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  1. Suff Shikan

    Karachi's Bahria Town Private City is Bigger Than San Francisco

    Sad to know that Islamabad's sanitization condition is this worst.
  2. Suff Shikan

    Need your prayers for my daughter Eshaal

    May ALLAH PAK bless her with recovery and Health. Ameen
  3. Suff Shikan

    Video Gamers report in!

    My Collections as of now,
  4. Suff Shikan

    Long Range Shooting Championship to be held in Bahwalpur - Pakistan.

    M82 is bit lighter than Range Master, RM is one heavy beast, Cold Metal Monster
  5. Suff Shikan

    Isreali a terrorist

    Ehhem Ehhem
  6. Suff Shikan

    Rafael heavy on F-16 of Pakistan, it can detect 40 targets simultaneously within 100 km radius

    Such a Beautiful Machine, Our hearts will cry when we will nail this awsome machine. Its Rafael's bad luck what else can we do :(
  7. Suff Shikan

    Team led by Pakistani scientist discovers signs of life on Saturn moon

    Lolz @ pervez hoodboy, is he even a scientist? Whats his contribution to science? How has he been treated badly??? The onky contribution i see frm him is BS against religion and being a libtard. He wanted to influence country laws and politics, thats not for a scientist to do. A scientist...
  8. Suff Shikan

    Emerging Rafael Threat on Horizon vs JF17 THUNDER

    SU30MKi has more hardpoints, but we emerged victorious.
  9. Suff Shikan

    Dear @The Eagle

    Look at the narrative, a Pakistan based iran lover shared his narrative one day earlier than Major Gaurav Arya's propaganda page.
  10. Suff Shikan

    Dear @The Eagle

    You are here by declared as "Wahabi Deobandi , Takfiri , Kharji" for calling Persian BS a BS.
  11. Suff Shikan

    congrats bharat: Altaf Hussain finally admits to being an injun

    I think u r the type of guy we Karachiites used to agrue with: 1. That guy also maligned army, why only Ltaaf is banned. 2. Why only us, that guy also chant Sindhudesh/jaag punjabi jaag/. O meray bhai , 2 wrongs does not make one right. And afterall, Ltaaf was also ignored and tolerated beyond...
  12. Suff Shikan

    Royal Moroccan Air Force

    This is Mirage F-1 , not 2000
  13. Suff Shikan

    Pakistan trained al-Qaeda, says Imran Khan

  14. Suff Shikan

    Military RADARs: Need Help

    Presentation on Military RADARs, Types, Technology, ...etc
  15. Suff Shikan

    Military RADARs: Need Help

    Guys! I require info/Data/Presentations/Detail info on Topic 'Military RADARs'. I have given this topic for my presentation. Kindly Help. @Zarvan @Path-Finder @Khafee
  16. Suff Shikan

    Pakistani Ballistic Missiles: Indigenous Content & Development

    Indeed, I used 'or' by mistake, must have used 'and'
  17. Suff Shikan

    Pakistani Ballistic Missiles: Indigenous Content & Development

    Its not about closing eyes, its about wht we are aiming at. Clear and present threat is India or Israel.
  18. Suff Shikan

    Pakistani Ballistic Missiles: Indigenous Content & Development

    Testing ICBM will only put more and more pressure on Pakistan, Pakistan can easily hit Israel and India both to their last corner with present declared assets. It will give boost to doubts and suspicions, their is no need for ICBM test.
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