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Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

Ecuadorian official on board LCH. They are interested in it....

It like always... they have grown up feed with false story by their media and politicians..........
1) we won 1971 war but they wont explain y they lost half of their country...
2) we won kargil war but they won't explain y many of their soliders are still buried in india unclaimed...........
3) and for ur china friendship watch this (from 1:30 or if less patience 7:30)

this is ur reality
h p://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Qm2i8mXTjhs/R2wUVxfyNOI/AAAAAAAAAOo/KR1L8FbwRdY/s400/head_up_your_***.jpg
LOL .... you really hate us and not even hiding it .... thanks for showing your true colors.... feelings are mutual for people like you :taz:

if your posts contain statements which are annoying then what do you expect? i have merely replied to your posts. i have thanked some pakistani members when they have posted something meaningful, this proves that i do not hate pakistanis and give them respect where it is due. you can hate people like me if you want. it shows your mentality. infact i wanted to stay on topic but your posts forced me to reply.

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