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Ducsu VP: River of blood to flow if Modi attends Bangabandhu birth centenary

I know it. I know Pakistan is capable of doing so. But Bangladesh has long way to go, let's say atleast forces goal 2030. Still not sufficient to launch attack against a nuke country.

But inshallah we can then defend ourselves against any terrible offense like naval blockade. Our airforce is still much weaker.
If that day came I will come to BD and fight shoulder to shoulder with you guys against India.
Bro there is massive corruption (so far hidden) in rafale deal. Ambani was benefitted in a big way

I know it. I know Pakistan is capable of doing so. But Bangladesh has long way to go, let's say atleast forces goal 2030. Still not sufficient to launch attack against a nuke country.

But inshallah we can then defend ourselves against any terrible offense like naval blockade. Our airforce is still much weaker.
We just equipped our JF17s with anti ship missiles, they can keep open Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCS), You need such technology to defend your naval routes.
There is such a thing as global standards of inclusion, diversity and equal rights when seeking opportunities as propagated by the UN.

You cannot discriminate on the basis of religion in India and do whatever illegal (by international law like UN standards) measures you want, like a Banana Republic.

If you do, then you can expect to be discriminated in return.

Your citizens go begging for low level jobs in the gulf all the time, and your IT guys go beg for H1B visas in the US, even today. Yours is not a rich country by any means.

Hindu Indians get those opportunities to make money because Hindus don't get discriminated in those places - which aren't Hindu-Majority countries.

If you start discriminating against Muslims in India - then you will see a backlash in those countries and it is going to affect your remittances in significant manner. This is inevitable.

I am tired of this pointless debate and I believe I have made my points, let's not waste anymore time one this.

We do have discrimination based on religion, we don't have uniforn civil court. Muslims has different law and I am not a supporter of CAA, CAB
We do have discrimination based on religion, we don't have uniforn civil court. Muslims has different law and I am not a supporter of CAA, CAB
Are you trying to say there is no discrimination there on the basis of religion.
Priya Saha: A Courageous Bangladeshi Hindu Woman of Valor
by Rachel Avraham | on July 30th, 2019 | 1 Comment

Dictatorial regimes usually like to bully small ordinary people into submission. They think just because they have absolute power that they will succeed against the underdog. However, famous American writer Mark Twain once wrote, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.” In other words, one does not need to be big and powerful in order to be a heroine. One only needs to have the courage and determination to stand up to a mighty adversary in order to be victorious. Bangladeshi Hindu activist Priya Saha has proved this point in recent days.

Last March of this year, the home of Priya Saha, a Bangladeshi Hindu woman, was burnt to the ground. Her lands were subsequently occupied by radical Muslims. Following this tragic incident, instead of crying in silence over her fate, Saha visited the White House and appealed to US President Donald Trump at the Oval Office regarding her plight and that of other Hindus within Bangladesh. In retaliation, the Bangladeshi government accused her of sedition and filed a number of legal cases against her. So far, some of these cases have been dismissed. Others are awaiting a decision.

Numerous Bangladeshi media outlets have also slandered her name. Furthermore, Sajeeb Wazeed, the son of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, declared that the US Embassy in Dhaka chose her to speak as part of a delegation merely so she could make outrageous statements: “The only logical outcome of making such a claim to the US President is to build demand for a military intervention in the region on humanitarian grounds. This ties in with another US Congressman’s recent statement that Bangladesh should take over Rakhine state. It is no secret that the US Embassy is decidedly anti-Awami League. With their support of Priya Saha’s statement, they now appear to be plotting a direct takeover of our country.”

So many powerful people in Bangladesh are ganging up on Priya Saha due to her courageous stance. However, because she believes that justice is on her side, she is determined to stand up to the Sheikh Hasina government and to defend her right to live peacefully in her home in the international arena. Shanti Datta, President of Shiv Sena of West Bengal, India and Pradip Ghosh, Secretary General of Shiv Sena of West Bengal, India and President of the West Bengal Region of the World Hindu Struggle Committee, related that all of Saha’s statements to US President Donald Trump are 100 percent true and that they will always be on the side of Priya Saha.

Every day, the Hindu community of Bangladesh is suffering. Congressman Bob Dold said in the US Congress that “since 1947, 4.9 million Hindus have disappeared from Bangladesh. Hindus are being tortured. Dangerous incidents of murder, rape, abduction, physical abuse and the destruction of the temples are happening every day in Bangladesh.” In 2016, Professor Abul Barkat of the Economics Department at the University of Dhaka wrote in his book ‘The Political Economy of Reforming Agriculture – Land-Water Bodies in Bangladesh’, 626 Bangladeshi Hindus are leaving the country on average daily. According to him, if this situation continues, the Hindu religion will not exist within the country within three decades.

According to the research performed by Dr. Subodh Biswas, President of the Nikhil Bharat Bangali Udbastu Samanway Samiti, “55 million Bangladeshi Hindus are still living as refugees in India. Priya Saha, you are not alone.” Shree Malin Borman, who works for the Chopra Refugee Rehabilitation Health and Education Welfare Organization (Shiliguri Region), said, “I have been working with Bangladeshi Hindu refugees for about 15-20 years. I know that millions of Bangladeshi migrants in this region are living as refugees.”

Shipan Kumer Basu, President of the World Hindu Struggle Committee, added: “Since the partition of India in 1947, many Hindus from Bangladesh have taken shelter in India. Most Hindus could not sell their land when they came. Now, these lands are being seized by the leaders of different political parties. Actually, they have no valid documents for this land. On July 19, Priya Saha complained to Trump. We also complain about this allegation. Immediately after Priya Saha’s speech, the fundamentalists of Bangladesh became enraged about her because she exposed the daily torture that Hindus are exposed to in Bangladesh. Priya Saha went to America to complain to Donald Trump for not getting justice for the atrocity that was done to her by the Sheikh Hasina government. For that, the World Hindu Struggle Committee thanked her.” And for this reason, many Bangladeshi Hindus recognize her as a woman of valor, who stood up and spoke truth to power, despite the dangers involved in doing so.
Are you trying to say there is no discrimination there on the basis of religion.
Priya Saha: A Courageous Bangladeshi Hindu Woman of Valor
by Rachel Avraham | on July 30th, 2019 | 1 Comment

Dictatorial regimes usually like to bully small ordinary people into submission. They think just because they have absolute power that they will succeed against the underdog. However, famous American writer Mark Twain once wrote, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.” In other words, one does not need to be big and powerful in order to be a heroine. One only needs to have the courage and determination to stand up to a mighty adversary in order to be victorious. Bangladeshi Hindu activist Priya Saha has proved this point in recent days.

Last March of this year, the home of Priya Saha, a Bangladeshi Hindu woman, was burnt to the ground. Her lands were subsequently occupied by radical Muslims. Following this tragic incident, instead of crying in silence over her fate, Saha visited the White House and appealed to US President Donald Trump at the Oval Office regarding her plight and that of other Hindus within Bangladesh. In retaliation, the Bangladeshi government accused her of sedition and filed a number of legal cases against her. So far, some of these cases have been dismissed. Others are awaiting a decision.

Numerous Bangladeshi media outlets have also slandered her name. Furthermore, Sajeeb Wazeed, the son of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, declared that the US Embassy in Dhaka chose her to speak as part of a delegation merely so she could make outrageous statements: “The only logical outcome of making such a claim to the US President is to build demand for a military intervention in the region on humanitarian grounds. This ties in with another US Congressman’s recent statement that Bangladesh should take over Rakhine state. It is no secret that the US Embassy is decidedly anti-Awami League. With their support of Priya Saha’s statement, they now appear to be plotting a direct takeover of our country.”

So many powerful people in Bangladesh are ganging up on Priya Saha due to her courageous stance. However, because she believes that justice is on her side, she is determined to stand up to the Sheikh Hasina government and to defend her right to live peacefully in her home in the international arena. Shanti Datta, President of Shiv Sena of West Bengal, India and Pradip Ghosh, Secretary General of Shiv Sena of West Bengal, India and President of the West Bengal Region of the World Hindu Struggle Committee, related that all of Saha’s statements to US President Donald Trump are 100 percent true and that they will always be on the side of Priya Saha.

Every day, the Hindu community of Bangladesh is suffering. Congressman Bob Dold said in the US Congress that “since 1947, 4.9 million Hindus have disappeared from Bangladesh. Hindus are being tortured. Dangerous incidents of murder, rape, abduction, physical abuse and the destruction of the temples are happening every day in Bangladesh.” In 2016, Professor Abul Barkat of the Economics Department at the University of Dhaka wrote in his book ‘The Political Economy of Reforming Agriculture – Land-Water Bodies in Bangladesh’, 626 Bangladeshi Hindus are leaving the country on average daily. According to him, if this situation continues, the Hindu religion will not exist within the country within three decades.

According to the research performed by Dr. Subodh Biswas, President of the Nikhil Bharat Bangali Udbastu Samanway Samiti, “55 million Bangladeshi Hindus are still living as refugees in India. Priya Saha, you are not alone.” Shree Malin Borman, who works for the Chopra Refugee Rehabilitation Health and Education Welfare Organization (Shiliguri Region), said, “I have been working with Bangladeshi Hindu refugees for about 15-20 years. I know that millions of Bangladeshi migrants in this region are living as refugees.”

Shipan Kumer Basu, President of the World Hindu Struggle Committee, added: “Since the partition of India in 1947, many Hindus from Bangladesh have taken shelter in India. Most Hindus could not sell their land when they came. Now, these lands are being seized by the leaders of different political parties. Actually, they have no valid documents for this land. On July 19, Priya Saha complained to Trump. We also complain about this allegation. Immediately after Priya Saha’s speech, the fundamentalists of Bangladesh became enraged about her because she exposed the daily torture that Hindus are exposed to in Bangladesh. Priya Saha went to America to complain to Donald Trump for not getting justice for the atrocity that was done to her by the Sheikh Hasina government. For that, the World Hindu Struggle Committee thanked her.” And for this reason, many Bangladeshi Hindus recognize her as a woman of valor, who stood up and spoke truth to power, despite the dangers involved in doing so.

Priya Saha is a low-class chamar Hindu woman acting as a cheap shill for US and BJP/RSS interests.

Trying to paint Bangladesh as a place where Hindus get exploited or tortured is laughable.

And don't compare it to India where Muslims get beat up and killed for eating beef, nowhere close.

Hindus are disproportionately represented in all high level govt. positions (including law enforcement) in Bangladesh.

Try to visit Bangladesh sometime before talking-out-of-your-hat.
Please, whatever you do, visit FIRST and dont talk out of your hat....SHEEESH!:


The BHBCUC compiled 806 reports of violations of minority rights, including religious minorities, from newspaper reports during the year, compared with 380 in 2017. Violations included killings, attempted killings, death threats, assaults, rapes, kidnappings, and attacks on homes, businesses, and places of worship. According to the BHBCUC, the primary motivation for most of the incidents was a desire to seize real property, steal, or extort money. According to the Hindu Post newspaper, 338 hate crimes occurred against members of the Hindu community during the year. The hate crimes included, but were not limited to, physical attacks, including killings and rapes, and real and personal property destruction.

According to media reports, in May a fifth-grade Hindu girl was raped in Manikganj District of Gheor Upazila as she was traveling to a Hindu religious festival. The young girl was lured into an open agricultural field by a local resident, Jony Miah, where, joined by two of his accomplices, Rubel Islam and Shahidul Islam, the three began to rape her. Local inhabitants caught the three perpetrators in the act but soon released them. According to press reports, a local union council (parishad) member, Mujibur Rahman, tried to pressure the victim’s family to remain silent and attempted to offer the family an approximately $1,200 settlement. When the victim’s family refused, Rahman and others threatened the family. The victim’s brother filed a criminal case against the alleged perpetrators. Admitting he had attempted to settle the case quietly, Rahman said, “We tried to hush the matter as the girl was young and belonged to a different religion.”


This is the same US that BD runs and begs to for "muh rohingya tears! save me!" ? :o:
Ducsu VP: River of blood to flow if Modi attends Bangabandhu birth centenary

Fahim Reza Shovon
  • Published at 09:07 pm February 26th, 2020


File photo of Nurul Haque Nur Collected

Nur urged world leaders to boycott Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) as it will spread riots across Asia

Dhaka University Central Students' Union (Ducsu) Vice President (VP) Nurul Haque Nur has said a river of blood will flow if Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attends Bangabandhu’s birth centenary celebrations.

He was speaking during a demonstration at the base of Raju Memorial Sculpture on the Dhaka University campus on Wednesday.

Nur said: " Following the 2002 Gujarat riots, the US refused to give Modi a visa despite his being the chief minister of the Indian state.

“If he attends the birth centenary of Bangabandhu in March, it will be a dishonour to our Father of the Nation."

He also said: "Bangladesh has invited many other non-communal leaders from India like Pranab Mukherjee, the former President of India. We appreciate those invitations and salute these individuals too.”

“We will not allow the image of Bangabandhu during his birth centenary inaugural program to be tarnished by Modi being invited here,” he added.

Ducsu Vice President Nur speaks during a demonstration at the base of Raju Memorial Sculpture on the Dhaka University campus on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 | Dhaka Tribune

Nur urged the government not to allow Narendra Modi to join this historic occasion.

The Ducsu vice president also urged world leaders to boycott the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist volunteer organization, of which Modi has been a member since the age of eight.

Otherwise the organization will spread riot across the Asian continent, as Nur fears.

He doubted that the violent attack on him at his Ducsu office on December 22, 2019 was fueled by India.

Nur requested everyone not to slander the Hindu community for Modi’s deeds.

After the demonstration, Nur and his platform, Bangladesh Students' Rights Council, which was earlier known as Bangladesh General Students’ Rights Protection Council and was renamed on February 17 --- its second anniversary, brought out a procession across the campus.

At least 23 people have been killed and nearly 200 wounded in violent clashes between Hindus and minority Muslims over the controversial citizenship law, with many suffering gunshot wounds amid looting and arson attacks in Delhi coinciding with a visit to India by US President Donald Trump.


Dhaka University Central Students' Union, also known by its acronym DUCSU, is the official students' union of the University of Dhaka. Called the second parliament of Bangladesh.

DUCSU has been a central figure in Bangladesh politics. All protests pretty much start at Dhaka University.

Apart from national issue, Nurul also raise voices for international issues. In particular, he protested the controversial acts CAA and NRC passed by Indian parliament. On December 22, 2019 Nurul Haque Noor gave a rally at the pedestal of the Raju sculpture of Dhaka University in the solidarity of the students protesting against the citizenship amendment law of India and national citizenship registration.[24] At that rally, the leaders of the Muktujuddah Manch (Freedom fight stage) a clash when they tried to stop. Many of his fellow activist were beaten to hospital. In protest of this attack, Nurul and his organization decided to block a higher study seminar that was organized in support from the Indian Embassy of Bangladesh. However, attack on Nurul Haque and his fellow members continues. The most heinous attack happened on December 23. On that day, Noor and his fellow activists was attacked on by the members of Muktujuddah Manch at Dhaka University Central Student Union building. Two of his fellow activists were thrown from the roof by the attackers. Many of the activists were taken to ICU, Tuhin Farabi wre taken to life support. Nur and his brother were also injured severely.[25][26] Nurul Haque and his organization claimed the attacked were led by the President and General Secretary of Chatro League, DU. Later Nur blamed Sanjit Chandra Dash (General Secretary of Chatro League, DU) as an agent of RAW.


Now this dude will get beaten up once hasina ask her BAL gundas. i will suggest he get medical insurance asap.


Must bug you when Bangladeshis are jumping on the bharat balkanisation bandwagon.

It's fast becoming the only viable solution to Hindutva extremism. Hindu terrorists need to be fragmented into manageable princely states. There is a fundamental immaturity and amateurish approach to statecraft displayed by Hinduwadis when they control India. One needs look no further than the inferiority complexes on display whether it's your foreign minister, home affairs minister, defence minister or PM himself and his pathetic rape hugs. I don't blame them - historically they aren't used to such mature governance over such a large nation. India as a nation state never existed as a unified entity until 72 years ago - and its identity as a Hindutva state is even more recent. The harsh reality is that politically, this state is failing. Hindutva cannot hold India together. Congress and their more secular approach disguised India's inherent fault lines for decades but the wheels have now truly come off. When the guys you "liberated" in 1971 are singing off the same hymn sheet as your mortal enemy, it's time to realise something has gone wrong - the racism, the discrimination, the hate based political intrigue, the demographic conspiracies, Kashmir pacification policies alive in Delhi - everyone knows what's going on. Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, OIC, Turks and Malaysia all have made it quite clear they share similar concerns over Hindutva. Specific bodies within the USA, UN, UK and elsewhere have echoed such concerns. Even Iran and Afghanistan are relatively low key. Their silence says something.

The best part is the howling barking defensiveness displayed reflexively by you scumbags as soon as someone cautiously criticises Modi.

OIC - whom bhakts were singing a merry song for last year - have been told to desist from "irresponsible" statements by Indian politicians.

Instead of taking on board the advice of your "friends" or "peers", because that advice happens to coincide with Pakistan's narrative, India will rather continue to abuse itself. It's a classic case of cutting one's nose off to spite one's face.

Carry on. Pakistan loves it. Bangladesh loves it too.
I am not going to say I love it as I see ominous clouds are on the horizon. Modi is playing with fire, last time it caused the deaths of 2000 people in Gujrat. Tens of thousands of people could die from these sectarian politics fueled slaughters. In the recent Delhi riots all the Hindu homes were marked with saffron color by BJP to indicate which homes to spare.

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Modi gave Hasina title of Mother of Humanity for killing east Pakistan patriots.

She cannot bite the hand that feed her fascism too.
Ducsu VP Nur receives death threat
Hasan Al Javed
  • Published at 09:33 pm March 1st, 2020


File photo of Ducsu VP Nurul Haque Nur Dhaka Tribune

Nur himself made the death threat allegation and submitted a written complaint to the DU proctor saying he feared for his life

A Dhaka University (DU) student threatened to kill Dhaka University Central Students' Union (Ducsu) Vice President (VP) Nurul Haque Nur, and beat one of his companions yesterday around 2.30 pm near the Ducsu cafeteria.

Nur himself made the death threat allegation and submitted a written complaint to the DU proctor saying he feared for his life and sought proper action against the attacker.

Nur identified the attacker as Adnan Ahmed Nabil, a second year student of the university residing at Salimullah Muslim Hall.

According to the complaint, Adnan verbally abused Nur and said he will kill the Ducsu VP if he remains on campus after March 11. Adnan then pushed Nur away and beat his companion Shakil Mia.

Nur also said that Adnan was one of the assailants who attacked 11 Ducsu members including Nur on December 22, 2019, at the Ducsu office.

Confirming the matter, Hasan Al Mamun, convener of Bangladesh General Students' Rights Protection Council central committee, said Adnan is a follower of Ducsu General Secretary and Bangladesh Chattra League ex-president Golam Rabbani.
Source: https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/dhaka/2020/03/01/ducsu-vp-nur-receives-death-threat
Look mr rapestani faggot. He is totally within his democratic right. Branding every Muslim jihadi will not work anymore. You dick worshipers have no idea about jihad. Stay within your limit...

I do not brand every Muslim jihadi. I tell only jihadi to whom who are real jihadi.

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