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  1. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    How big are these pdm jalsay can anyone give a view. The few videos and pictures I have seen don't make them look all that big.
  2. L

    Lieutenant General Salman Fayyaz Ghani Sacked/Resigned

    Any involvement means his not upheld his duty to the constitution and nation therefore is unfit to lead. If pak leaders are held to a high standard these issues will occur allot less.
  3. L

    Lieutenant General Salman Fayyaz Ghani Sacked/Resigned

    If there is clear evidence munir has been involved in political engineering he should be sacked and then another army chief steps in.
  4. L

    Police / PDM gang captured and murdered PTI Workers in Custody

    Only shameful person is you, you condone sexual abuse of women because they are PTI followers. People like you are the problem.
  5. L

    What if Pakistan turned into another Syria?

    Issue is very simple for those who want to understand it, current regime was imposed on the Pak nation and corrupt military generals with their own selfish agenda are using extra judicial means to attack PTI and others whos speak up against this corrupt set up. Get rid of that and you will see...
  6. L

    Lieutenant General Salman Fayyaz Ghani Sacked/Resigned

    It's not even a theory just delusional rant.
  7. L

    Military abducted me , COAS is afraid that I will de-notify him after winning election : Imran khan

    This is why they will do everything they can to stop him. If the corrupt put down their facism and agree to free and fair elections then an amnesty for reconciliation wouldn't be a bad idea to move forward. But those who have killed innocent need to be brought to justice.
  8. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    The state is being run by terrorists its lawless, courts are being ignored so everyone there need to protect themselves against unlawful arrests. So your urge will only really be picked up by the corrupt pdm politicians and their military general supporting fascists.
  9. L

    zaid hamid on General Asim, CIA, Imran, Election

    Wow I find myself agreeing with you for a change
  10. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Fake news and fake crime as trump likes to say.
  11. L

    All Protests against Army, MI & ISI should stop now | Lets all be peaceful Pakistanis not just PTI party | Act Sensibly & Respectfully!

    IMO as rule of law is failing, PTI should announce a dossier with a list of crimes current government and military generals have committed which will be used to prosecute them in the future.
  12. L

    Pakistan Now: Darkest Before Dawn?

    I was referring to his post not the original thread story.
  13. L

    Indian Hinduvata extremists kidnap and toture a Muslim to death.

    These kinds of responses are disgusting. Accept when something wrong is done rather than belittle it by going on a whataboutry. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  14. L

    Pakistan Now: Darkest Before Dawn?

    No stop posting rubbish.
  15. L

    16 soldiers martyered and 40 injured in TTP/ISKP attack in Baluchistan

    The COAS should resign immediately for his lack of leadership and competence. His focus on political engineering is leading to deaths of soldiers who are just trying to do their jobs.
  16. L

    China, silent on Imran arrest, backs Pakistan Army as ‘defender of stability’

    China has a problem too. Pak generals and elite politicians are very close to the US they have business and other interests there so it makes them unreliable partners. China is quiet because they are also worried to back the wrong horse so are observing likely for now and not siding with anyone
  17. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Maybe they were purged or force to resign because their view differed from those of the corrupt.
  18. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Pakistans potential is vast, it needs a visionary who can provide it stability for a decade and you will see it take off. Give it 20 years and it will be transform the country. Over the years I have seen how Pakistanis can be very resourceful with little resources to pull off wonderful ideas...
  19. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    If what you say is true then only solution I see is with the total anhiliation of one side. This is the course the corrupt generals and PDM seem to have chosen. The problem for PDM and the corrupt generals is you can ban PTI but you can never ban an idea of rule of law and the feelings of millions.
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