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Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

Mauritius has also purchased the Dhruv helicopter due to cultural and ancestral ties with India. But the Dhruv spends not most, but all its times grounded. Mauritians have never seen a Dhruv intervention while this helicopter is supposed to intervene for medical evacuation and sea surveillance. Mauritius mainly uses its French made light helicopter-the Fennec and Air Mauririus uses its old Bell Ranger helicopters. Despite receiving technology transfer and all US and EU techologies, India is failing to produce true indigeneous products, weaponry or any other things. This country is good only to manufacture fake medicines, drugs, money laundering and Bollywood films with skin bleached actors.

please prove the bold part.
BTW i don't see dhruv bad if there is problem they will must solve it .and now why we forget it has instaled systems from other advance nations ? that we blame to dhruv before .keep minds cold and look it again its not that much bad .if any nation has even problem why should we happy? till today we never make a hole and we laugh on others make any sense?:hitwall:
please prove the bold part.

Don't bother. This is how it works:

India doesn't make something - "Haha, India can't make anything."
India makes something but doesn't sell it - "Haha, no one wants to buy Indian crap. India can't make anything"
India makes something and sells it - "Haha, they bought it but it's still crap. India can't make anything."
Don't bother. This is how it works:

India doesn't make something - "Haha, India can't make anything."
India makes something but doesn't sell it - "Haha, no one wants to buy Indian crap. India can't make anything"
India makes something and sells it - "Haha, they bought it but it's still crap. India can't make anything."

actually,i just wanted to have a gud laugh!:)
Don't bother. This is how it works:

India doesn't make something - "Haha, India can't make anything."
India makes something but doesn't sell it - "Haha, no one wants to buy Indian crap. India can't make anything"
India makes something and sells it - "Haha, they bought it but it's still crap. India can't make anything."

hahahaha... Nice One.. :rofl:
ISLAMABAD, July 27 (APP )- Ecuadorian Air Force (EAF) which inducted seven Indian manufactured Dhruv helicopters, at a package cost of $ 50 millions, is finding itself beset with problems even as the last consignment of two helicopters has barely arrived in the country.

According to the aviation sources, one of the inducted Dhruv helicopters crashed last year while two others have been grounded on account of malfunctioning of over-speed management unit (OMU).

While the Ecuadorian Air Force is plagued by Dhruv related maintenance issues, its difficulties have been compounded by exorbitant repair cost demanded by Indian manufacturers.

The original US company that manufactures the OMU, charges $100000 as the repair cost while the Indians have demanded $250000 for the same job.

India has also raised the price of two additional Dhruvs that the EAF had originally planned as additional follow through acquisitions; demanding $ 12 million apiece.

The EAF has informed the Indian government that because of cost issues, maintenance problems, under par flight performance and poor post sale spare support it is considering cancelling further orders for induction of Dhruv helicopters.

According to observers the disappointing Ecuadorian experience with the Dhruv Helicopters doesn’t augur well for the Indian efforts to find a toe hold in South American countries for its aviation products.

It is bound to have its negative fallout as other South American governments; Columbia, Brazil and Chile, who were contemplating induction of Dhruv helicopters in their respective air forces, are now certain to revisit such plans.

Dhruv is not only accident prone, overly priced and having maintenance support issues, it also comes with the Indian tendency of creating dependence and over invoicing, which make even costlier options from other countries more palatable, say observers.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Indian Dhruv helicopters dismally fail in Ecuador

Hope this helps

Don't bother. This is how it works:

India doesn't make something - "Haha, India can't make anything."
India makes something but doesn't sell it - "Haha, no one wants to buy Indian crap. India can't make anything"
India makes something and sells it - "Haha, they bought it but it's still crap. India can't make anything."
add few more lines..
India makes something that is world class :- "It's not Indian..because Indian product are crap "
If proved otherwise :" Why spend so much money.. poor people..............basic toilet facility ...etc"
-----------------Let the sleeping dog lie..............
pathetic how some people need to believe in propaganda to feel good about their selfs and their country .

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