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Which country will the USA invade next?

Remeber how UK & US begun talking about Iraq before invasions? How Iraqis had massive wmd stockpiles and could maybe hit London in 45 minutes. UK is probably iching to flex it muscles with their new carriers therefore weaker country like Venezuela could be next target.

That's all just me throwing stuff at the wall but personally I beliebe they will simply bomb some third world country in name of anti-terrorism after their backed rebels lose to govt forces.

I was basically answering the title, which used the word "invade." Words and their usage are very important and that's why I said I doubt after Iraq and especially Afghanistan, the US will not put "invade" which means putting boots on the ground and essentially occupying a country like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If the title asked which country would the US go to war with, that's a different story because you can fight a war without putting those assets on the ground. You'd think they would've learned after Vietnam but that was strictly to prevent communism from spreading and when most people say America lost that war, in a military sense it's true, but as far as the ultimate goal, the US was most certainly the clear victor since the north occupied all Vietnam and after that we never saw the likes of countries splitting into civil war where one wanted side wanted the country to become communist.

In this case, the US was obviously attacked and it had to retaliate. What is a pretty interesting question that not too many ask or maybe it's never been asked is why didn't the Taliban just give up OBL to the US instead of facing the wrath that they did. Yeah they might end up being this generation Vietcong with the possibility of a peace deal and all US troops pulled out by September, but let's face it, there's no doubt that they took a pounding lol like no one would wish on anyone. But they took it on the chin and half of them are still standing. So ultimately invasions? I highly doubt it. B2 Spirit and F-35s and FA-18 Super Hornets and F-22 and Reaper drones along with many other unmanned drones the US is currently assembling will certainly "fight" wars in the future. But big difference between fighting and invading. That was my point.
Russia, China, Iran... What about Capitol Hill? They already did. Didn't they?
I doubt Usa or Europe will wage any major wars soon, their economy has been crippled and the rise of Asia has brought them on their knees. They will however use proxies and keep destabilising other nations without a doubt, maybe make others fight and destroy themselves so this way Usa will stay above them.

They do not have the capability to invade Russia/China. Iran they could have done back in 2003 but instead they attacked Afghanistan and Iraq which were poor nations with no military capability. Take Syria and Libya for example, Usa and Europe would normally have overtaken these countries but Turkey and Russia made them irrelevant and took the lead.
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Russia, China, Iran... What about Capitol Hill? They already did. Didn't they?

lol, come on, maaaan. You're referring to the January 6th insurrection of Capitol Hill as an invasion of the US armed forces? I think there is a huge difference between certified soldiers and a bunch of crazed hoodlums persuaded by a few sore losers especially the orange bastard who told them to do that and never protected them after almost 100+ have been jailed for basically committing crimes. Bunch of ignorant idiots.
The US will stage a faux invasion of Taiwan under the pretext of securing access to various critical semiconductor products vital to the USA military and economy. "Faux" because, in reality, the Taiwanese government will be a hidden partner. The USA will set up a post-invasion "occupation" government that will be the exact Taiwanese nationalist government that Taiwan wishes to establish anyway, but cannot without USA protection.
I can write about many developments and share lots of documents. But basically and what I want to say briefly is that the developments in recent years show that a new global order is already being formed. The status quo phase is now over for those who long for the old, and returning to that point is difficult. For this reason, the USA can no longer insist on its old habitual policies, cannot invade a country just because it wants to. While it still has powerful tools at its disposal, its ability to consolidate the West has inevitably weakened. What it can do is build a new security structure for this phenomenon and/or, if it thinks it's sustainable, draw a new cold war boundaries. Not more.
Typically the ideal pattern has been , to attack a country which is 3-5 decades behind in Technology

> Generally scared of Attacking Russia
> Similarly can't attack China head on

Like to pick on certain nations after 10-15 year sanction on their economy

Slowing down the pace of Technology in nation and also increasing Human Misery

  • Attack on Combodia
  • Attack on Viet Nam
  • Attack on North Korea

These nations suffered massive losses back around 60's-70's

USA has been busy around Middle East in order to solidify , a central base in Israel
  • Attack on Syria
  • Attack on Libya
  • Attack on Afghanistan was mandatory

While no long term objective was attained in any war , as Russia And China remained Dominant

The recent focus has been Turkey / Iran / Pakistan
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US is done invading. You'll see intel and smaller mil actions. You'll see non-mil action like sanctions, forfeiture. US will goad small interventions where outcome is preset. People just need to stay away from US as she right now is in a nasty mood and will lash out. All this while, many countries will move away from US dollar, this will put a huge impact on the US spending patterns, resulting in massive inflation internally. That will result in a lot of social disorder within the US further stoked by Russia and China. We are going to see a nasty world in the next 5 decades.
There has been a general fear in American Psychology against , Asian Decent people as evident from the
ban on Chinese people or ethnic Chinese looking people in their constitution for majority of time when population was expanding in current America

China is now viewed as a threat

Russians have also been viewed as a real threat for last 70 years and Russia has for most part
shown that they possesses similar Technological ambitions as Americas

There are many attacks now on Asian looking people in USA during Covid , which show cases the hatered brewing against Asians due to TV/Media shows , which always showcase Asians (Chinese as evil) or Russians as Evil

Both Russia/China have ramped up offensive presence to save world in order to prevent any Maniac move from USA

The Maniac tendencies are also evident as USA / Israel horded all the Covid-19 Vaccines even stealing vaccine from Europe

China/Russia gave vaccines to poor nations
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USA will not invade any country any time soon but it might decide to help and/or protect some.

Ukraine from Russia = 20% probability
Taiwan from China = 30% probability
Japan from Russia = 100% probability
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