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Indian Muslim Defence Strategy against hindutva extremism in India

Jinnah's message was/is for Pakistan, and not for India. India will move forward with what its national ideology is, and should be. Just like how Pakistan is moving forward with its ideology. You are an Islamic state, right? That gives you no right to preach secularism
Ok this is a post to formulate ideas on the best way Indian Muslims can defend themselves against hindutva extremism, mob attacks like Gujarat, police attack etc

I request we leave politics, we told you SO's, Jinnah was right etc on the sidelines and think of pure practicality
I also state that asking Indian Muslims to bow down and accept hindutva extremism over them is unacceptable

Any pissi comments from Indians are also not welcome unless they are about how Indian Muslims can practically defend themselves

Some starting thoughts

1- Even 100 jackles can bring down a lion, Indian Muslims need defendable areas of majority, in too many places in India they are isolated communities which can be targeted by hindutva
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority
They still might be outnumbered but if they can form some serious numbers they can have the ability to defend against attack

2- They need weapons - Guns-
Guns are difficult to find in India, but it's important to get them
Nothing will create more panic in hindutva mobs trying to attack a Muslim locality then gun shots being fired into a crowd, A whole mob could be dispersed if they see mob members start falling

Other weapons Knives, bats, sticks anything and everything needs to be collected for any eventuality
Both in Gujarat and in UP recently the Police were a arm of Hindutva extremism and cannot be trusted, they work hand in hand with the mob to target Muslims
They will go into a Muslim locality before tensions to harm, demoralise and TO DISARM MUSLIMS AND CONFISCATE WEAPONS

Thus weapons need to be well hidden and dispersed
Common items such as large kitchen knives, heavy sticks, anything that can be used in a emergency need to be at hand

3 - Defence or attack is nothing without ORGANISATION a Muslim response to the RSS needs to be set up
An organisation that can rally, train, organise Muslims into a unit and in times of attack fight back and form it's own' mobs

4- Don't trust the Police, State or Army just like in Gujarat they will be your worst enemy
Not only will they not defend you, they will actively seek to harm you
They will lead mobs to you
They will try to disarm you
They will partake in violence, rape and murder against you
The state will just call you rioters and condemn you
In short, a pan India political movement of Indian Muslims needs to be started now to defend Muslim rights, provide lawyers, finances to Muslims in distress and provide political support when they are targeted

Any other practical ideas,
Good weapons
I think they deserve it. When kashmiri children are burning and dying they were the ones supporting the terrorist army.
Now it has reached to their homes and children's. It is karma.

When Indian is doing state sponsored proxy terroism in Pakistan, they were happy about that.
Jinnah's message was/is for Pakistan, and not for India. India will move forward with what its national ideology is, and should be. Just like how Pakistan is moving forward with its ideology. You are an Islamic state, right? That gives you no right to preach secularism


Of course we are going to take advantage of Indian divisions and hatred
Made this post a few years ago

And in the search I just did, I can find posts similar I have made for years

It's all coming true and the Indian Muslim defence and offence strategies need to be formulated now

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