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  1. silverox

    Don’t ignore the plight of Tibet under the Chinese Communist party

    In areas affected by Indian culture, there are countless children reaching out for money without feeling ashamed. In China, only Tibetan children will generally ask for property without a sense of shame. Children of all other ethnic groups will not be like this
  2. silverox

    How Saudi Arabia's religious project transformed Indonesia

    新加坡太小了,新加坡应该入侵印度尼西亚 占领一大块土地
  3. silverox

    South China Sea: US must ‘disrupt and destroy’ China to stop invasion - ex-Taiwan admiral

    我宁愿把台湾拆毁,也不允许台湾变成日本和美国的基地,威胁我们的安全 同样的情况适用于新疆,我宁愿变成希特勒,也绝不允许维吾尔人分割我们的领土
  4. silverox


    Women's rights in China are among the best in the world
  5. silverox

    The Observer view on China’s human rights abuses in Hong Kong

    This newspaper is a newspaper of the CIA. Max Simon is an assistant to the boss of Apple Daily. He is an official of the CIA stationed in Hong Kong. He is responsible for communication between the boss of Apple Daily and the CIA. This newspaper originally represented the interests of the United...
  6. silverox

    Washington is playing a losing game with China

    China and the United States cooperate against the Soviet Union. China's economic development is its own effort, and there is no begging. The United States has never supported China's industrialization. Never, because after the United States discovered that Japan could surpass it, it decided not...
  7. silverox

    Washington is playing a losing game with China

    Everyone, don’t worry, both China and the United States have hydrogen bombs, which are dozens to hundreds of times more deadly than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. A single hydrogen bomb can destroy tens of thousands of square kilometers. China and the United States will not really fight, and China...
  8. silverox

    As trade with China grows despite tensions, Modi’s ‘self-reliant India’ dream fades

    Economic development must comply with economic laws. China is in the middle and upper reaches of the economic development chain, the high-end is the United States, and India is in the lower reaches.
  9. silverox

    NATO's secretary-general says China doesn't 'share our values'

    Values are similar to religious missions Those who don't believe what I teach are bad guys well These words express the characteristics of Christianity
  10. silverox

    Hungarians protest against planned Chinese university campus

    The United States is easy to fall into collective madness. Your national psychology is too extreme. I suggest that the United States make better suggestions to the Chinese government. I have always hoped that China will adopt an American-style reserved land system and put Uyghurs on reserved...
  11. silverox

    ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

    The United States and Israel are important drivers of the topic of Uyghur genocide. They want to transfer their contradiction with the Islamic world into a contradiction between China and the Islamic world, and encourage hostility between the Islamic world and China. The offshore balance...
  12. silverox

    Hungarians protest against planned Chinese university campus

    I have observed that the overall public opinion in the United States is fiercely promoting hatred of China, and politicians are proposing increasingly extreme anti-China bills just like in sports games. The United States is getting crazy. It seems that the collective mentality of the American...
  13. silverox

    Indians day dreaming of China break up

    Almost 20 years ago, the Chinese military was very backward, and the Chinese economy was still very weak. At that time, South Korea’s economy was already very strong. The South Korean Air Force was equipped with F16. Our army only had the extremely backward J8, J7, or even J6. The Koreans wanted...
  14. silverox

    Hungarians protest against planned Chinese university campus

    These politically named roads sound so ugly, I thought for a while the locals would be bored with these stupid names
  15. silverox

    Indian Army targets AI-powered battle tanks with eye on China

    India is protected by the Himalayas. What is the significance of India's development of tanks targeting China? This tank is purely to deter the small South Asian countries around India
  16. silverox

    Breaking!!! Bahria Town ATTACKED by MOB - FIRE Everywhere

    This kind of thing happened in China in the past. My classmate was a policeman. He had just graduated from the police school and went to a local police station for an internship. A group of farmers smashed the entire police station because of land disputes.
  17. silverox

    Thousands in Budapest rally against planned Chinese university campus

    Hungary really does not have the qualifications to be monitored by China. This is purely a commercial project.
  18. silverox

    Featured India and Pakistan are now poorer than Bangladesh

    I have bought a few adidas clothes made in Bangladesh and a leather jacket made in Pakistan I want to know if Pakistani women can work in the factory
  19. silverox

    Why is China making a permanent enemy of India?

    布拉玛·切拉尼(Brahma Chellaney) He is a fanatical intellectual of Indian far-right Hindu nationalism, and all his articles are inciting India’s hostility towards China. His Twitter photo is a group photo of him with Japanese far-right politicians, which reflects Brahma Chellaney's inner malice towards...
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