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Indian Muslim Defence Strategy against hindutva extremism in India

If this was hypothetical UN/OIC meeting an a peaceful outcome this would be suggested :

Three options of which they can use all, but are instead waiting for Cong-RSS to save them (The good cop):

They have 2 Choices, and 1 Instruction :

1 instruction :
delinate and de-hyphenate themselves the 'Indian' from the term Moselm or Sikh -
Identify as distinct provincial, religious or Caste terms whichever is the tronger common idenntiy.
60 Million people are deinfately a Nation, (East timor wirth a handful of barely-clothed protestors flashing crosses and voodoo dolls were considered a nation) -so why not 50 Million Sikhs ?

Now for the offical figure of 350 Million Moslems call themselves a Nation , seem like they suffer from Stoclkholm Syndrome or inferiority complex ?

(*it cant be static at 140 million for past 20 years, with amount of rabbit -like reproductoin those house-slave mad mullahs do.. whilst at the same time Mr Moody is claiming the moslem aare reproducing at colonisiong birthrate !!)

As for the choices for Survival :

1. Move to the Coastal States; Closes to the Arabian Sea
If anyone else can move to Kashmir or free movment- they can move elsewhere within the indian Union.

- a Land Swap with the Indian Union government is a possible Idea - Chechen Model , even useless barren land but a majority region, although this would require a strong militarisitc able, athletic populations and strong charismatic leader of which they have none, or knocked off by Mullah-Moody combine..

Kashmiri Autonomous governemnt really Missed the Chance to invite other Moslems to Kashmir
- they were very Racist and didnt think they would ever be in thisni situation - they trusted CON-g-RSS, and they didint like the Darker skinned South Tamil Moslems nor the Rough and tough UP/Bihari caste,

- the idea would have been to import more Afghan Pashtun/ Afghans/ Uyghur in general and settle Afghan Refugees there due to overcoming these racial barriers and natural setting into the Mountainous fighting abilities, yet they did

West bengal, the most secular region of the Indian Union was too slow to decleare seperation or more autonomy, and should have srtarted re-unificartion political movement earlier, so the 35a simply cleaned them out ar the stroke of a pen!


Since they Indian Moslem are incapable of running their own economy (like their Punjabi-led Pakistani Brethren) and that that is a feasible configuration, although at this juncture the Water has passed under the bridge
and a plural republic in the south western coastal states seems more feasible. similar to in the Balkans, where moslem populatonis are in Macedonia, monetenegro etc but in plural states where they have lmited recognition but better than the situation of Indian Union's Moslems.

(Where Hindi is not spoken and English is preferred - especially Southern States, arabic signage (not urdu)is common places in some of these states)

( Due to Arabian Sea promximity -the Arab solidarity, USA solidarity may be better, and gives birthing options to be used a trade off for a potential protecting naval power, like in the Eastern Medeterannean)
(A Freed Goa could re-invite a Catholic Navy ??)

(* the Indiana Moslems have missed the proverbial boat over 60 years of waiting like sheep in the CON-g-RSS salguhterhouse with a yelow atar and smile on their naive **** and hope of "me next" please)

(*Jews Bought up 1/6 of the current land in and around Haifa, to resettle people coming from the holocaust, Many Arab's were sympathetic to the cause of Jews against hitler due to semetic cousins and helped them, resuce many more from concentration camps - this is not the same as the emigres from USSR who are russian and not even Jewish who came later, violate Halakah & Mitzvot of Aliyah, egged on by the secular Reform preists)

This would be the most eefective long term public movement focus with a clear goal, demand and Outcome; this is most suited to Kashmiri due to diaspora and non martial nature

- their strenght of Kashmiri is of intellectual nature, and this Method would be very suitable one in additoni to the current civil disobedience movement,

-Additoinally given the Head Lead Country of the commonwealth of Nations Britain - Brexit is also doing this - it can-NOT say whats good for the goose is not good for the gander !

( to the guy asking why not protest: Protest is a tactic not a strategy nor an objective/Goal in itself)

There is a Great Solution : if we look at the #Brexit Movement in the UK - It is a very Powerful National Movement - in which a tiny UK managed to outmanouvre 28 EU European Union countries, and Russia/ US Democrat Party !

This is a Pluralistic Movement and shows people power works - even a demeted country like Germany couldn't kill all of your population all at once it cgot close- but either internsal change will happen or then- there will come a time when outside forces will intervene, but before then the people power will be a great game Changer #KREXIT is the real deal.

Indian Union is ultimately an artificially inflated Economic Model , Single Currency, Single Langauge, control of single unelected Buraucracy who instituted the Indian Union in 1947 and run riot over the occupied republics since, each republic has its own model of ecnonomy and so this is not suited to Indian Monetary Union.

The Indian Union can dissolve and seperate into go back to being a Vatican Hindu state at Varanasi, and having a Hindutva Republic somewhere wihtin it too, but The Indian union has to let go of the unwilling Child Brides ( other ethnic repunlics) it has so forcefully kidnapped and raped.

The ecnomics of it- is exactly like #Brexit and #Freedom #FreeKashmir from ecnomic chain yoke of the Indian Union is a plural campaign - especially since demonitisation and e-Currency plans to stealithy nationalise common peoples purses and wealth ( the demonitisation has been really hard)

There are many Nation states and natinos and ethnicieties who were forcably jioned in to unholy violent forced Marraige Union with the Indian Union as given below**

(**It was by forced in 3 stages 1. Mahatma Gandhi approved police action to usurp, 2.British Vicreoy Mountabtten had very megalomanianc idea of being king of India under Emperor George of England, whilst the other half of british commonwealth office like churchill saw t as ludricous and backed partions, continued by 3. Sardar Vallabhi Patel the Stalinist -butcher and RSS figurehead, Home mioinster who used paramilitary police to hoover up and ethnic cleans non-hindutva/demographic engineering )

[Reply to the provocatuer one who thinks Kurds want to leave Turkey is deluded - Kurds and Turks have intermarried and the Turkish intelligence Chief, chief Advisors to the President and many ofhter high office holder in TURKEY are KURDS , often the slang offensive words by KURDS in Iraq for turkish Kurds is Turk-manci, which is a cross between Turkish and Kimanci Kurdish - [KRG is different situation, since they have autonomy and doesnt work well since it lead to intermittent civil wars-1990 key dates]The more apt comparison is given below.)


Current situation compared to HIstory :

If we take the premise of the analogy below : then the

The correct analogy is Balkans and Kosovo, (States freed from Nazi in WW2)
Kashmir is Kosovo, and Pakistan is more like Albania , (or Britain in WW2)
the Indian Union is the very apt Stalinist Yugoslavia SFR ( Nazi germany WW2)

Gujarat was like Bosnia (Srebrenica) - everyone watched on and did nothing.

[**Disclaimer: Today's Serbia is much different to the stalinist cult with imeprial dreams which overran their country - and are great movern european country in their own right, with own outlook.)

Facts :

1. Indian Union is not a country is a super -Monetary union (*ecnonmic term) and tehrefor not a nation state and any action against it is not racist ... but Freedom like lfreedom from Soviet Union,
it itself is racist trying to ethnic cleanse nations states like Sikh, Kashmir, bengali, Assam and Tamil into a warped Stalimist Indian Union run on anti-semetic Neo-NaziAryan Ideology

2. NO Objective , No Tangible Demand
(I)The Indian Moslem and Kashmiri objectives differ greatly and oppositely:
The Kashmiri Objective is Freedom #Krexit from the IU ( Indian Union) ! Like #Brexit but in Heart of Asia !
Kashmiri are less capable of fighting, they are a natiion of Goldsmiths, scholars and farmers, with clear country and terrortial outline and cmmon history and a free country of same ethnicity to neighbour it.

(AJK, similar to how Albania Helped Kosovo with US help, Liberation of IOK Kashmir can be Trump's Kosovo success story !!)

(ii) They need a seperate Unifying flag each - a Flag is an identity

Indian Moslem are not homogenous - they have to delink the artifical dirty rag of Indian (Indian Union) and embrace their pre-1947 Identity, What was the ethnicities of their Great-Grandparenst, what language were their gravestones written in etc, Or if if pre-islamic is too close, what one non religious factor can bond them? what is the comon factor to bond them.

The very term itself is flawed and a big reason for their incoherent and disjointed disparate dissipate voice, differeing demands and etc.

Their liberation will be more suited to a quasi-religious cause which benefits religious freedom but not necessarily relgious itself.( A secular region/Republic which simply happens to be 30% moslem)

''...What sayeth Ye to 5 -10 More Free Republics on the Arabian sea Coast - UASE United East Arabian Emirates or Maharaj-ates ...''

They are in the cluthces of In-experienced Naive Mullah Cults created from the unlettered classes ; a masterstroke by the British ruling class along with the Brahminist-Hindutva elements to challenge the Ruling Moslem Intellectual Elite, Skilled and experienced Moslem bureaucrats left over from the Prevuious Moslem dominated empires to prevent a resurrection of the Empire, and also to serve as a free-army of religous zealots against sikhs and hindus and Portugese/French colonialists/Chinese -Japanses invasions... similarly cultivated sikh and Hindu groups like RSS for similar purposes from undeducated inexperience disenfranchised classes, to dilut the intelledctual Hindu's/Sikhs who had served in Sikh, Maratha or Moslem Empires

- so this factor will be a potent one... internal enemy for IndianUnion's Moslems.
Look at the Fatwa factories in actions and contrast to those media of those who are supposed to eb their so called other/enenmy

- even support from as far afield as Israeli newspapers for Kashmiri and Indian Union Moslem's (often portrayed as the other/the enemy) are more vocal to speak the truth than the victims themselcves, the situationn is bad but these people desire subjugation - some one else to carry the responisbility not themselves have littel desire for freedom.

* ( all three 4 mains schools of Moslem thought are all carved from the same carrion Cow/pig and marked Halal/Kosher,
(As a matter of Fact even Mr Khomieini of Iran was of Indian Union origin and faked being royal Hashemite status, to legitimise his rule like the Indian Union Mullahs.)

They are the main flag bearers of the Indian Union, they will not be in any mood to be its pall-bearer.


(this is one of many multiple reasons why the palestine model is a false currency/ and Kosovo is the more appropuirate Succes story likeness )

AJK Kashmir is already a free country; albeit within the Pakistanian monetary and Defence Ambit ( it is like Switzerland and Kosovo Landlocked) until the time it can get the promised referrendum from both sides as UN Promised, it also has a fully functioning independent Parliament and Prime Minister- therefore not Represented in the Pakistaninan Parliament.

Even if it were ot acheive full Independence, It has 2 provinces occupied /administed by China which will need to be returned, as a gesture of goodwill, Its relations with Pakistan would likely be stronger due to co-relgiouinsit and Geographic domination of Peaks Pakistan, but also maintain healthy relations with Indian Union diiolves into its smaller sconstituent republics which would avail of Kashmir as a Switzerland of Asia, Afgani, the chinese russian and other-Stans would also have this opportunity - Much like Albania and Kosovo, montenegro, North. Macedonia ! #Krexit #Brexit

The pre-occupation of likening everthing to palestines is not valid and incorrect, it shows political and historical immaturity which the R-SS are exploiting to link very seperate issues, in order to avoid international isolation - mthey are tryin very hard to clutch to israel and myanmar - Israel as a populatoin has abandoned them,although at government level arms sales contuine, Indian union is bribing Myanmar and ignited the Rohingya issue to deflect any potential opposition from Myanmar who is diversifying air focr with china-Pakistan and Indian Union recently gifted submarine to buy freidshio - it is very desperate. #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

The Indian Union, already very isolated by almost every evangelical Chrsitian group over its treatment of Kashmiris is trying to rope in Israel public support by likening it to palestinenesn, since Israelis are in the misdt of the palestines issue and has n immediate daily impact ( rockets landing in sderot, air raid sirensetc),
whereas with Kashmir they are detached and can see from the outside.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

This is at a time when even world Jewish sympathy and even hard right elements of the Israeli Media and public Opinion - especially the generation who lived in contact with holocaust survivors can completely recognise the Indian Union's brutality and hlocause-esque behaviour as Nazi and Indian Union's renaissance as the 3rd reich re-incarnated.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

The Indian Union are creating an Aushwitz, Dachau and the likes of holocaust-eque proportions, they have openly called to rape dead Kashmiri and Moslem women from out of their graves ( some freaky re-incarnation necrophilia belief), [Chief Minister Yoga-man as reference point] and they are appropriating land, estates and property of Kashmiri since many Kashmiri are Goldsmiths and intellectuals; the Indian Union is suing the Nazi SS or R-SS (Renaissance-SS) Script and like the Nazi blamed Jews for Controlling the Gold and ecnonomy they are blaming the Kashmiri for controlling the Gold and Economy.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

This is Since the forced Demonitisation failed - they are resorting to nazi propaganada to usurp the rights, property and finally the lives and population of the Kashmiri People, keep going - its like mein Kampf being played out on daily basis .#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

Pakistanian PM Imran Khan has been a key campaigner for speaking up against Nazi Holocaust and anti-semitism as a lifelong campaigner and also a victim himself of anti-semtism#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

Even withiin the Indian Union Politacal party groups see the EU European Union whitewash of the Indian Union as Nazi now, and it is all out in the open, #Brexit Brexiteers in the UK hit the nail right on rightly called out the EU on its neo-Nazi institutional policy. ! #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir


The Proposal here as a Solution is very simple mass Public solution : to pick up the movement as
Krexit -Kashmir Exit from the Indian Union#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

1. Kashmir to end the Monetary Union with the Indian Union (Article 370 has done this, as has CAA ,35-a)
2. Kashmir to Refuse using the Single Hindi Language (Forced Sansrkitisation, wiope out history &usurping cultural identity)
3. Kashmir to refuse to use the Single Currency of the Indian Union - Kashmiri Demonitise the Indian Union Rupee.
Instead use the US DOLLAR/GBP -POUND CHF -Swizz Franc.

This is not a BDS call ( which is a reactionary racist call - set up champagne socialists)

This is a #Brexit Clarion Call - only #Krexit for a Free Kashmir ( a pro-active movement for Kashmir Exiting the Indian Union )!


Once it is clear/unclear to instituional investors that the INDIAN UNION RUPEE money is real fake or demonisitised previous currency - it looses its legitimacy, as it is simply not trustworthy and a pile of useless newspaper slips, please feel free to use wipe arse with or use as firewoood, the demonisitised notes.

This is a Peaceful but show of sterenght from position of Dominance - Mass and International not siply Pan-Asian Movement focussing on the Indian Union Ecnonmy, due to its role of being a Nazi anti-semtitic disgustful evil holocaust-esque colossus of filth,

Use the Logo and Peacefully vote with your Money, Invest your money in AJK Kashmir.

If the reaction is to burn or tear the pakistani rupee it will only serve to make exports cheaper and increase volume of trade, or revert to trade in US Dollar ( more Us dollar reserves for PK for its IMF loans), win-win !

Indian Union has to unravel its unholy multiple artificial umbuilical cords, it was made on Stalinist-Soviet lines with sucessive Nazi Party governemnt, Many free Nations will emerge out of the Indian Union

This is an Individual and ECONOMIC MOVEMENT to empower people themselves, not a political nor Violent one, since it is the final democratic means possible and actinign within the parameters of the law - depsite violations and atricious attacks on Kashmiri protestors and systematic anti-semitic repression from the Indian Union.

Self defence is your opwn choice whether indivudal or Collective repsonsibility is your own choice - UN charter Human rights.

You've heard the term vote with your money - Here is Only to advocate Economic vote for Freedom with your US Dollar ! #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

What's wrong with the protest?
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If this was hypothetical UN/OIC meeting an a peaceful outcome this would be suggested :

Three options of which they can use all, but are instead waiting for Cong-RSS to save them (The good cop):

They have 2 Choices, and 1 Instruction :

1 instruction :
delinate and de-hyphenate themselves the 'Indian' from the term Moselm or Sikh -
Identify as distinct provincial, religious or Caste terms whichever is the tronger common idenntiy.
60 Million people are deinfately a Nation, (East timor wirth a handful of barely-clothed protestors flashing crosses and voodoo dolls were considered a nation) -so why not 50 Million Sikhs ?

Now for the offical figure of 350 Million Moslems call themselves a Nation , seem like they suffer from Stoclkholm Syndrome or inferiority complex ?

(*it cant be static at 140 million for past 20 years, with amount of rabbit -like reproductoin those house-slave mad mullahs do.. whilst at the same time Mr Moody is claiming the moslem aare reproducing at colonisiong birthrate !!)

As for the choices for Survival :

1. Move to the Coastal States; Closes to the Arabian Sea
If anyone else can move to Kashmir or free movment- they can move elsewhere within the indian Union.

- a Land Swap with the Indian Union government is a possible Idea - Chechen Model , even useless barren land but a majority region, although this would require a strong militarisitc able, athletic populations and strong charismatic leader of which they have none, or knocked off by Mullah-Moody combine..

Kashmiri Autonomous governemnt really Missed the Chance to invite other Moslems to Kashmir
- they were very Racist and didnt think they would ever be in thisni situation - they trusted CON-g-RSS, and they didint like the Darker skinned South Tamil Moslems nor the Rough and tough UP/Bihari caste,

- the idea would have been to import more Afghan Pashtun/ Afghans/ Uyghur in general and settle Afghan Refugees there due to overcoming these racial barriers and natural setting into the Mountainous fighting abilities, yet they did

West bengal, the most secular region of the Indian Union was too slow to decleare seperation or more autonomy, and should have srtarted re-unificartion political movement earlier, so the 35a simply cleaned them out ar the stroke of a pen!


Since they Indian Moslem are incapable of running their own economy (like their Punjabi-led Pakistani Brethren) and that that is a feasible configuration, although at this juncture the Water has passed under the bridge
and a plural republic in the south western coastal states seems more feasible. similar to in the Balkans, where moslem populatonis are in Macedonia, monetenegro etc but in plural states where they have lmited recognition but better than the situation of Indian Union's Moslems.

(Where Hindi is not spoken and English is preferred - especially Southern States, arabic signage (not urdu)is common places in some of these states)

( Due to Arabian Sea promximity -the Arab solidarity, USA solidarity may be better, and gives birthing options to be used a trade off for a potential protecting naval power, like in the Eastern Medeterannean)
(A Freed Goa could re-invite a Catholic Navy ??)

(* the Indiana Moslems have missed the proverbial boat over 60 years of waiting like sheep in the CON-g-RSS salguhterhouse with a yelow atar and smile on their naive **** and hope of "me next" please)

(*Jews Bought up 1/6 of the current land in and around Haifa, to resettle people coming from the holocaust, Many Arab's were sympathetic to the cause of Jews against hitler due to semetic cousins and helped them, resuce many more from concentration camps - this is not the same as the emigres from USSR who are russian and not even Jewish who came later, violate Halakah & Mitzvot of Aliyah, egged on by the secular Reform preists)

This would be the most eefective long term public movement focus with a clear goal, demand and Outcome; this is most suited to Kashmiri due to diaspora and non martial nature

- their strenght of Kashmiri is of intellectual nature, and this Method would be very suitable one in additoni to the current civil disobedience movement,

-Additoinally given the Head Lead Country of the commonwealth of Nations Britain - Brexit is also doing this - it can-NOT say whats good for the goose is not good for the gander !

( to the guy asking why not protest: Protest is a tactic not a strategy nor an objective/Goal in itself)

There is a Great Solution : if we look at the #Brexit Movement in the UK - It is a very Powerful National Movement - in which a tiny UK managed to outmanouvre 28 EU European Union countries, and Russia/ US Democrat Party !

This is a Pluralistic Movement and shows people power works - even a demeted country like Germany couldn't kill all of your population all at once it cgot close- but either internsal change will happen or then- there will come a time when outside forces will intervene, but before then the people power will be a great game Changer #KREXIT is the real deal.

Indian Union is ultimately an artificially inflated Economic Model , Single Currency, Single Langauge, control of single unelected Buraucracy who instituted the Indian Union in 1947 and run riot over the occupied republics since, each republic has its own model of ecnonomy and so this is not suited to Indian Monetary Union.

The Indian Union can dissolve and seperate into go back to being a Vatican Hindu state at Varanasi, and having a Hindutva Republic somewhere wihtin it too, but The Indian union has to let go of the unwilling Child Brides ( other ethnic repunlics) it has so forcefully kidnapped and raped.

The ecnomics of it- is exactly like #Brexit and #Freedom #FreeKashmir from ecnomic chain yoke of the Indian Union is a plural campaign - especially since demonitisation and e-Currency plans to stealithy nationalise common peoples purses and wealth ( the demonitisation has been really hard)

There are many Nation states and natinos and ethnicieties who were forcably jioned in to unholy violent forced Marraige Union with the Indian Union as given below**

(**It was by forced in 3 stages 1. Mahatma Gandhi approved police action to usurp, 2.British Vicreoy Mountabtten had very megalomanianc idea of being king of India under Emperor George of England, whilst the other half of british commonwealth office like churchill saw t as ludricous and backed partions, continued by 3. Sardar Vallabhi Patel the Stalinist -butcher and RSS figurehead, Home mioinster who used paramilitary police to hoover up and ethnic cleans non-hindutva/demographic engineering )

[Reply to the provocatuer one who thinks Kurds want to leave Turkey is deluded - Kurds and Turks have intermarried and the Turkish intelligence Chief, chief Advisors to the President and many ofhter high office holder in TURKEY are KURDS , often the slang offensive words by KURDS in Iraq for turkish Kurds is Turk-manci, which is a cross between Turkish and Kimanci Kurdish - [KRG is different situation, since they have autonomy and doesnt work well since it lead to intermittent civil wars-1990 key dates]The more apt comparison is given below.)


Current situation compared to HIstory :

If we take the premise of the analogy below : then the

The correct analogy is Balkans and Kosovo, (States freed from Nazi in WW2)
Kashmir is Kosovo, and Pakistan is more like Albania , (or Britain in WW2)
the Indian Union is the very apt Stalinist Yugoslavia SFR ( Nazi germany WW2)

Gujarat was like Bosnia (Srebrenica) - everyone watched on and did nothing.

[**Disclaimer: Today's Serbia is much different to the stalinist cult with imeprial dreams which overran their country - and are great movern european country in their own right, with own outlook.)

Facts :

1. Indian Union is not a country is a super -Monetary union (*ecnonmic term) and tehrefor not a nation state and any action against it is not racist ... but Freedom like lfreedom from Soviet Union,
it itself is racist trying to ethnic cleanse nations states like Sikh, Kashmir, bengali, Assam and Tamil into a warped Stalimist Indian Union run on anti-semetic Neo-NaziAryan Ideology

2. NO Objective , No Tangible Demand
(I)The Indian Moslem and Kashmiri objectives differ greatly and oppositely:
The Kashmiri Objective is Freedom #Krexit from the IU ( Indian Union) ! Like #Brexit but in Heart of Asia !
Kashmiri are less capable of fighting, they are a natiion of Goldsmiths, scholars and farmers, with clear country and terrortial outline and cmmon history and a free country of same ethnicity to neighbour it.

(AJK, similar to how Albania Helped Kosovo with US help, Liberation of IOK Kashmir can be Trump's Kosovo success story !!)

(ii) They need a seperate Unifying flag each - a Flag is an identity

Indian Moslem are not homogenous - they have to delink the artifical dirty rag of Indian (Indian Union) and embrace their pre-1947 Identity, What was the ethnicities of their Great-Grandparenst, what language were their gravestones written in etc, Or if if pre-islamic is too close, what one non religious factor can bond them? what is the comon factor to bond them.

The very term itself is flawed and a big reason for their incoherent and disjointed disparate dissipate voice, differeing demands and etc.

Their liberation will be more suited to a quasi-religious cause which benefits religious freedom but not necessarily relgious itself.( A secular region/Republic which simply happens to be 30% moslem)

''...What sayeth Ye to 5 -10 More Free Republics on the Arabian sea Coast - UASE United East Arabian Emirates or Maharaj-ates ...''

They are in the cluthces of In-experienced Naive Mullah Cults created from the unlettered classes ; a masterstroke by the British ruling class along with the Brahminist-Hindutva elements to challenge the Ruling Moslem Intellectual Elite, Skilled and experienced Moslem bureaucrats left over from the Prevuious Moslem dominated empires to prevent a resurrection of the Empire, and also to serve as a free-army of religous zealots against sikhs and hindus and Portugese/French colonialists/Chinese -Japanses invasions... similarly cultivated sikh and Hindu groups like RSS for similar purposes from undeducated inexperience disenfranchised classes, to dilut the intelledctual Hindu's/Sikhs who had served in Sikh, Maratha or Moslem Empires

- so this factor will be a potent one... internal enemy for IndianUnion's Moslems.
Look at the Fatwa factories in actions and contrast to those media of those who are supposed to eb their so called other/enenmy

- even support from as far afield as Israeli newspapers for Kashmiri and Indian Union Moslem's (often portrayed as the other/the enemy) are more vocal to speak the truth than the victims themselcves, the situationn is bad but these people desire subjugation - some one else to carry the responisbility not themselves have littel desire for freedom.

* ( all three 4 mains schools of Moslem thought are all carved from the same carrion Cow/pig and marked Halal/Kosher,
(As a matter of Fact even Mr Khomieini of Iran was of Indian Union origin and faked being royal Hashemite status, to legitimise his rule like the Indian Union Mullahs.)

They are the main flag bearers of the Indian Union, they will not be in any mood to be its pall-bearer.


(this is one of many multiple reasons why the palestine model is a false currency/ and Kosovo is the more appropuirate Succes story likeness )

AJK Kashmir is already a free country; albeit within the Pakistanian monetary and Defence Ambit ( it is like Switzerland and Kosovo Landlocked) until the time it can get the promised referrendum from both sides as UN Promised, it also has a fully functioning independent Parliament and Prime Minister- therefore not Represented in the Pakistaninan Parliament.

Even if it were ot acheive full Independence, It has 2 provinces occupied /administed by China which will need to be returned, as a gesture of goodwill, Its relations with Pakistan would likely be stronger due to co-relgiouinsit and Geographic domination of Peaks Pakistan, but also maintain healthy relations with Indian Union diiolves into its smaller sconstituent republics which would avail of Kashmir as a Switzerland of Asia, Afgani, the chinese russian and other-Stans would also have this opportunity - Much like Albania and Kosovo, montenegro, North. Macedonia ! #Krexit #Brexit

The pre-occupation of likening everthing to palestines is not valid and incorrect, it shows political and historical immaturity which the R-SS are exploiting to link very seperate issues, in order to avoid international isolation - mthey are tryin very hard to clutch to israel and myanmar - Israel as a populatoin has abandoned them,although at government level arms sales contuine, Indian union is bribing Myanmar and ignited the Rohingya issue to deflect any potential opposition from Myanmar who is diversifying air focr with china-Pakistan and Indian Union recently gifted submarine to buy freidshio - it is very desperate. #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

The Indian Union, already very isolated by almost every evangelical Chrsitian group over its treatment of Kashmiris is trying to rope in Israel public support by likening it to palestinenesn, since Israelis are in the misdt of the palestines issue and has n immediate daily impact ( rockets landing in sderot, air raid sirensetc),
whereas with Kashmir they are detached and can see from the outside.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

This is at a time when even world Jewish sympathy and even hard right elements of the Israeli Media and public Opinion - especially the generation who lived in contact with holocaust survivors can completely recognise the Indian Union's brutality and hlocause-esque behaviour as Nazi and Indian Union's renaissance as the 3rd reich re-incarnated.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

The Indian Union are creating an Aushwitz, Dachau and the likes of holocaust-eque proportions, they have openly called to rape dead Kashmiri and Moslem women from out of their graves ( some freaky re-incarnation necrophilia belief), [Chief Minister Yoga-man as reference point] and they are appropriating land, estates and property of Kashmiri since many Kashmiri are Goldsmiths and intellectuals; the Indian Union is suing the Nazi SS or R-SS (Renaissance-SS) Script and like the Nazi blamed Jews for Controlling the Gold and ecnonomy they are blaming the Kashmiri for controlling the Gold and Economy.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

This is Since the forced Demonitisation failed - they are resorting to nazi propaganada to usurp the rights, property and finally the lives and population of the Kashmiri People, keep going - its like mein Kampf being played out on daily basis .#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

Pakistanian PM Imran Khan has been a key campaigner for speaking up against Nazi Holocaust and anti-semitism as a lifelong campaigner and also a victim himself of anti-semtism#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

Even withiin the Indian Union Politacal party groups see the EU European Union whitewash of the Indian Union as Nazi now, and it is all out in the open, #Brexit Brexiteers in the UK hit the nail right on rightly called out the EU on its neo-Nazi institutional policy. ! #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir


The Proposal here as a Solution is very simple mass Public solution : to pick up the movement as
Krexit -Kashmir Exit from the Indian Union#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

1. Kashmir to end the Monetary Union with the Indian Union (Article 370 has done this, as has CAA ,35-a)
2. Kashmir to Refuse using the Single Hindi Language (Forced Sansrkitisation, wiope out history &usurping cultural identity)
3. Kashmir to refuse to use the Single Currency of the Indian Union - Kashmiri Demonitise the Indian Union Rupee.
Instead use the US DOLLAR/GBP -POUND CHF -Swizz Franc.

This is not a BDS call ( which is a reactionary racist call - set up champagne socialists)

This is a #Brexit Clarion Call - only #Krexit for a Free Kashmir ( a pro-active movement for Kashmir Exiting the Indian Union )!


Once it is clear/unclear to instituional investors that the INDIAN UNION RUPEE money is real fake or demonisitised previous currency - it looses its legitimacy, as it is simply not trustworthy and a pile of useless newspaper slips, please feel free to use wipe arse with or use as firewoood, the demonisitised notes.

This is a Peaceful but show of sterenght from position of Dominance - Mass and International not siply Pan-Asian Movement focussing on the Indian Union Ecnonmy, due to its role of being a Nazi anti-semtitic disgustful evil holocaust-esque colossus of filth,

Use the Logo and Peacefully vote with your Money, Invest your money in AJK Kashmir.

If the reaction is to burn or tear the pakistani rupee it will only serve to make exports cheaper and increase volume of trade, or revert to trade in US Dollar ( more Us dollar reserves for PK for its IMF loans), win-win !

Indian Union has to unravel its unholy multiple artificial umbuilical cords, it was made on Stalinist-Soviet lines with sucessive Nazi Party governemnt, Many free Nations will emerge out of the Indian Union

This is an Individual and ECONOMIC MOVEMENT to empower people themselves, not a political nor Violent one, since it is the final democratic means possible and actinign within the parameters of the law - depsite violations and atricious attacks on Kashmiri protestors and systematic anti-semitic repression from the Indian Union.

Self defence is your opwn choice whether indivudal or Collective repsonsibility is your own choice - UN charter Human rights.

You've heard the term vote with your money - Here is Only to advocate Economic vote for Freedom with your US Dollar ! #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir
This post might interest you @jamahir
If nothing else, we should pray for them. They are our fellow Muslims, even if they backstabbed us many times, Islam is a religion of mercy and forgiveness.

Pray to Allah swt to help them in their struggle against the Indian state and allow them to earn their freedom.

However, Pakistan must steer clear of taking them in as refugees, providing weapons, or any such thing. This is liable to eclipse the whole cause and delegitimize it.
If this was hypothetical UN/OIC meeting an a peaceful outcome this would be suggested :

Three options of which they can use all, but are instead waiting for Cong-RSS to save them (The good cop):

They have 2 Choices, and 1 Instruction :

1 instruction :
delinate and de-hyphenate themselves the 'Indian' from the term Moselm or Sikh -
Identify as distinct provincial, religious or Caste terms whichever is the tronger common idenntiy.
60 Million people are deinfately a Nation, (East timor wirth a handful of barely-clothed protestors flashing crosses and voodoo dolls were considered a nation) -so why not 50 Million Sikhs ?

Now for the offical figure of 350 Million Moslems call themselves a Nation , seem like they suffer from Stoclkholm Syndrome or inferiority complex ?

(*it cant be static at 140 million for past 20 years, with amount of rabbit -like reproductoin those house-slave mad mullahs do.. whilst at the same time Mr Moody is claiming the moslem aare reproducing at colonisiong birthrate !!)

As for the choices for Survival :

1. Move to the Coastal States; Closes to the Arabian Sea
If anyone else can move to Kashmir or free movment- they can move elsewhere within the indian Union.

- a Land Swap with the Indian Union government is a possible Idea - Chechen Model , even useless barren land but a majority region, although this would require a strong militarisitc able, athletic populations and strong charismatic leader of which they have none, or knocked off by Mullah-Moody combine..

Kashmiri Autonomous governemnt really Missed the Chance to invite other Moslems to Kashmir
- they were very Racist and didnt think they would ever be in thisni situation - they trusted CON-g-RSS, and they didint like the Darker skinned South Tamil Moslems nor the Rough and tough UP/Bihari caste,

- the idea would have been to import more Afghan Pashtun/ Afghans/ Uyghur in general and settle Afghan Refugees there due to overcoming these racial barriers and natural setting into the Mountainous fighting abilities, yet they did

West bengal, the most secular region of the Indian Union was too slow to decleare seperation or more autonomy, and should have srtarted re-unificartion political movement earlier, so the 35a simply cleaned them out ar the stroke of a pen!


Since they Indian Moslem are incapable of running their own economy (like their Punjabi-led Pakistani Brethren) and that that is a feasible configuration, although at this juncture the Water has passed under the bridge
and a plural republic in the south western coastal states seems more feasible. similar to in the Balkans, where moslem populatonis are in Macedonia, monetenegro etc but in plural states where they have lmited recognition but better than the situation of Indian Union's Moslems.

(Where Hindi is not spoken and English is preferred - especially Southern States, arabic signage (not urdu)is common places in some of these states)

( Due to Arabian Sea promximity -the Arab solidarity, USA solidarity may be better, and gives birthing options to be used a trade off for a potential protecting naval power, like in the Eastern Medeterannean)
(A Freed Goa could re-invite a Catholic Navy ??)

(* the Indiana Moslems have missed the proverbial boat over 60 years of waiting like sheep in the CON-g-RSS salguhterhouse with a yelow atar and smile on their naive **** and hope of "me next" please)

(*Jews Bought up 1/6 of the current land in and around Haifa, to resettle people coming from the holocaust, Many Arab's were sympathetic to the cause of Jews against hitler due to semetic cousins and helped them, resuce many more from concentration camps - this is not the same as the emigres from USSR who are russian and not even Jewish who came later, violate Halakah & Mitzvot of Aliyah, egged on by the secular Reform preists)

This would be the most eefective long term public movement focus with a clear goal, demand and Outcome; this is most suited to Kashmiri due to diaspora and non martial nature

- their strenght of Kashmiri is of intellectual nature, and this Method would be very suitable one in additoni to the current civil disobedience movement,

-Additoinally given the Head Lead Country of the commonwealth of Nations Britain - Brexit is also doing this - it can-NOT say whats good for the goose is not good for the gander !

( to the guy asking why not protest: Protest is a tactic not a strategy nor an objective/Goal in itself)

There is a Great Solution : if we look at the #Brexit Movement in the UK - It is a very Powerful National Movement - in which a tiny UK managed to outmanouvre 28 EU European Union countries, and Russia/ US Democrat Party !

This is a Pluralistic Movement and shows people power works - even a demeted country like Germany couldn't kill all of your population all at once it cgot close- but either internsal change will happen or then- there will come a time when outside forces will intervene, but before then the people power will be a great game Changer #KREXIT is the real deal.

Indian Union is ultimately an artificially inflated Economic Model , Single Currency, Single Langauge, control of single unelected Buraucracy who instituted the Indian Union in 1947 and run riot over the occupied republics since, each republic has its own model of ecnonomy and so this is not suited to Indian Monetary Union.

The Indian Union can dissolve and seperate into go back to being a Vatican Hindu state at Varanasi, and having a Hindutva Republic somewhere wihtin it too, but The Indian union has to let go of the unwilling Child Brides ( other ethnic repunlics) it has so forcefully kidnapped and raped.

The ecnomics of it- is exactly like #Brexit and #Freedom #FreeKashmir from ecnomic chain yoke of the Indian Union is a plural campaign - especially since demonitisation and e-Currency plans to stealithy nationalise common peoples purses and wealth ( the demonitisation has been really hard)

There are many Nation states and natinos and ethnicieties who were forcably jioned in to unholy violent forced Marraige Union with the Indian Union as given below**

(**It was by forced in 3 stages 1. Mahatma Gandhi approved police action to usurp, 2.British Vicreoy Mountabtten had very megalomanianc idea of being king of India under Emperor George of England, whilst the other half of british commonwealth office like churchill saw t as ludricous and backed partions, continued by 3. Sardar Vallabhi Patel the Stalinist -butcher and RSS figurehead, Home mioinster who used paramilitary police to hoover up and ethnic cleans non-hindutva/demographic engineering )

[Reply to the provocatuer one who thinks Kurds want to leave Turkey is deluded - Kurds and Turks have intermarried and the Turkish intelligence Chief, chief Advisors to the President and many ofhter high office holder in TURKEY are KURDS , often the slang offensive words by KURDS in Iraq for turkish Kurds is Turk-manci, which is a cross between Turkish and Kimanci Kurdish - [KRG is different situation, since they have autonomy and doesnt work well since it lead to intermittent civil wars-1990 key dates]The more apt comparison is given below.)


Current situation compared to HIstory :

If we take the premise of the analogy below : then the

The correct analogy is Balkans and Kosovo, (States freed from Nazi in WW2)
Kashmir is Kosovo, and Pakistan is more like Albania , (or Britain in WW2)
the Indian Union is the very apt Stalinist Yugoslavia SFR ( Nazi germany WW2)

Gujarat was like Bosnia (Srebrenica) - everyone watched on and did nothing.

[**Disclaimer: Today's Serbia is much different to the stalinist cult with imeprial dreams which overran their country - and are great movern european country in their own right, with own outlook.)

Facts :

1. Indian Union is not a country is a super -Monetary union (*ecnonmic term) and tehrefor not a nation state and any action against it is not racist ... but Freedom like lfreedom from Soviet Union,
it itself is racist trying to ethnic cleanse nations states like Sikh, Kashmir, bengali, Assam and Tamil into a warped Stalimist Indian Union run on anti-semetic Neo-NaziAryan Ideology

2. NO Objective , No Tangible Demand
(I)The Indian Moslem and Kashmiri objectives differ greatly and oppositely:
The Kashmiri Objective is Freedom #Krexit from the IU ( Indian Union) ! Like #Brexit but in Heart of Asia !
Kashmiri are less capable of fighting, they are a natiion of Goldsmiths, scholars and farmers, with clear country and terrortial outline and cmmon history and a free country of same ethnicity to neighbour it.

(AJK, similar to how Albania Helped Kosovo with US help, Liberation of IOK Kashmir can be Trump's Kosovo success story !!)

(ii) They need a seperate Unifying flag each - a Flag is an identity

Indian Moslem are not homogenous - they have to delink the artifical dirty rag of Indian (Indian Union) and embrace their pre-1947 Identity, What was the ethnicities of their Great-Grandparenst, what language were their gravestones written in etc, Or if if pre-islamic is too close, what one non religious factor can bond them? what is the comon factor to bond them.

The very term itself is flawed and a big reason for their incoherent and disjointed disparate dissipate voice, differeing demands and etc.

Their liberation will be more suited to a quasi-religious cause which benefits religious freedom but not necessarily relgious itself.( A secular region/Republic which simply happens to be 30% moslem)

''...What sayeth Ye to 5 -10 More Free Republics on the Arabian sea Coast - UASE United East Arabian Emirates or Maharaj-ates ...''

They are in the cluthces of In-experienced Naive Mullah Cults created from the unlettered classes ; a masterstroke by the British ruling class along with the Brahminist-Hindutva elements to challenge the Ruling Moslem Intellectual Elite, Skilled and experienced Moslem bureaucrats left over from the Prevuious Moslem dominated empires to prevent a resurrection of the Empire, and also to serve as a free-army of religous zealots against sikhs and hindus and Portugese/French colonialists/Chinese -Japanses invasions... similarly cultivated sikh and Hindu groups like RSS for similar purposes from undeducated inexperience disenfranchised classes, to dilut the intelledctual Hindu's/Sikhs who had served in Sikh, Maratha or Moslem Empires

- so this factor will be a potent one... internal enemy for IndianUnion's Moslems.
Look at the Fatwa factories in actions and contrast to those media of those who are supposed to eb their so called other/enenmy

- even support from as far afield as Israeli newspapers for Kashmiri and Indian Union Moslem's (often portrayed as the other/the enemy) are more vocal to speak the truth than the victims themselcves, the situationn is bad but these people desire subjugation - some one else to carry the responisbility not themselves have littel desire for freedom.

* ( all three 4 mains schools of Moslem thought are all carved from the same carrion Cow/pig and marked Halal/Kosher,
(As a matter of Fact even Mr Khomieini of Iran was of Indian Union origin and faked being royal Hashemite status, to legitimise his rule like the Indian Union Mullahs.)

They are the main flag bearers of the Indian Union, they will not be in any mood to be its pall-bearer.


(this is one of many multiple reasons why the palestine model is a false currency/ and Kosovo is the more appropuirate Succes story likeness )

AJK Kashmir is already a free country; albeit within the Pakistanian monetary and Defence Ambit ( it is like Switzerland and Kosovo Landlocked) until the time it can get the promised referrendum from both sides as UN Promised, it also has a fully functioning independent Parliament and Prime Minister- therefore not Represented in the Pakistaninan Parliament.

Even if it were ot acheive full Independence, It has 2 provinces occupied /administed by China which will need to be returned, as a gesture of goodwill, Its relations with Pakistan would likely be stronger due to co-relgiouinsit and Geographic domination of Peaks Pakistan, but also maintain healthy relations with Indian Union diiolves into its smaller sconstituent republics which would avail of Kashmir as a Switzerland of Asia, Afgani, the chinese russian and other-Stans would also have this opportunity - Much like Albania and Kosovo, montenegro, North. Macedonia ! #Krexit #Brexit

The pre-occupation of likening everthing to palestines is not valid and incorrect, it shows political and historical immaturity which the R-SS are exploiting to link very seperate issues, in order to avoid international isolation - mthey are tryin very hard to clutch to israel and myanmar - Israel as a populatoin has abandoned them,although at government level arms sales contuine, Indian union is bribing Myanmar and ignited the Rohingya issue to deflect any potential opposition from Myanmar who is diversifying air focr with china-Pakistan and Indian Union recently gifted submarine to buy freidshio - it is very desperate. #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

The Indian Union, already very isolated by almost every evangelical Chrsitian group over its treatment of Kashmiris is trying to rope in Israel public support by likening it to palestinenesn, since Israelis are in the misdt of the palestines issue and has n immediate daily impact ( rockets landing in sderot, air raid sirensetc),
whereas with Kashmir they are detached and can see from the outside.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

This is at a time when even world Jewish sympathy and even hard right elements of the Israeli Media and public Opinion - especially the generation who lived in contact with holocaust survivors can completely recognise the Indian Union's brutality and hlocause-esque behaviour as Nazi and Indian Union's renaissance as the 3rd reich re-incarnated.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

The Indian Union are creating an Aushwitz, Dachau and the likes of holocaust-eque proportions, they have openly called to rape dead Kashmiri and Moslem women from out of their graves ( some freaky re-incarnation necrophilia belief), [Chief Minister Yoga-man as reference point] and they are appropriating land, estates and property of Kashmiri since many Kashmiri are Goldsmiths and intellectuals; the Indian Union is suing the Nazi SS or R-SS (Renaissance-SS) Script and like the Nazi blamed Jews for Controlling the Gold and ecnonomy they are blaming the Kashmiri for controlling the Gold and Economy.#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

This is Since the forced Demonitisation failed - they are resorting to nazi propaganada to usurp the rights, property and finally the lives and population of the Kashmiri People, keep going - its like mein Kampf being played out on daily basis .#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

Pakistanian PM Imran Khan has been a key campaigner for speaking up against Nazi Holocaust and anti-semitism as a lifelong campaigner and also a victim himself of anti-semtism#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

Even withiin the Indian Union Politacal party groups see the EU European Union whitewash of the Indian Union as Nazi now, and it is all out in the open, #Brexit Brexiteers in the UK hit the nail right on rightly called out the EU on its neo-Nazi institutional policy. ! #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir


The Proposal here as a Solution is very simple mass Public solution : to pick up the movement as
Krexit -Kashmir Exit from the Indian Union#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

#Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

1. Kashmir to end the Monetary Union with the Indian Union (Article 370 has done this, as has CAA ,35-a)
2. Kashmir to Refuse using the Single Hindi Language (Forced Sansrkitisation, wiope out history &usurping cultural identity)
3. Kashmir to refuse to use the Single Currency of the Indian Union - Kashmiri Demonitise the Indian Union Rupee.
Instead use the US DOLLAR/GBP -POUND CHF -Swizz Franc.

This is not a BDS call ( which is a reactionary racist call - set up champagne socialists)

This is a #Brexit Clarion Call - only #Krexit for a Free Kashmir ( a pro-active movement for Kashmir Exiting the Indian Union )!


Once it is clear/unclear to instituional investors that the INDIAN UNION RUPEE money is real fake or demonisitised previous currency - it looses its legitimacy, as it is simply not trustworthy and a pile of useless newspaper slips, please feel free to use wipe arse with or use as firewoood, the demonisitised notes.

This is a Peaceful but show of sterenght from position of Dominance - Mass and International not siply Pan-Asian Movement focussing on the Indian Union Ecnonmy, due to its role of being a Nazi anti-semtitic disgustful evil holocaust-esque colossus of filth,

Use the Logo and Peacefully vote with your Money, Invest your money in AJK Kashmir.

If the reaction is to burn or tear the pakistani rupee it will only serve to make exports cheaper and increase volume of trade, or revert to trade in US Dollar ( more Us dollar reserves for PK for its IMF loans), win-win !

Indian Union has to unravel its unholy multiple artificial umbuilical cords, it was made on Stalinist-Soviet lines with sucessive Nazi Party governemnt, Many free Nations will emerge out of the Indian Union

This is an Individual and ECONOMIC MOVEMENT to empower people themselves, not a political nor Violent one, since it is the final democratic means possible and actinign within the parameters of the law - depsite violations and atricious attacks on Kashmiri protestors and systematic anti-semitic repression from the Indian Union.

Self defence is your opwn choice whether indivudal or Collective repsonsibility is your own choice - UN charter Human rights.

You've heard the term vote with your money - Here is Only to advocate Economic vote for Freedom with your US Dollar ! #Krexit #Brexit #FreeKashmir

The nucleus of Indian identity lies in the indigenous Indic heathen opposition to Islam..Result of the struggle between 1001 AD and 1758 AD......As long as Islam looms large over South Asia, the Indian union will surprisingly draw its strength from the very existence of Islam itself. The moment Islam disappears from the subcontinent, India and its neighbours would disintegrate into a more natural array of around a dozen odd nations (also weakening Hinduism,Buddhism,Jainism,Sikhism in the process)..the only three Natural nations in South Asia are Maldives,Bhutan and Bangladesh. But even Bangladesh has an unnatural component in the Thervada Buddhist ChittaGong Hills--->which should have gone to India being the natural home of all schools of Buddhism,especially Theravada...

This I say as one from relatively secular, non-religious West Bengal
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Ok this is a post to formulate ideas on the best way Indian Muslims can defend themselves against hindutva extremism, mob attacks like Gujarat, police attack etc

I request we leave politics, we told you SO's, Jinnah was right etc on the sidelines and think of pure practicality
I also state that asking Indian Muslims to bow down and accept hindutva extremism over them is unacceptable

Any pissi comments from Indians are also not welcome unless they are about how Indian Muslims can practically defend themselves

Some starting thoughts

1- Even 100 jackles can bring down a lion, Indian Muslims need defendable areas of majority, in too many places in India they are isolated communities which can be targeted by hindutva
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority
They still might be outnumbered but if they can form some serious numbers they can have the ability to defend against attack

2- They need weapons - Guns-
Guns are difficult to find in India, but it's important to get them
Nothing will create more panic in hindutva mobs trying to attack a Muslim locality then gun shots being fired into a crowd, A whole mob could be dispersed if they see mob members start falling

Other weapons Knives, bats, sticks anything and everything needs to be collected for any eventuality
Both in Gujarat and in UP recently the Police were a arm of Hindutva extremism and cannot be trusted, they work hand in hand with the mob to target Muslims
They will go into a Muslim locality before tensions to harm, demoralise and TO DISARM MUSLIMS AND CONFISCATE WEAPONS

Thus weapons need to be well hidden and dispersed
Common items such as large kitchen knives, heavy sticks, anything that can be used in a emergency need to be at hand

3 - Defence or attack is nothing without ORGANISATION a Muslim response to the RSS needs to be set up
An organisation that can rally, train, organise Muslims into a unit and in times of attack fight back and form it's own' mobs

4- Don't trust the Police, State or Army just like in Gujarat they will be your worst enemy
Not only will they not defend you, they will actively seek to harm you
They will lead mobs to you
They will try to disarm you
They will partake in violence, rape and murder against you
The state will just call you rioters and condemn you
In short, a pan India political movement of Indian Muslims needs to be started now to defend Muslim rights, provide lawyers, finances to Muslims in distress and provide political support when they are targeted

Any other practical ideas,
Good weapons

A long term plan should be to heavily increase the population too. Without numbers they are nothing.
A long term plan should be to heavily increase the population too. Without numbers they are nothing.

recent inflation drives by the government has an implicit aim of reducing Muslim birthrates..High prices would finally force Muslims to stop reproducing...the 90s stop Hindu urban middle class from reproducing more than 2 (now it is going down to 1)...the 2000s stopped Hindu poor and Muslim middle class to not go beyond 2 or 3...2010s stopped Hindu poor to limit it to 2..2020s will hopefully limit even Muslims to 2 or less than 2.....This is why I am not against inflation
recent inflation drives by the government has an implicit aim of reducing Muslim birthrates..High prices would finally force Muslims to stop reproducing...the 90s stop Hindu urban middle class from reproducing more than 2 (now it is going down to 1)...the 2000s stopped Hindu poor and Muslim middle class to not go beyond 2 or 3...2010s stopped Hindu poor to limit it to 2..2020s will hopefully limit even Muslims to 2 or less than 2.....This is why I am not against inflation
Muslims believe that any child is govt by God. So Goodluck with your fantasies. Muslim population is already growing at a way higher speed than others in India, they just need to increase little more.
Muslims believe that any child is govt by God. So Goodluck with your fantasies. Muslim population is already growing at a way higher speed than others in India, they just need to increase little more.

They are at 14 percent..perfectly manageable..and the coming price hike will kill any womb led expansionism...The moment Muslim women are liberated as in Iran, they will consciously settle for 1 or at most 2 kids ...Education will also lead to their secularization and interest in the modern world as with Iranian women
They are at 14 percent..perfectly manageable..and the coming price hike will kill any womb led expansionism...The moment Muslim women are liberated as in Iran, they will consciously settle for 1 or at most 2 kids ...Education will also lead to their secularization and interest in the modern world as with Iranian women

They are at 14 percent and growing. The hindu's Brahman have a birth rate of 1.8, which means a decrease. If you combine Brahman with dalit then hindu growth in India is 36% compare to 2000, while Muslim population grew 90% and Christians at 20%. So muslim population growth in India is more than double of hindu population growth. Check all the surveys that suggest muslims will become 30% of india's total population by 2080.
They are at 14 percent and growing. The hindu's Brahman have a birth rate of 1.8, which means a decrease. If you combine Brahman with dalit then hindu growth in India is 36% compare to 2000, while Muslim population grew 90% and Christians at 20%. So muslim population growth in India is more than double of hindu population growth. Check all the surveys that suggest muslims will become 30% of india's total population by 2080.

The best defence is the TRUTH : truth always defeats falsehood.

The first casualty of conflict is the truth - since the topic of this sthread is defence strategy - reporting of correct figures is critical to international legitimisation/ or attempts to de-ligitmise - ie information battleground.

[A] RSS State sponsored Strategy :
R-SS; follows gobbels strategy of miniformation: ie lie statistics -
followed by campaign of fear, and force brainwashed into mental (& physical) surrender
  • RS argument lies on the strenght on convincing the world investors on the Economic attractiveness of a
    1.2 Billion Market
  • Safety of its markets place for investments and growth
The deterrent factor of the IU's military strenght was seen in tibet ; where abunch of gooks simply walked into well tibet..

Birth Rates and population estimates are incorrect :
60 million over 80 years doesnt match the figures.
  • his is done intentionally to under represent the Participation of other MAJORITIES in the Union.
Given the Census; and politicsal pressure to under-report people; manipulate voter lists; land mafia; mis-designating or applying sectarian labels to diminish number.

The correct estimates are 350 million Moslems in the IU Union
some optimistic figures give 450 million Moslems in IU Union

(total number of moslems or as RSS senior cadres would say "hostages" held by RSS)

With CAA now firmly in place;
  • the best course of action for those opposing the RSS is to De-ligimise its Market size by saying now the IU Union is now a market of dwindling 800 Million -

  • The 1.2 billion figure is a Key number in a well thought out burlesque pole dance act* by the IU to over glamourise sensationlaise and attract foregin investors and show look we have a market size to compete with China...

  • 1 billion figure is a psychological marker and figure to make the investors go WOW !

Counter Strategy for defence against dininformation by the IU people:

  • Challenge the fake news figures given by the serpent's state

    • no its not - the IU is only 800 Million with CAA the market size has shaved off 350 million - 400 million potential customers for multinationals..
    • which in turn is less money from institutional investors for the IU-RSS combine to misderect these funds to further malicious Nazi policies.
    • The
So by reversing the effect of information-disnformation they are able to create a viable defence.

PM Imran Khan is ideally placed to challege this fake News narrative of 160 million Moselms; whereas if he were to simply state the correct figures of 350 million;

The IU would have moral difficulty to contradict this since its wiped out half of its population from the database via CAA .

Furthermore ( Still a Relevant defence startegy Point to this thread c.c Moderators)

Since the IU Moslesm or other nations subjugated by the IU do not own their own Media

e.g. - [ Bollywood stealth sanskritisation and feed inferiority complex; constatly seeking validation]

  • Own media - clearly explain

    • the main battleground to defend is actually in their own minds;
    • if they can win the battle for accepting the reality;
    • they have to provide their own Facts instead of accepting
    • even if that means over exaggerating to get a better more accurate average facts/figures.
    • instead of fearfully glossing over theat they are subject to another Holocaust - by a Nazi party;
    • all in vain trying to prove their loyalty to Superstate evil empire where they are not even Citizens CAA.
They are loosing a winning case - Presenting the world a clear Information basis - ie either they collectively decide on religious basis or on individual ethnic basis.

They require a standard language's and standardised platform to simply get the message out ; and standardised flags/logo - whichever the basis they decide to choose.

  • standardised platform

    • We saw this Information defence very effectively in the recent North Syria War - a WWE style triple threat match;
    • where not only does the ragtag rebel on a red warrant wanted International Bandit now have a validated twitter account but infact corresponds with the POTUS;
    • and has more media coverrage than his nearest rival a veteran of 60 years than the KRG President, who is actually a dynastic ruler with great following.
This is exactly why #Brexit and #KrexitKashmir presents the economic basis of facts easily.

defence strategy can also inclulde to reach out and #FreetheJewsofKochinCalicut and #FreetheChrstiansofGoa as we #WeRemember #YadVashem, to defend against the ideology of the RSS Reborn-SS Nazi.

Truth infomration is the best strategy in the way outline above as a pointer.

The nucleus of Indian identity lies in the indigenous Indic heathen opposition to Islam..Result of the struggle between 1001 AD and 1758 AD......As long as Islam looms large over South Asia, the Indian Union will surprisingly draw its strength from the very existence of Islam itself. The moment Islam disappears from the subcontinent, India and its neighbours would disintegrate into a more natural array of around a dozen odd nations (also weakening Hinduism,Buddhism,Jainism,Sikhism in the process)..the only three Natural nations in South Asia are Maldives,Bhutan and Bangladesh. But even Bangladesh has an unnatural component in the Thervada Buddhist ChittaGong Hills--->which should have gone to India being the natural home of all schools of Buddhism,especially Theravada...

This I say as one from relatively secular, non-religious West Bengal

I will politely deconstruct your (RSS apologist seeming) statement and keep it relevant to this thread;
since the topic is defence stargtegy and your assertion forms the (fake news/ dinsinformed) moral and ideological basis of the offense which is being defended against.. :

Firstly: secularism is not a sheild but rather a blood stained sword.

Secualrism is a religion- my Rabbi said so.
  • He elucidated it is a compbinatation of paganism supersition & idolatory re-packaged;
  • Philosphy is altering the word of G-D, and
  • Catholic crusades like the Holocaust were also defined by themselves as secular nature.

Secondly - Robert Clive doesnt seem like a Moslem; Neither was adolf Hitler; Mein Kampf is certainly not ana Arab book ?
  • RSS model of offense and ideological offensive Hitler as insipiration
  • Gandhi's freind was hitler, so again fail to see Moslem role. (reference his own letter)
  • Lord Mountbatten the virceroy was not by any stretch of the imagination a Moslem.
  • Queen elisabth I/Victoria might have had MOslem servat boys but gain not a Moslem..
  • Neither was the head of the crusade sip[ce trade the Pope a Moslem
  • Nor was Vasco da Gama a Moslem
  • Nither was Chairman Mao nor Naxalistes are not Moslems

  • all of the above actually opposed Moslems very violently and used is as a smokescreen to have a go at jews at the same time.

You are trying to use anti-semitism arguments ; and present in a different way by replacing Jew with Moslem, and whitewash it with the term secular.
  • There is no indegenous indic indentity - The RSS has already said this - they say most Moslems are Arabs; Uzbeks; Afghan-Pashtun are foreigners.
  • The urge to commit necrophilia with the graves of the above is a statement to the expansionist mindset - rather than as you claim to defend any indic / hindic values.
The Brahmin supremacist mindset actually is the key ideology
- their desire is to have a supersate from Syrian coast to Australia to replicate Ashoka.
It has an imperial design not a cultural or ethnocentric...

Besides Afghans were Aramaic speaking Israelites so this disproves why Ashoka had to expand to their territory, not as you say moslems..

Brahmins themselves being invaders from Babylonia speaking an Iraqi dialect called sansrkit and masquerading as Aryans - are the real ideology and offer the moral basis (immoral in this instance) of this Offensive in Nazi Actions.

If you were to say dravidian resentment of Moslems your argument would be more valid against non-dravidian and invasion of non - austro-aboriginal groups -yet still deconstructable..

Are you for even a moment trying to say the Jews of Kochin, Or that the Portugese of goa , or the Parsees of Bombay are Indic (indus valley) ?

I wonder
The best defence is the TRUTH : truth always defeats falsehood.

The first casualty of conflict is the truth - since the topic of this sthread is defence strategy - reporting of correct figures is critical to international legitimisation/ or attempts to de-ligitmise - ie information battleground.

[A] RSS State sponsored Strategy :
R-SS; follows gobbels strategy of miniformation: ie lie statistics -
followed by campaign of fear, and force brainwashed into mental (& physical) surrender
  • RS argument lies on the strenght on convincing the world investors on the Economic attractiveness of a
    1.2 Billion Market
  • Safety of its markets place for investments and growth
The deterrent factor of the IU's military strenght was seen in tibet ; where abunch of gooks simply walked into well tibet..

Birth Rates and population estimates are incorrect :
60 million over 80 years doesnt match the figures.
  • his is done intentionally to under represent the Participation of other MAJORITIES in the Union.
Given the Census; and politicsal pressure to under-report people; manipulate voter lists; land mafia; mis-designating or applying sectarian labels to diminish number.

The correct estimates are 350 million Moslems in the IU Union
some optimistic figures give 450 million Moslems in IU Union

(total number of moslems or as RSS senior cadres would say "hostages" held by RSS)

With CAA now firmly in place;
  • the best course of action for those opposing the RSS is to De-ligimise its Market size by saying now the IU Union is now a market of dwindling 800 Million -

  • The 1.2 billion figure is a Key number in a well thought out burlesque pole dance act* by the IU to over glamourise sensationlaise and attract foregin investors and show look we have a market size to compete with China...

  • 1 billion figure is a psychological marker and figure to make the investors go WOW !

Counter Strategy for defence against dininformation by the IU people:

  • Challenge the fake news figures given by the serpent's state

    • no its not - the IU is only 800 Million with CAA the market size has shaved off 350 million - 400 million potential customers for multinationals..
    • which in turn is less money from institutional investors for the IU-RSS combine to misderect these funds to further malicious Nazi policies.
    • The
So by reversing the effect of information-disnformation they are able to create a viable defence.

PM Imran Khan is ideally placed to challege this fake News narrative of 160 million Moselms; whereas if he were to simply state the correct figures of 350 million;

The IU would have moral difficulty to contradict this since its wiped out half of its population from the database via CAA .

Furthermore ( Still a Relevant defence startegy Point to this thread c.c Moderators)

Since the IU Moslesm or other nations subjugated by the IU do not own their own Media

e.g. - [ Bollywood stealth sanskritisation and feed inferiority complex; constatly seeking validation]

  • Own media - clearly explain

    • the main battleground to defend is actually in their own minds;
    • if they can win the battle for accepting the reality;
    • they have to provide their own Facts instead of accepting
    • even if that means over exaggerating to get a better more accurate average facts/figures.
    • instead of fearfully glossing over theat they are subject to another Holocaust - by a Nazi party;
    • all in vain trying to prove their loyalty to Superstate evil empire where they are not even Citizens CAA.
They are loosing a winning case - Presenting the world a clear Information basis - ie either they collectively decide on religious basis or on individual ethnic basis.

They require a standard language's and standardised platform to simply get the message out ; and standardised flags/logo - whichever the basis they decide to choose.

  • standardised platform

    • We saw this Information defence very effectively in the recent North Syria War - a WWE style triple threat match;
    • where not only does the ragtag rebel on a red warrant wanted International Bandit now have a validated twitter account but infact corresponds with the POTUS;
    • and has more media coverrage than his nearest rival a veteran of 60 years than the KRG President, who is actually a dynastic ruler with great following.
This is exactly why #Brexit and #KrexitKashmir presents the economic basis of facts easily.

defence strategy can also inclulde to reach out and #FreetheJewsofKochinCalicut and #FreetheChrstiansofGoa as we #WeRemember #YadVashem, to defend against the ideology of the RSS Reborn-SS Nazi.

Truth infomration is the best strategy in the way outline above as a pointer.

I will politely deconstruct your (RSS apologist seeming) statement and keep it relevant to this thread;
since the topic is defence stargtegy and your assertion forms the (fake news/ dinsinformed) moral and ideological basis of the offense which is being defended against.. :

Firstly: secularism is not a sheild but rather a blood stained sword.

Secualrism is a religion- my Rabbi said so.
  • He elucidated it is a compbinatation of paganism supersition & idolatory re-packaged;
  • Philosphy is altering the word of G-D, and
  • Catholic crusades like the Holocaust were also defined by themselves as secular nature.

Secondly - Robert Clive doesnt seem like a Moslem; Neither was adolf Hitler; Mein Kampf is certainly not ana Arab book ?
  • RSS model of offense and ideological offensive Hitler as insipiration
  • Gandhi's freind was hitler, so again fail to see Moslem role. (reference his own letter)
  • Lord Mountbatten the virceroy was not by any stretch of the imagination a Moslem.
  • Queen elisabth I/Victoria might have had MOslem servat boys but gain not a Moslem..
  • Neither was the head of the crusade sip[ce trade the Pope a Moslem
  • Nor was Vasco da Gama a Moslem
  • Nither was Chairman Mao nor Naxalistes are not Moslems

  • all of the above actually opposed Moslems very violently and used is as a smokescreen to have a go at jews at the same time.

You are trying to use anti-semitism arguments ; and present in a different way by replacing Jew with Moslem, and whitewash it with the term secular.
  • There is no indegenous indic indentity - The RSS has already said this - they say most Moslems are Arabs; Uzbeks; Afghan-Pashtun are foreigners.
  • The urge to commit necrophilia with the graves of the above is a statement to the expansionist mindset - rather than as you claim to defend any indic / hindic values.
The Brahmin supremacist mindset actually is the key ideology
- their desire is to have a supersate from Syrian coast to Australia to replicate Ashoka.
It has an imperial design not a cultural or ethnocentric...

Besides Afghans were Aramaic speaking Israelites so this disproves why Ashoka had to expand to their territory, not as you say moslems..

Brahmins themselves being invaders from Babylonia speaking an Iraqi dialect called sansrkit and masquerading as Aryans - are the real ideology and offer the moral basis (immoral in this instance) of this Offensive in Nazi Actions.

If you were to say dravidian resentment of Moslems your argument would be more valid against non-dravidian and invasion of non - austro-aboriginal groups -yet still deconstructable..

Are you for even a moment trying to say the Jews of Kochin, Or that the Portugese of goa , or the Parsees of Bombay are Indic (indus valley) ?

I wonder

Your Rabbi is wrong about secularism..You can reject God or existence of it and still have a thriving , vigorous civilization ...Buddhism is a direct testimony to that fact for 2,500 years....Buddhism has been around since the time of Jewish Babylonian captivity (where majority of the Torah and Tanakh were composed)

Hindutva is just Indianism---get over it

The only real Jew is a Samaritan, rest are just Israelites trying make a stand--->but I doubt you would know about it false flagger..donot bother replying me
Ok this is a post to formulate ideas on the best way Indian Muslims can defend themselves against hindutva extremism, mob attacks like Gujarat, police attack etc

I request we leave politics, we told you SO's, Jinnah was right etc on the sidelines and think of pure practicality
I also state that asking Indian Muslims to bow down and accept hindutva extremism over them is unacceptable

Any pissi comments from Indians are also not welcome unless they are about how Indian Muslims can practically defend themselves

Some starting thoughts

1- Even 100 jackles can bring down a lion, Indian Muslims need defendable areas of majority, in too many places in India they are isolated communities which can be targeted by hindutva
Thus they need to think and move closer to each other and form areas of majority
They still might be outnumbered but if they can form some serious numbers they can have the ability to defend against attack

2- They need weapons - Guns-
Guns are difficult to find in India, but it's important to get them
Nothing will create more panic in hindutva mobs trying to attack a Muslim locality then gun shots being fired into a crowd, A whole mob could be dispersed if they see mob members start falling

Other weapons Knives, bats, sticks anything and everything needs to be collected for any eventuality
Both in Gujarat and in UP recently the Police were a arm of Hindutva extremism and cannot be trusted, they work hand in hand with the mob to target Muslims
They will go into a Muslim locality before tensions to harm, demoralise and TO DISARM MUSLIMS AND CONFISCATE WEAPONS

Thus weapons need to be well hidden and dispersed
Common items such as large kitchen knives, heavy sticks, anything that can be used in a emergency need to be at hand

3 - Defence or attack is nothing without ORGANISATION a Muslim response to the RSS needs to be set up
An organisation that can rally, train, organise Muslims into a unit and in times of attack fight back and form it's own' mobs

4- Don't trust the Police, State or Army just like in Gujarat they will be your worst enemy
Not only will they not defend you, they will actively seek to harm you
They will lead mobs to you
They will try to disarm you
They will partake in violence, rape and murder against you
The state will just call you rioters and condemn you
In short, a pan India political movement of Indian Muslims needs to be started now to defend Muslim rights, provide lawyers, finances to Muslims in distress and provide political support when they are targeted

Any other practical ideas,
Good weapons

Just a reminder on how easy it is to be able to tell the future of India once you understand Jinnah's message
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