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  1. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    What publication is this from?? NYT? And if it reflects anti-Iran sentiment, or tried to show Iran in bad light, why are you surprised. Take a look at his articles and it should be pretty clear he is a US deep state backed puppet
  2. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    L I get your point 100%. All I'm saying, is that countries can't just keep quarantining people forever...this is not a political or economic issue that can be obfuscated for an extended period of time...how long before the infection reaches unmanageable proportions just because it was deemed...
  3. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Thank you for the welcome, and the meaningless and one-liner post sans-logic. :-)
  4. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    That's exactly my point. If the affected person is diagnosed later as having contracted the virus from Istanbul, it will be a disaster for Turkish tourism. So why would they want to risk that???
  5. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    Just because they are flying from Istanbul, doesn't mean that's the source of their infection, right? Were they transiting, did they visit some other place before going to turkey....incubation period is 2weeks minimum...so there are many unanswered questions. If Turkey says there is nothing...
  6. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    True, but it can't be hidden forever, especially if this virus strain mutates as fast as they say it does. It will just increase infection rates, and eventually tourists who go back home (with an infection) are bound to be scrutinized for travel details and where they could have possibly...
  7. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    Although I'm not upto speed with the policies in Egypt & Turkey, why would they want to forbid reports of any new infections?? Wouldn't that just skew the overall global numbers and just present a false picture of how dangerous the virus actually is?? After all, this is now a problem affecting...
  8. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    List of Pakistan's leftist "Patriotic dissenters"

    These kind of sickulars exist on both sides... They need to be called out, and weeded out, period.
  9. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Are we still beating this dead horse? There is ambiguity on both sides ...India says lost MiG-21 and shot f-16, Pakistan says shot mig-21 (accepted) and also shot su-30 (conjecture). It's over a year, what's the point dwelling on past imaginary glory, and I say this for both sides. Pick up the...
  10. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Trump again offers to mediate between India, Pakistan on Kashmir

    And Mr Dolaan Trump, thanks for the $3 billion deal
  11. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Indian girl slapped with sedition case after chanting ‘Pakistan zindabad’ at anti-CAA rally

    I am in Mumbai. What happened ?? Lol, please dont make things up
  12. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Indian girl slapped with sedition case after chanting ‘Pakistan zindabad’ at anti-CAA rally

    Chanting Pakistan Zindabad is treason in India, just like chanting Nawaz Sharif zindabad, or Bilawal Zindabad or PTI Muradabad , or Imran Muradabad is in Pakistan. Period
  13. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Trump again offers to mediate between India, Pakistan on Kashmir

    This is a more intelligent response than what I responded to a few minutes ago. Glad there are sane minds who can actually read through things
  14. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Trump again offers to mediate between India, Pakistan on Kashmir

    Good luck declaring war. You want to declare war based on an ambiguous statement from Trump?? Shows your geo-political understanding and the lack of intellect !!
  15. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Indian Muslim Defence Strategy against hindutva extremism in India

    Jinnah's message was/is for Pakistan, and not for India. India will move forward with what its national ideology is, and should be. Just like how Pakistan is moving forward with its ideology. You are an Islamic state, right? That gives you no right to preach secularism
  16. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Hello Guys, New Member here

    Thank you, Haris sir Sir, it is the name of a resisting general in a fictional game called Killzone.
  17. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Trump thanks Pakistan for anti Terrorism efforts l Applauds Progress in front of Modi & Supporters

    Trump is Trump after all, anyone, be it Indian or Pakistani, deriving any joy from what he said or did not say, is just harbouring a wet dream. Powers like USA are only here to further their own interests...Pakistan of all, should know that by now.
  18. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Hello Guys, New Member here

    Thank you, although it's Sc0lar :-)
  19. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Trump did not eat Indian Samosa

    Thank you for the response. The logical reason for the veggie samosa being on the menu (in fact almost everything on the high tea menu being veggie) is that Gujarat is a mostly veggie state. I have lived there for 3 years when I was in college, and there are some excellent meat joints in the old...
  20. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Trump did not eat Indian Samosa

    Waise, samosas are available with stuffing of beef, lamb, chicken across India including in Mumbai where I live. And most people I know enjoy all 3 versions
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