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  1. J

    [PURE EVIL] the business of cat skinning in Yulin

    Really sickening, I have 2 cats and one just wants to sit on my shoulders all the time , when I come home from work he just jumps on my shoulders and rubs his face on my head..they are very affectionate pets. Islam teaches us to respect animals but we do the opposite in our culture, even my...
  2. J

    President Arif Alvi about Musharraf's treason trial

    General Musharraf, made lots of mistakes but in my personal opinion he did more good than wrongs, Treason? Who’s aircraft was not allowed to land at Karachi airport when it was running out of fuel with full plane. He bravely went to India and showed them the mirror.The whole India was shocked...
  3. J

    President Arif Alvi about Musharraf's treason trial

    Talking about our society I have seen it from very close, if your not like them than you can’t fit in.. Everyone will bypass you , ignore you , rip you off, back bites and racist slurs. Honestly speaking the truth is that our people(Pakistan) don’t stand by the truth (Sara am). I am married to...
  4. J

    A letter from Quetta

    I am sorry for all the harsh reality you have been facing dear brothers and sisters Blochi hazaras and Pathan bhai , I share your pain these zalim Janwar will meet their end soon, inshallah.i have grown up in Quetta and I know they are great people , a great city I miss my Quetta .
  5. J

    Investing half a million pounds in pakistan

    There would be two cities in Pakistan I would invest Islamabad and Gawadar most probably in construction. I reside in Wirral north west of UK .
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    Eight Bangladeshis return home from Pakistani prison

    Very sad if true all Muslim brothers should be released straight away and other within 2 weeks
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    The Bangladesh factor in a future Pakistan India conflict.

    No I don’t think Bangladesh will take the risk militarily , they may support India on the world stage definitely for sure.
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    IHC declares Nawaz proclaimed offender in Avenfield, Al-Azizia cases

    Our judges are missing sensibilities they let him go first with no assurances that he would return back to Pakistan.. It’s a joke right
  9. J

    Featured UAE president to arrive next week on two-week visit

    Why kill animals for fun unless eaten..is this Islamic ?
  10. J

    PM Imran Khan is a Jewish agent: Ayyaz Sadiq claims

    Ok Khan is a Jew,,We love this Jew because he made Pakistan win the cricket World Cup..
  11. J

    ‘Trade diplomacy’: Pakistan to gift mangoes to heads of states

    Can you send me a dozen crates? To uk.. Hi There I am also interested in site seeing trip to your farm in future , email too plz friend
  12. J

    TRUMP WILL DITCH MODI | Time to AVENGE the 1971' tragedy | Brig. Samson Sharaf

    That agreement is more less void as of now, a 2 front war is becoming a reality as China amasses troops and armaments along the lines.
  13. J

    Pakistani Mango

    Where did you have that bro? And price? I can drive upto 50 mile from Liverpool to have one.. The Quality and the taste is unbeatable of our mangoes with so many varieties to choose from it’s just amazing fruit , but sadly we have not been able to marketed it correctly to Europe or America...
  14. J

    Another Indian Spying quadcopter shot down by Pak Army - ISPR

    Good precise shot , you can see the bullet hole ...awesome
  15. J

    ‘Trade diplomacy’: Pakistan to gift mangoes to heads of states

    Yes they used to be cheap nowadays they are pricey .. I think our Cc/ shops are ripping people off..1 box 5/6 mangoes cost around £6 , while a box is imported just under £1.. I am considering to import a palletof mangoes my self..eat them all year round..
  16. J

    Has China Punctured India's Pipe Dream of Capturing Gilgit Baltistan with Its Actions in Ladakh?

    I guess there could be serious planning going on between Pakistan and China as well as Nepal in shadows.. One wrong move by Indian military will result in Kashmir being liberated and China Arunachal Paradesh. Nepal will take their part. Happy days
  17. J

    Victoria Police cracks alleged international tennis fixing syndicate, two Indians charged

    Worldwide scammers..Here in uk they are in full swing..Head office In India
  18. J

    Why is China opening so many fronts ?

    China has woken up and they are very angry with India , for quite some time Indians have been provocative on border with its neighbours..
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