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Which country will the USA invade next?

why not take Venezuela? Secure the America's, those huge oil reserves and the Amazon. Ignore the Middle East, let Asians deal with the place.

Turn both continents into Fortress America. Leave everyone else to fend for themselves.
I think they will spend at least a couple of decades sorting their own house first. During this time they will be at China's throats at every forum and with every means possible.

US don't have a few decades, once China can get the silicon tech right (it may take 5-10 years according to the latest talk from boss of TSMC), its over for the US.
After the exit from Afghanistan on Sept 11 2021 which country do you think the US would be more likely to invade next?

North korea
Any South American country
Any african country?
Most likely is US sending troops to defend Taiwan. Of course China would call it an invasion
Cuba of course. The Castros are out as of a few days ago.

Russia - What? No reason to.
Iran? - Sure if nuclear weapons suddenly start mysteriously exploding in ME capitals.
Syria? - I thought we were already there.
Pakistan? - What? No reason to.

I'm with you on all that including the Cuba funny but I have a feeling that relations will improve even more now. I think the hot spot ATM is of course the South China Sea and the brewing tensions surrounding the islands including several countries. I think we might see some naval battle or skirmish that doesn't turn into a full fledged war otherwise we'll probably all be vaporized. And add the tensions of Taiwan in that entire mix. If there is any US troop presence that ends up anywhere, that might just be it.

But full invasions like Iraq or Afghanistan? I doubt we'll ever see anything like that again. Either that or a much better plan of action that has an objective with a reasonable timetable. None of this "for as long as it takes." Drones will become the main thing and as the newly developed slave drones operated by F-35s as well as the Su-57 (which isn't really using slave drones but rather a very large drone) will dominate the future wars.

Most likely is US sending troops to defend Taiwan. Of course China would call it an invasion

I just mentioned that to @Hamartia Antidote but you beat me to it. Definitely a hot spot that China might use to test and frustrate and extend the US.
weakest countries should start worrying...am I next or am I next!
China and Russia got Nukes, they can not be invaded even by US cause when shit hits the fan both China or Russia will just launch its nuke and MAD will happen, and we will all die.
Why would the US want to invade any country in this dat and age unless they are harboring the 31 terrorist's in the world who is attacking any US interests including attacks similar to 911? I believe the whole would has witnessed the response by the US for the 911 attack and there will never be another Al-Qaida organizations with enough balls to do anything remotely close to even the USS Cole attack. If there is some attack on a US asset on foreign soil. US intel will find out who was responsible and it will probably be a small, disgruntled group with hardly a few members that one reaper or an apaches with a couple of hellfires will put an end to their misery, No more US major wars unless their dragged into them and even so, they will plan to GTFO as soon as mission is accomplished,
Why would the US want to invade any country in this dat and age unless they are harboring the 31 terrorist's in the world who is attacking any US interests including attacks similar to 911? I believe the whole would has witnessed the response by the US for the 911 attack and there will never be another Al-Qaida organizations with enough balls to do anything remotely close to even the USS Cole attack. If there is some attack on a US asset on foreign soil. US intel will find out who was responsible and it will probably be a small, disgruntled group with hardly a few members that one reaper or an apaches with a couple of hellfires will put an end to their misery, No more US major wars unless their dragged into them and even so, they will plan to GTFO as soon as mission is accomplished,

Remeber how UK & US begun talking about Iraq before invasions? How Iraqis had massive wmd stockpiles and could maybe hit London in 45 minutes. UK is probably iching to flex it muscles with their new carriers therefore weaker country like Venezuela could be next target.

That's all just me throwing stuff at the wall but personally I beliebe they will simply bomb some third world country in name of anti-terrorism after their backed rebels lose to govt forces.
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