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Hungarians protest against planned Chinese university campus


Jul 31, 2020
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United States

Thousands of Hungarians, some of them holding banners declaring "Treason", protested on Saturday against a Chinese university's plans to open a campus in Budapest.

Liberal opponents of nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban accuse him of cosying up to China, and fear the campus could undercut the quality of higher education and help Beijing increase its influence in Hungary and the European Union.

"I do not agree with our country's strengthening feudal relationship with China," Patrik, a 22-year-old student who declined to give his full name, said at the protest in the Hungarian capital.

He said funds should be used "to improve our own universities instead of building a Chinese one."

The government signed an agreement with Shanghai-based Fudan University in April on building the campus at a site in Budapest where a dormitory village for Hungarian students had previously been planned.

The government has said Fudan is a world-class institution and the campus would "allow students to learn from the best."

MTI news agency quoted Tamas Schanda, a deputy government minister, as saying Saturday's protest was unnecessary and dismissing "political hysteria" based on unfounded gossip and media reports.

Opposition politicians and economists have criticised what they say will be the high costs of the project and a lack of transparency. Budapest's mayor opposes the plan.

"Fidesz is selling out wholesale the housing of Hungarian students, and their future, just so it can bring the elite university of China's dictatorship into the country," the organisers of Saturday's protest said on Facebook.

Beijing said this week "a few Hungarian politicians" were trying to grab attention and obstruct cooperation between China and Hungary.

Orban has built cordial ties with China, Russia and other illiberal governments, while locking horns with Western allies by curbing the independence of scientific research, the judiciary and media. read more

He faces a unified opposition for the first time since assuming power in 2010 before a parliamentary election due in 2022.


Their universities are spy shops and places where they will stifle speech, try to influence curriculum. Like they did in Australia.
China-backed Confucius Institutes face closure under veto laws (Australia)



China-backed Confucius Institutes face closure under veto laws (Australia)

Good. Shut down such rubbish propaganda centers.
I suppose they are "liberal" minorities of all kind, not normal ordinary Hungarians. Normal Hungarians stay with Orban in his antiliberal fight for traditional human values.
I suppose they are "liberal" minorities of all kind, not normal ordinary Hungarians. Normal Hungarians stay with Orban in his antiliberal fight for traditional human values.

right, them asking that their educational institutions don't get taken over by the Chinese is about liberals. Okay, comrade, I suppose Putin killing opposition members is also a liberal act. I suppose you would be okay with American universities pushing our culture in Russia.

the naming of streets as The street names are "Free Hong Kong road", "Uyghur Martyrs' road", "Dalai Lama road", and "Bishop Xie Shiguang road" -- named after a persecuted Chinese Catholic priest- by Hungarian right wing politicians is also about liberals. :meeting:
These politically named roads sound so ugly, I thought for a while the locals would be bored with these stupid names
sorry, they don't share your love for the Uyghur genocide
I have observed that the overall public opinion in the United States is fiercely promoting hatred of China, and politicians are proposing increasingly extreme anti-China bills just like in sports games. The United States is getting crazy. It seems that the collective mentality of the American nation shaped by the genocide of the Indians is ready to fight our China.
It's easy to criticize, why not make suggestions? I have already left a message to the US Embassy in China on Twitter, and I suggest that the US government give China a proposal to reform Uyghur policy.
China should abolish the ethnic minority autonomy system learned from the Soviet Union and adopt the Indian reservation system adopted by advanced civilized countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and Denmark. I ask the U.S. government to introduce its advanced reservation system to the Chinese government and designate southern Xinjiang as a Uyghur reservation.
I have observed that the overall public opinion in the United States is fiercely promoting hatred of China, and politicians are proposing increasingly extreme anti-China bills just like in sports games. The United States is getting crazy. It seems that the collective mentality of the American nation shaped by the genocide of the Indians is ready to fight our China.
It's easy to criticize, why not make suggestions? I have already left a message to the US Embassy in China on Twitter, and I suggest that the US government give China a proposal to reform Uyghur policy.
China should abolish the ethnic minority autonomy system learned from the Soviet Union and adopt the Indian reservation system adopted by advanced civilized countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and Denmark. I ask the U.S. government to introduce its advanced reservation system to the Chinese government and designate southern Xinjiang as a Uyghur reservation.

you left message for US embassy on a banned platform in China? lol

here more embassies to leave messages for, they all have tremendous dislike for China.


you left message for US embassy on a banned platform in China? lol

here more embassies to leave messages for, they all have tremendous dislike for China.

View attachment 751201

View attachment 751202
The United States is easy to fall into collective madness. Your national psychology is too extreme. I suggest that the United States make better suggestions to the Chinese government. I have always hoped that China will adopt an American-style reserved land system and put Uyghurs on reserved land. Americans Probably no real experience of getting along with the Turkic peoples, you can imagine them as a weakened version of ISIS
Remember the Chechen pressure cooker bomb brothers? In the unique American neurotic culture, ordinary American girls are keen to write love letters to murderers. That beautiful Chechen boy terrorist is a Turkic.
The Mayor of Budapest who leads his hardcore supporters and families approx 1000 of them, is a well known anti-China racist and is against the Hungarian ruling party.

I am surprised CNN did not reported it as 10,000.

He ans his supporters were able to come to the street to protest because he and his supporters were innoculated with FREE Chinese vaccines.

View attachment 750925

Thousands of Hungarians, some of them holding banners declaring "Treason", protested on Saturday against a Chinese university's plans to open a campus in Budapest.

Liberal opponents of nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban accuse him of cosying up to China, and fear the campus could undercut the quality of higher education and help Beijing increase its influence in Hungary and the European Union.

"I do not agree with our country's strengthening feudal relationship with China," Patrik, a 22-year-old student who declined to give his full name, said at the protest in the Hungarian capital.

He said funds should be used "to improve our own universities instead of building a Chinese one."

The government signed an agreement with Shanghai-based Fudan University in April on building the campus at a site in Budapest where a dormitory village for Hungarian students had previously been planned.

The government has said Fudan is a world-class institution and the campus would "allow students to learn from the best."

MTI news agency quoted Tamas Schanda, a deputy government minister, as saying Saturday's protest was unnecessary and dismissing "political hysteria" based on unfounded gossip and media reports.

Opposition politicians and economists have criticised what they say will be the high costs of the project and a lack of transparency. Budapest's mayor opposes the plan.

"Fidesz is selling out wholesale the housing of Hungarian students, and their future, just so it can bring the elite university of China's dictatorship into the country," the organisers of Saturday's protest said on Facebook.

Beijing said this week "a few Hungarian politicians" were trying to grab attention and obstruct cooperation between China and Hungary.

Orban has built cordial ties with China, Russia and other illiberal governments, while locking horns with Western allies by curbing the independence of scientific research, the judiciary and media. read more

He faces a unified opposition for the first time since assuming power in 2010 before a parliamentary election due in 2022.


Their universities are spy shops and places where they will stifle speech, try to influence curriculum. Like they did in Australia.
i guess they dont want to be chinese slaves.

pakistan should try to negociate with them - for china, tell them the benifits of slavery?

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