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EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

We need to convey our message to the EU and the west, that TLP and TTP is just hijacking Islam, and State is trying to curb their influence and its not an overnight job, Hell even today you will find Neo Nazi's in the EU Politics and Society, People in the US still believe blacks are inferior and white people are superior, so Pakistan as we went through a huge surge of extremism in 80's and 90's followed up by a lengthy war on Terror, this preception change will take time, We need to tell the Europeans on the state level that we are taking our religion back from these criminals and thugs, but for them, they also have to stop provoking people in the Muslim world by doing tricks, let's be honest here none of these Cartoons, movies, books that were made or written against Prophet to mock him has ZERO academic material, its just garbage stuff designed only for one reason, create anger, controversy and get reactions hence more sale, and publicity.

GOP can have conversations with the French about respecting Islamic beliefs and consult OIC to gauge its level of interest and capacity to make difference in relation (appreciative efforts). It is however important to contemplate that this mission is not misread by EU which is possible in view of strongly worded statements from members of GOP in public.

Keep going in circles and see if it yields desired outcome. Hasn't Imran Khan done what you are suggesting? Since he assumed office, he has done exactly the same. First at OIC, then in UNGA, couple of times while addressing the nation. Did it worked? Did France took heed?

When we are so occupied with self loathing and infighting, it tends to make us overlook the driver for this knee jerk reaction from EU. They are not used to hearing such critique from a country like Pakistan. This bigotry is not new and is going on for last 20 years or so. Did Nawaz/Zardari ever said anything? Not a peep. Did anyone mustered courage to shove their hypocrisy in their faces regarding west's dual standards of free speech? Now they are not able to digest what they are hearing from a country like Pakistan who they are used to see as a boot licker and appeaser throughout its history.

Appeasement and lectures will not work for Pakistan. The need of hour is to make yourself strong. Project strength through actions and not mere words. If we are so afraid of trade ban, diversify. Find new markets to avoid getting bullied by 1 or 2 countries. Western Europe and US is not the whole world. The sooner we realize this as a nation the better. Already wasted 70 years trying to appease these masters.
The EU needs to be ashamed of itself. On the one hand it claims to clamp down on bigotry. Yet when France draws derogatory cartoons and the French president praises the anti-Islam hatred the EU looks the other way? That sounds like hypocrisy to me. Why does the EU act tough against Pakistan when one of its member states is involved in Islamophobic bigotry? That weakens EU's claims of being tolerant and anti-bigotry.

Pakistan doesn't have a weak case here. It stands in its right to totally reject French Islamophobic stance. Whether the EU chooses French side is their conscience. Pakistan stands on the right side against French Islamophobia.

If the EU and France choose to sanction Pakistan for calling out bigotry so be it. Pakistan won't be the only side dealing with consequences. If the European nations think they can blackmail and sanction Pakistan economically over a racist and Islamophobic leader like Macron they should go ahead by all means. This is going to hurt Europe too in their relations vis a vis Pakistan.
1. Hypocrisy is GLOBAL problem unfortunately.

2. EU does not consider criminalizing blasphemy in official capacity but it will not mind if an EU member state enact blasphemy laws through diplomatic process on its own accord. Some EU member states have blasphemy laws and others do not as a reminder:


None would consider death penalty sentencing for blasphemy however.

3. Pakistani Khan administration (GOP) have taken note of French anti-Islamic practices (understandable) but this is the case of a Foreign country telling France what to do in this matter. EU might not welcome this dynamic because of its own liberal stance in this regard (see 1. above). And if it comes down to pointing out hypocrisy of either side then Pakistan cannot score brownie points in this exchange due to its own issues.

4. It is easy for you to say "so be it" in person because (hypothetical) collapse of PAK-EU relations might not affect you much; Pakistani economic situation including industries will take a significant hit however and numerous Pakistani citizens will suffer consequently by extension. This is why I caution against adopting hard-line positions while reading situations from a distance. This is exactly what TLP is up to.

I have already highlighted what Pakistan shall do in this matter; approach and consult OIC (without making much noise in Public) and see how it goes.
France got humiliated very badly by Imran Khan. As Imran Khan raises Islamophobia on every platform the French feel claustrophobic.

I cannot wait when the French ambassador gets booted out of Pakistan. French frogs hate Pakistan, but are desperate to keep their diplomatic staff inside Pakistan. It baffles the mind.
You have no solutions.
Um, how did France get humiliated exactly? Last time i checked Pakistan was the only country where people killed each other to stop blasmephy in France? In the end Imran's words got used against him not Macron, it got deflected onto him.
No the French in Pak do not hate Pakistan, maybe if you met some of them you would understand, a lot of the French living here have put their trust in Pakistanis and did not even heed their own governments call to leave as their Pakistani friends swore to protect them. This baffles you because you are out of touch with the reality of the situation and don't understand a single thing about diplomatic norms.

You seem to have a well and grand solution right? Kick out the French Ambassador and that's it, we've saved Islam. No game plan, no preparation just kick them out and see what happens next. You have this false sense of security that Pakistan can get through anything and that nothing can effect Pakistan for some reason, i dont understand why. You let your nationalistic pride blind you from acting pragmatically and more realistically.
he totally din’t understand what PMIK said about holocaust.
Much better... your PMIK keep his mouth shut and stop acting like a king of any delusional riysat medina.
I hope Niazi won't cry that Farang will not be coming to Mianwali to uplift the singing dancing Indus Priest Kings subjects.

Masters of Niazi knows.. he's highly unpopular, associating with him can be a risky deal, to say the least.
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it was job of our politicians to make laws but it seems IMF FATF EU-PARLIAMENT is doing it
  1. People are already dying with hunger.
  2. Inflation is hitting the roof.
  3. Our purchasing power is crunching. Value of our properties and assets halved
  4. Higher education is not affordable.
  5. Getting justice in the country is only a dream
  6. Widespread rape and harassment of opposite gender
  7. Shortage of gas and electricity
  8. Fragile economy and limited exports
  9. Fuckin religious extremism peaking. Maulvis becoming more confident and threatening the state. Just look how much votes a banned organisation got in NA224 elections
  10. There is so much wrong with our present shit but we're still high on religoius cocktail and shamelessly defending our religious persecution and outdated barbaric blasphemy laws.
  11. These fuckin foreign pakistani on this forum should shut the **** up. Theyre enjoying both economic and social freedom in the west and trying their best to make pakistan a religious shithole. Uncles ki wet dreams hi khatan ho rahain.
  12. Bas kardo nahi chaye religion. All i want is social justice, economic security and a better standard of life. Religion is a personal matter. How i decide to practise it is my decision and it's between me and allah.

Why don't you work hard and earn those things? We don't stop you. If the whole of Pakistan took its head out of its collective *** and stopped daydreaming about cushy salkari naukri you'd have the higher living standards you want. It seems some Pakistani want the state to provide everything but religion.
your PMIK keep his mouth shut
Why should he keep his mouth shut and not speak up for what is right? According to you he should keep his mouth and shut and not call Western hypocrisy for what it really is and let them disrespect our Holy Prophet (PBUH) ?Do you take everybody else to be a deen farosh like yourself and your leader who bent backwards and spread his cheeks wide open on a single phone call?
beggars can't be choosers. The world doesn't work this way, you will always remain at the mercy of the West if you are not ready to fix your own house. I'd say a good decision.
This is an own goal of spectacular proportions. It was Khan himself who linked the issues of blasphemy and trade when he promised to work with other Islamic countries for a trade boycott of those countries where blasphemy is happening.
The EU is saying "you do that Mr Khan, but in the meantime let's see how your own blasphemy laws have worked out for you and what trade implications that should have for your country."

Good job Pakistani government trying to play god and imran khan
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