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    For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China

    Don't be so proud of chinese victory in 1962. The Indian army at that time was ill-equipped and despite repeated requests by the army, Nehru declined to equip it with the necessary weapons because of his ill conceived perception that china will not attack India. on the other hand the...

    For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China

    ofcourse it belongs to India. we have no doubt about it. if you support that psychosis and believe that tibet is a part of china then going by your logic you should believe that kashmir is a part of India. Give up your claim on kashmir

    For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China

    you need to brush up your history about India. India is not a continuation of the british empire. It existed even prior to that. Read about emperor chandragupt maurya, emperor Bindusara, emperor Ashoka. Earlier India was known as Bharat as well as Arya vart different parts of which were ruled...

    India Upgrades Military to Match China

    if you don't care about India then you should not have posted the above comments. you shouldn't have visited this thread. why post something in reference to a country you don't care for?

    India Upgrades Military to Match China

    India already produces the su-30mki under licence at HAL incase you don't know. Also LCA is on its way.you will see whether its competent or not. you seem to be ignorant about the 5th gen pak-fa/fgfa which we are partnering. we will be getting them by 2020. don't worry , India will not take...

    Why balkanization of India is necessary?


    India can’t meditate when others are making nuclear weapons: Kalam

    well Bilal, you are refusing to look at the reality that first pakistan increased it's nuclear stockpile to 90-110 weapons according to a U.S Report after which we increased our stockpile. Now why shouldn't we also increase our stockpile after knowing this?

    Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

    look pal, i do not want to get involved in flame wars and mud slinging. I can give some examples of chinese members but then it would lead to flame wars and would further derail the thread. But i want you to understand that my previous post referred to both Chinese and Indian trolls that is why...

    Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

    yeah, I know. unfortunately some people do not understand that and just want to troll to satisfy their ego.
  10. AGHORI

    Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

    That Rocket exploded because of malfunctioning of the Russian cryogenic engine. Atleast that is what the channel says. so it is not an Indian failure. These trolls have limited or no understanding of strategic and technical matters, so i think it is not worth replying to them. let them think...
  11. AGHORI

    Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

    so if it is confirmed by the ecuador military that it was pilot error then no need to worry.
  12. AGHORI

    Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

    if your posts contain statements which are annoying then what do you expect? i have merely replied to your posts. i have thanked some pakistani members when they have posted something meaningful, this proves that i do not hate pakistanis and give them respect where it is due. you can hate people...
  13. AGHORI

    Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

    off the topic but why would i dream about something that is a reality? you people have been trying to get kashmir since 63 years, could not do so but still fantasize about it. what makes you think that you will get it?, now that is a dream. we have it since 63 years and will continue to have...
  14. AGHORI

    Realigning US-India ties

    I think he means India. The old viraat. its clear from the mocking tone of his signature.
  15. AGHORI

    Peace-loving India, the world's largest arms importer

    if you are not concerned then why that comment in post no.2? do you think that we can come up with an indigenous defence industry overnight? these things take time to develop. what do you think we should do till then? wait like sitting ducks for our enemies to come and attack us? before...
  16. AGHORI

    "Barak 8" versus "Yakhont"

    Russia may have supplied tanks and fighters to these nations during the 6 day war but these countries already had them in their arsenal earlier, so Russia was merely replacing the destroyed weapons with new ones and supplying some extra ones as well. these Russian weapons had more or less...
  17. AGHORI

    "Barak 8" versus "Yakhont"

    Russia shouldn't sell missiles to such countries. i feel that it is a bad decision by Russia as the missile might be given to hezbollah.
  18. AGHORI

    IAF seeks direct control of HAL to stem eroding combat-edge

    good proposition. i believe that this move if implemented could arrest some of the delays in induction
  19. AGHORI

    IAF to increase level of its force in Andaman and Nicobar

    good measures by the iaf. but the pace of implementation should be faster.
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