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[PURE EVIL] the business of cat skinning in Yulin


Jul 25, 2016
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An unknown industry that makes you shudder "Cat Fur Coat Tailor-made Live Cat Skin" Picture 1. A cat slaughterhouse in Yulin. A cat was frightened on the cage during skinning. Figure 2, 3 Taobao shop publicity map. In Figure 4, the store indicates that the warehousing supply is bought and shipped.




Cats are best animal btw.
Wtf, absolutely disgusting, a lot of my cousins got cats and I’m planning to get a cat when I move, they are the best animals imo! quite shocking never thought I’d see something like this
Every commercial animal related industry is brutal.
Be it calf/piglet portions. How they are separated from mothers. Beef industry, chicken industry, some coco beans, ivory, boiling live lobsters, caged hens etc... just put a camera anywhere where an animal is butchered.
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You need to differentiate between animals for consumption and fashion, but anyway no surprise, commies are like this everywhere especially this particular Asian country , absolutely dark.
You need to differentiate between animals for consumption and fashion,
Everything can be done in a right way. Have you seen videos of cows having permanent holes in chest? It is surgically done to check their stomach feed process daily. So they can give maximum possible milk.
Everything can be done in a right way. Have you seen videos of cows having permanent holes in chest? It is surgically done to check their stomach feed process. So they give maximum possible milk.
Can't read? There's a difference between killing animals for consumption and fashion, in china they did this for fashion, absolutely disgusting, cats are the best animals. They're cute, they like to play balls, they cuddle with you etc.

Again no surprise, this is from a country that celebrate people like mao.
consumption and fashion
Consumption is consumption for food or fashion. :yes4:
I am not questioning the brutality you posted, sir.
But we all do it. It's just you have created a narrative/opinion against China. Now you find facts/news/propaganda to support your narrative.
Consumption is consumption for food or fashion. :yes4:
I am not questioning the brutality you posted, sir.
But we all do it. It's just you have created a narrative/opinion against China. Now you find facts/news/propaganda to support your narrative.
Well certainly if the prophet saw this he'll be ashamed that someone who claim to follow his teaching are allying with peoples who tortured his favourite pet.:cry:
Well certainly if the prophet saw this he'll be ashamed that someone who claim to follow his teaching are allying with peoples who tortured his favourite pet.:cry:

I can understand your sentiments.. Yes, fashion is unnecessary thing, especially at the cost of animal killing, and on top of that, killing brutally. But Chinese are no exception. Fox and other fur coats are made like that.
My PhD advisor is a good guy, so is my sister adviser, she is a agreat person. Both are chinese.
Chinese are 1.3 billion and there are some cruel chinese doing this gruesome business (poverty lead such things). Don't blame Mao or communist generally.
tell me what do you think about this ''cruel commie'' girl.
Really sickening, I have 2 cats and one just wants to sit on my shoulders all the time , when I come home from work he just jumps on my shoulders and rubs his face on my head..they are very affectionate pets. Islam teaches us to respect animals but we do the opposite in our culture, even my brother in law who is naturally Pakistani finds the cats as a pest.
I can understand your sentiments.. Yes, fashion is unnecessary thing, especially at the cost of animal killing, and on top of that, killing brutally. But Chinese are no exception. Fox and other fur coats are made like that.
My PhD advisor is a good guy, so is my sister adviser, she is a agreat person. Both are chinese.
Chinese are 1.3 billion and there are some 'cruel chinese' doing this gruesome business (poverty lead such things). Don't blame Mao or communist generally.
tell me what do you think about this ''cruel commie'' girl.
She's not a commie, maybe his father are one of those ROC soldiers left behind before the evacuation to Taiwan, that explains why she's so soft and beautiful. Unlike a maoist.

The thing is, the cultural revolution created an entire generation of heartless radicals which even goes as far to humiliate their elders. This in turn gave birth to an immoral child from an immoral parents.
I condemn this action and I am not in support of it but lets be level-headed and talk about the real topic that is the poster...

I am against this poster for obvious reasons. His on a campaign and he openly said his Indian but his using Indonesian flag and American pilots and what not as back drop. I am sure the Indonesian posters are not happy with him wearing that flag and the chinese are either not happy with him since his on a relentless campaign at times spamming. He derails the forum to be fairly honest.

Either change his flag or Perma-ban him. The mods are very tolarant on this forum which I appreciate but at times due to their tolarance it can derail the forum
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