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Jobless after virus lockdown, India's poor struggle to eat

No one in India cares about Kashmiri hatred or alienation.

We take that as a given on first principles and act from there.

No wonder you are a screwed up nation.

Question remain, what have you gained?
Let me tell you this, after this, they might be only One industrial power left and everybody would need to buy from us. Its whether the time is right for Xi to declare a new trading system. INDIA if still led by that idiot will descent into chaos. This is my prediction, let's see how it unfolds.

What I think is going to happen is that China is going to get isolated.

I see China being booted out of the N5.

And India invited in.

No wonder you are a screwed up nation.

Question remain, what have you gained?

You will see ....
No one in India cares about Kashmiri hatred or alienation.

We take that as a given on first principles and act from there.

So basically it's a big FU to the world.

The irony and hypocrisy within a single post of yours is remarkable.

You give a big FU to Kashmir ignoring with glee the hatred and alienation therein. Then a breath later you sarcastically criticise China for what you describe as its "FU to the world".

Goose, gander etc.
The irony and hypocrisy within a single post of yours is remarkable.

You give a big FU to Kashmir ignoring with glee the hatred and alienation therein. Then a breath later you sarcastically criticise China for what you describe as its "FU to the world".

Goose, gander etc.

I'm.smazed at how tightly these guys have you that even when your population is at mortal risk due to their direct actions, the pompoms continue to wave.

Irony died and is getting ready for a Hindu rebirth.
I'm.smazed at how tightly these guys have you that even when your population is at mortal risk due to their direct actions, the pompoms continue to wave.

Irony died and is getting ready for a Hindu rebirth.
You mean China?? Nice try buddy.

Covid was a natural phenomenon. I can blame China for covid as much as I can blame India for earthquakes because of its constant urge to hump Asia.

What matters is the response from China, which actually ensured - as far as we know - zero cases exported to Pakistan. Pakistani and Chinese officials handled that well. Contrast that with the debacle in Iran and it's obvious where "blame" can theoretically be apportioned, though even that would be a bit overly harsh on Iran as they are stretched to breaking point themselves - still gross incompetence though.

Mercifully, our borders with you lot were pretty well shut anyway.
I'm.smazed at how tightly these guys have you that even when your population is at mortal risk due to their direct actions, the pompoms continue to wave.

Irony died and is getting ready for a Hindu rebirth.

Like I say China is likely to have only Pakistan and Myanmar that unconditionally back them after this crisis is over.

They will need to be 100% transparent and keep their ban on wet markets permanent if they want to play a full part in the world again.

If the suspicions that China caused this and then covered it up initially and so helped the spread are true then this is just terrible.
Modi is in line for the Nobel if we can beat this.

Remember this date and thread.

It was predicted here.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu-
Translation: May all beings in the entire universe be happy and free.

This is a popular mantra for peace, not just for one's own self or family, but for the world, and the universe (literally, all the worlds in the entire universe). It encourages one to go beyond his own identity and his small world, to identify with the entire creation and all its beings, since the Being is the same in all creatures.
Since GoI is clearly stated as of now they are only testing those with travel and contact histories as its screening parameters i believe government is not fudging figures but i will accept that we are not testing enough people.

Major problem GoI is facing is many people are hiding information of their travel and GoI is trying to physically tracing them which is very laborious process and GoI is also keeping eye on community transmission.

So presently GoI is more concentrated toward tracing travellers and increasing testing facilities to take care of future needs and I think in a country like India where 130 crores of people live and priorities might be different but goals will be same as others.

By creating panic AK has virtually lost the plot. Now labour class will be against AK.

its win win situation for BJP

Are you crazy ! giving 72 hours time to get back to their homes ? there are more than 20% of total population moved to different parts of India in search of livelihood and if they move back then it will be just like another mess and would have become epidemic center for Community Transmission.

The time for testing people with travel histories is long gone. The disease has localised since weeks ago.

I understand if you say a poor country can't afford testing, but to pretend like the disease has not spread is futile.
No, they'll vote for BJP next election because Yogi-Ji will promise them another monkey temple to do pooja in.
How would you like it if I start calling your belief/God names?--This is not the time-be a human for a change.
That virus could have happened anywhere, we took the brunt of the beatings while the world watched and laughed. Now nobody is laughing. A month ago people predicted the collapse of China, now due to superb governance which NO ONE ON EARTH CAN Match, sorry after this incident, most Chinese are more and more confident of their government,fates had changed.
Still you don't live in China, First in US, noe in SG.
Haathi Chale bazaar, kutte bhonke hazaar. Let us deal with it the best possible way that we can. Mistakes will be made, non one's approach is perfect. Every country has made one mistake or another. Let the dogs bark. We should aim to come out of it with as little damage as possible.
What I think is going to happen is that China is going to get isolated.

I see China being booted out of the N5.

And India invited in.

You will see ....
You mean P5? India is lucky to even remain as one after this. Lol

Still you don't live in China, First in US, noe in SG.
You got me wrong first China then SG then US and then China. The market is huge here my friend, so when some idiot above talks about isolation.... He doesn't know what he is talking about.

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