or otherwise. We on the other hand have been trying and still think that appeasement will work. IT WON'T.
  6. Air Wolf

    EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

    @Dalit What an excellent and highly accurate analysis of the whole situation. Couldn't have penned it better even though wanted to say the same things. As far as pseudo-liberals are concerned, they are not worth even a reply. They are actually "dhobi ka kutta" Na khuda hi mila, na...
  7. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Two important pieces of information,
  8. Air Wolf

    Covid-19 in India - Second Wave - World Extends Help and Support - Updates and Discussion

    Good....so within few days/months the valiant indians after getting refreshed by breathing oxygen from these Chinese oxygen concentrators will be fully ready for the next quad meeting to discuss effective strategy for defeating China.
  9. Air Wolf

    Pakistan assists India - offers Oxygen, ventilors and equipments

    Just like "burry the past" fiasco, it's wrong timing again. Take care of your own citizens first. As their ruler, they are your responsibility and you will be questioned about it. Every country is taking care of their own first. Nobody's gonna give you Nobel prize for this.
  10. Air Wolf

    Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

    They have a very specific reason for showing sympathy....subscribers for their youtube channels
  11. Air Wolf

    Pakistan posts a meager deficit of $47m in March, overall surplus improves by $100m and nears $1b in 9m FY2021 after revision,

    This can be avoided by developing local olive oil. Imran khan is already following this initiative with alot of enthusiasm. Hopefully in next 4-5 years we will have considerable olive oil production to at least cover local demand before exporting it to the world.
  12. Air Wolf

    This ‘Oxygen Man’ of Mumbai Sold His Rs 22 Lakh SUV to Help COVID Patients With Oxygen Cylinders

    So maybe not lynch this one if his eating preferences doesn't align with yours.
  13. Air Wolf

    Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

    Their govt has made it real difficult to feel sympathy for them even though on a subconscious level we know that common people maybe not at fault here. The best we can do at the moment is to feel indifference towards them and reserve the prayers for our own people.
  14. Air Wolf

    #Pakistanstandswithindia - An Irony

    Instead of commenting on whether sympathy should have been shown or not, I would rather like to expand on the overall appeasement psychi of the nation. From 2001 till around 2015 were very hard years for us. Pakistani nation was demonized in the entire world as if we are worse than lepers...
  15. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    The problem with us is the thought process that everything all the time is about us. It's not. Of course there is no love or iron brotherhood in international relations. But when one country is lending a helping hand in every field even at times when so-called brotherly countries were not acting...
  16. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    You have raised some very valid points as well. Apparently it's a complete mess altogether, chaos everywhere. I don't want to derail the thread further. We can take it to some more appropriate thread.
  17. Air Wolf

    India likely to step-up military training and assistance for Afghanistan

    China doesn't think along these directions. They don't believe in "boots on ground" kind of approach. Keeping Taliban in check would be Pakistan's role.
  18. Air Wolf

    Which country will the USA invade next?

    Whoever "requires democracy" the most. Requiring democracy is the new slang for having massive natural resources.
  19. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Not true at all. Don't try to unnecessarily glorify the penthouse pirates. The potential reason for Chinese frustration could only be the unnecessary chumma chaati of our establishment with Biden while claiming that future of Pakistan lies with China.
  20. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Yeah it's getting ridiculous now to a level of embarrassment. It's our own jet and we love it but you are right, it's not a F22. Most probably certain roadblocks have been encountered. It's understandable that PAF will not want to talk about it, who does? Could be engine, could be AESA or any...
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