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  1. I

    How the rest of the world is looking to China for help: Part 1

    You closed the trade of wild animals twice before you open it again. Even there are reports that it's again opened, but not in mainstream media though. Still you say Chinese are not responsible?
  2. I

    Bangladeshi Vegetarian Cuisine

    Vaishnav's strictly follow a vegetarian diet without Onion, Garlic and some types of dal. While the Sakti worshippers are non vegetarian. Durga puja which happens in my home follows a Vaishnab tradition. No non veg including onion and garlic are allowed that time. Trivia - Sacrifice meat in...
  3. I

    Bangladeshi Vegetarian Cuisine

    Leave Bangladesh, West Bengalis will not sacrifice non -vegetarian dish for a vegetarian one. Our god eats non veg. Monks from Ramkrishna mission are non veg. So was Swami Vivekananda. Saying so, I will say here we have some delicious vegetarian dishes thanks to the Iskon, Baul and Baishnab...
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    IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"

    Even the resident Bangladeshis know that at least I am not a right wing. I have given you link not from whatsapp university that West Bengal over 90% are either OBC - A or OBC - B. I have provided you a fact, you like it or not it remains a fact. Yes I admit ALL was overstatement. Anyway bye...
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    IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"

    Yes all might be a overstatement but 86%+10% comes nearly to all. and nearly 2c OBC is not a small number.
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    IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"

    Check yourself, https://advocatetanmoy.com/2019/11/17/muslim-obc-bengal/ This is an added list other than that of the cast notified by central govt. If you want i can provide link as well. I am yet to find a muslim from my neighbourhood who is not a OBC. It is estimated that a population size...
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    Jobless after virus lockdown, India's poor struggle to eat

    Still you don't live in China, First in US, noe in SG.
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    India needs urgent intervention. Sky news.

    But you worked in US with Emerson, not in China..
  9. I

    Things are really bad after 21 days lockdown announcement

    Kolkata things are under control. Foods are available.. Even fresh vegetable shops were there in morning. People are buying in hoards, but authority is assuring that there is no scarcity of food. Even banks will be open till 2.
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    CoronaVirus in Bangladesh - Updates & Discussion

    There was a guy called Kabiraz. Not sure now.
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    Ducsu VP: River of blood to flow if Modi attends Bangabandhu birth centenary

    We do have discrimination based on religion, we don't have uniforn civil court. Muslims has different law and I am not a supporter of CAA, CAB
  12. I

    What does Bangladesh think of West Bengal?

    Is this real, West Bengal population is around 9 crores. 1947, 1971 and there after loads of people coming from East Bengal. Their count with the descendents must be more than 60%. Never ever in my life I saw them calling themselves Bangladeshis. They boast about their BD lineage and how rich...
  13. I

    ‘Made in Bangladesh’ smartphones to rule the roost soon

    Call centres are moving away from India to countries like Phillipines due to cost factor... TCS Call center less than 2-3% i believe. Call center boom in india has gone. You are making posts with some imaginary data sir.
  14. I

    ‘Made in Bangladesh’ smartphones to rule the roost soon

    Please provide a link for this claim. TCS only dis a profit of 4.5 B dollars and revenue of 20.9 b dollars. Add infy and others.
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    Casteism Map of India: How strong is it over entire India?

    Vivekananda was a member of the Brahmo Samaj ????????????
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    Bengal politician , a critic of CAA, cancels trip as Bangladesh ‘denies visa’

    He is just nobody, if he has opinion in favour of CAA or against it doesn't have any impact. You have given news for NDTV and the heading was different. And you are right, he is a hardliner and shouldn't be welcomed anywhere.
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