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Why is China making a permanent enemy of India?

Typical India BS. Therefore, I didn't bother to read the crap. Responding to just the title.

The right question should be why India is making China its permanent enemy!!

Lets put the things in to right prospects.

1- Ladakh and for that matter whole of Kashmir is disputed territories. China has a claim to it. Therefore, based on its claims, it is also entitle to occupy or wrestle back any land from India its deemed fit.
Why Indians do not understand, your false claims doesn't make a territory yours. You are occupying it illegally. Therefore, others have the same rights to occupy the land if they think it is theirs.

2- India is occupying Sikkim illegally. It was not its land, they just blocked and coerced the locals to take control of the land from local using different tactics.

3- Indians have used same tactics with Bhutan and made it one of their undeclared colony. Chinese have the same rights, if they think their claims to that land are justifiable.

4- India is illegally occupying Junagarah and Hyderabad. It has used completely different arguments i.e. majority, even though the Raja and Nawab of respective states declared to join Pakistan. While in Kashmir it has used counter arguments and occupied the land despite majority joining Pakistan. That too based on a fake document of succession , which India is reluctant to produce.

5. India has joined Quad and repeatedly says that it can block the Strait and South China Sea with Americans.

Thus, it is India which is making China a permanent enemy.
India is a bully , which needed to be stopped and put it at its right place.
China killed 22 men, Covid probably will kill close to a million. I think we can keep china in back burner for now, enough bandwidth and emotions spent talking about an imaginary enemy when there are much more important things to worry about.

Why are you in a hurry to publicly declare yourself an idiot. You are on a defence forum...get educated fast...and keep radio silence till you develop the basic sense.
terms of territory gained, China's Ladakh aggression may have been a success. But politically, it has proved self-damaging, driving India closer to Washington and making a major Indian military buildup inevitable. Relations between Beijing and New Delhi are at a nadir.

This seems a replay of 1962, when China set out, in the words of then-Premier Zhou Enlai, to "teach India a lesson." China won the war but lost the peace. The difference now is China is making a permanent enemy of its largest neighbor.
What a load of Bollywood bs
So Indians got there arses kicked and on this saying it's China loss

Dude, China did not instigate the affair. Midi thought that he could take advantage of the COVID situation and grab some land.
There are no permanent enemies in geo-politics. Realignments happen all the time.

Israel and a lot of OIC countries is a good example of this.

Who knows what happens in the next few years which might change the world alignment completely.

India would remain suspicious of China though. If China expects to have a fee run and hegemonies Asia then that dream seems to be over for now.
At least someone on here who speaks with common sense instead of emotions/ultra nationalism.
There are no permanent friends in geo politics, the only thing that remains the same is interests. during WWII China and US were best of friends. In fact China was the US/West most important ally in Asia. After the rise of communist to power in China, they turned towards the USSR and became de-facto hostile/enemies with the US. the death of Stalin(who Mao venerated) and the rise to power of Krushev and the others after him who denounced Stalin's murderous policies against soviet citizens again led to China distancing itself from the USSR and allying with the US subsequently. the fall of the USSR and Chinas rise again let to US/China becoming rivals. Same cant be said of India who was a Soviet ally and an enemy of the US/UK/West back then, but they are now closer/getting more aligned with the US/West.
i can go on and on about several countries who have gone through similar changes in alliances/interests(look at Vietnam). So in geo politics, no situation is permanent. China and India can be allies/partners tomorrow depending on change inn geopolitical landscape in the region. The only thing that holds them back is their border conflict which remains unresolved(a legacy of our colonial rule in India. :D). However this can change depending on who is in power in both countries and ready for a compromise. Russia and China used to have an even more troublesome border conflict where they clashed several times on. However look at where they are today. :partay:
India joins and becomes an active member of a geostrategetic alliance against China and then complains that China is making enemies of India ...

Sigh - i am not going to waste too many keyboard strokes responding to this crap.
布拉玛·切拉尼(Brahma Chellaney) He is a fanatical intellectual of Indian far-right Hindu nationalism, and all his articles are inciting India’s hostility towards China. His Twitter photo is a group photo of him with Japanese far-right politicians, which reflects Brahma Chellaney's inner malice towards China. My Twitter account has been blocked by him twice. The reason is that I exposed the absurdity of his Hindu crazy nationalism.

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