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Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

^^ how your post is different from first post?
This aims at debunking the original report.

The Pakistan government, through its press service (Associated Press of Pakistan), has made a stinging attack on HAL's flagship export, the Dhruv helicopter, suggesting that the small fleet that India sold to Ecuador a few years ago are now "beset with problems", including low availability, expensive spares, faulty after-sales service and over-invoicing by HAL. HAL hasn't responded officially just yet, but will shortly. See what you make of the Pak release. (A HAL source I spoke to said the tenor of the report "almost definitely" suggested a U.S. plant, with the APP a willing vessel). Anyway, here it is in full:
What about one of the only four helecopter aerobatic team of three countries of the world. using Dhruv.....?
They are giving a bad publicity to dhruv.may be a part of new media propaganda against india.it must be countered.
Yes it's so unsafe, it couldn't fly a simple mission let alone perform some of the riskiest manoeuvres possible in a helo:




And it's not like the Dhruv has carried out successful missions in Ecuador:

Livefist: EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS Part 2: Dhruv FAE-604's Dramatic Rescue Mission 25 Days Before It Crashed!

Or that Ecuador's DM has openly praised the Dhruvs:

Livefist: 'Dhruvs Best In Their Class, No Question Of Returning Them' - Ecuador's Defence Minister

Or that the cause of the crash in Ecuador has been found to be pilot error:
Livefist: It's Official: Ecuadorian Dhruv Crash By Pilot Error

And HAL have taken steps to prevent this in the future:

Livefist: EXCLUSIVE: Ecuador Lesson Learned, HAL To Install Control Saturation Warning System on Dhruv

Now I've given you plenty of links and all you've provided is one, biased, and compromised lie?'!!*
Mauritius has also purchased the Dhruv helicopter due to cultural and ancestral ties with India. But the Dhruv spends not most, but all its times grounded. Mauritians have never seen a Dhruv intervention while this helicopter is supposed to intervene for medical evacuation and sea surveillance. Mauritius mainly uses its French made light helicopter-the Fennec and Air Mauririus uses its old Bell Ranger helicopters. Despite receiving technology transfer and all US and EU techologies, India is failing to produce true indigeneous products, weaponry or any other things. This country is good only to manufacture fake medicines, drugs, money laundering and Bollywood films with skin bleached actors.

Could you please let us know about what pak is producing:what:

like any heli's, space launchs etc:partay:
Mauritius has also purchased the Dhruv helicopter due to cultural and ancestral ties with India. But the Dhruv spends not most, but all its times grounded. Mauritians have never seen a Dhruv intervention while this helicopter is supposed to intervene for medical evacuation and sea surveillance. Mauritius mainly uses its French made light helicopter-the Fennec and Air Mauririus uses its old Bell Ranger helicopters. Despite receiving technology transfer and all US and EU techologies, India is failing to produce true indigeneous products, weaponry or any other things. This country is good only to manufacture fake medicines, drugs, money laundering and Bollywood films with skin bleached actors.
Please provide sources not some one sided narrative with NO reference to FACTS, and because you Pakistanis seem to find the concept of facts hard hear is a definition:

a. Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact.
b. A real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case.
c. Something believed to be true or real: a document laced with mistaken facts.
Err.. JF 17.. ??[/QUOT

Can JF 17 be called as indigenous by PAK???? Alright, My point is PAK cannot compare to India<China<Russia<EU<US I am not saying that someone is inferior to other but this is the current situation. It can be turned upside down!!! But the point here is I appriciate pak joining JF 17 and the same goes with India trying something:tup: PAK and India they are taking baby steps in fighter tech it will take some time before they stepout with confidence. Give them time and they will match the big boys if they put their dreams into action with detrmination:agree:

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