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Pakistan Now: Darkest Before Dawn?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

Pakistan is experiencing one of the darkest periods of its history. Political instability is eroding confidence in the nation's future. Declining economic growth and high inflation are hurting the people of all strata of society, particularly the poor whose numbers are rapidly rising. Is there any hope left for the the country? Is it a case of the "darkest before dawn"? How do investors see it?

Ex PM Imran Khan (R) with President Erdogan

Writing in the Time magazine immediately after the recent arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, American investor, author and commentator Zachary Karabell who has invested in Pakistani startups sees rare hope for Pakistan. He sees Pakistan where Turkey was back in 2001-2003, "when a series of elections brought Recep Erdogan to power even as he was repeatedly disqualified by a military that was determined to retain control". Here's an excerpt of his article titled "The Contrarian Case for Pakistan" published in the current issue of Time Magazine:

"To some degree, this is an argument of “well, it’s not as bad as they say.” But it’s also a way of highlighting that Pakistan today may be a case of darkest before the dawn. With elections schedule for the fall, and with Imran Khan the most likely victor of said elections unless is his arrest leads to his disqualification as a candidate, Pakistan is in a very similar position to where Turkey was in 2001-2003, when a series of elections brought Recep Erdogan to power even as he was repeatedly disqualified by a military that was determined to retain control. Imran Khan has many of the same strengths and weaknesses of Erdogan, who after championing Turkish democracy and economic reform, then turned into the very type of corrupt autocrat that he had once fought against. But he nonetheless unleashed massive economic potential in Turkey and has left its 80 million people materially better off over the past 20 years, even as hyperinflation and Erdogan’s recent economic ineptitude is now eroding that. Should Imran Khan return to the head the government, he may well usher in a similar period in Pakistan, even as he has his own authoritarian and demagogic tendencies".

Here are some of the key points Karabell makes in his opinion piece:

1. Pakistan has a real and dynamic private sphere that is not only seeing a start-up and new business ecosystem that has attracted hundreds of millions of dollars a year for the past few years but operates freely in a way that would be inconceivable in many other countries. Compare it to Egypt, for example, which receives far less negative attention and more foreign money yet is almost entirely dominated by a military dictatorship. Or Algeria. And then there are countries which barely function at all, dominating a whole swath of Sub-Saharan Africa but also dot central Asia (Tajikistan anyone?).

2. Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world with 230 million souls, a median age of barely 22 and two-thirds of the population under the age of 30. That means unlike most of the world, it has a favorable demographic future.

2. Unlike, say, Nigeria, where the ethnic divisions and decades of corruption mean that it well-nigh impossible to treat the country as one unified market for goods and services, Pakistan is one common market even with its various tribal divisions.

Karabell concludes with the following:

Pakistan in on a cusp. We should honor the fact that whichever way the consensus believes it will go, the country is also poised to breakout on the upside. Which path will only be clear in retrospect, but we should pay more attention to the potential of things going right along with the legitimate focus on all that is going wrong.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

South Asia Investor Review

Digital Pakistan: Broadband Penetration Soars to 90% of Adult 15+ Population

State Bank Targets Fully Digital Economy in Pakistan

China to Further Expand, Deepen Ties with Pakistan

Pakistan Forecast to Become World's 7th Largest Consumer Market By 2030

Goldman Sachs Predicts Pakistan to Grow to World's 6th Largest Economy

Over a Million Pakistani University Students Enrolled in STEM Fields

Pakistani Startups Attract Record VC Funding

Pakistan at 75

Pakistan's Demographic Dividend: Record Remittances From Overseas Pakistanis

Riaz Haq's Youtube Channel

PakAlumni Social Network

The main point of Karabell's piece is-

"I have a handful of investments in Pakistani start-up companies (mostly in consumer and financial technologies) and have clearly acted on the thesis that there is unmined potential. But I’ve done that because I honestly believe in that opportunity."

Basically it means, "Please help, I am screwed. My money is stuck. There are no dollars to repatriate back. Please put some dollars in Pakistan so I can exit without taking a huge hit" 🥺
The main point of Karabell's piece is-

"I have a handful of investments in Pakistani start-up companies (mostly in consumer and financial technologies) and have clearly acted on the thesis that there is unmined potential. But I’ve done that because I honestly believe in that opportunity."

Basically it means, "Please help, I am screwed. My money is stuck. There are no dollars to repatriate back. Please put some dollars in Pakistan so I can exit without taking a huge hit" 🥺

Why the f?(& do Indians come to this forum? If you need to take a dump, go do it on your own Indian forums
Is Zachary Karabell supposed to be the white version of Zaid hamid? /s
I hope that's the case, lets's work on bringing real democracy (even if IK comes to power he can't purge his opposition) and political stability to Pakistan only then can we ensure a better future for our people
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Why the f?(& do Indians come to this forum? If you need to take a dump, go do it on your own Indian forums

I can understand your concerns but,

The main point of Karabell's piece is-

"I have a handful of investments in Pakistani start-up companies (mostly in consumer and financial technologies) and have clearly acted on the thesis that there is unmined potential. But I’ve done that because I honestly believe in that opportunity."

Basically it means, "Please help, I am screwed. My money is stuck. There are no dollars to repatriate back. Please put some dollars in Pakistan so I can exit without taking a huge hit" 🥺
No stop posting rubbish.
Good luck with finding that Dawn. With Most popular leader in decades being purged by country’s most powerful and ruthless institution. One person who could calm everyone down and bring stability is running for bails in 100+ cases.
I haven't seen my country in this position before. People who are educated wants to change things swiftly but they aren't allowed to run this country.
Why the f?(& do Indians come to this forum? If you need to take a dump, go do it on your own Indian forums
Like I said on another thread
' Begane shaadi meh gobar bhakt diwaana"
they just love to crap everywhere
The Pajeets are squirming because of the fact that Pakistan is on the cusp of real change.

Keep burning.

There is your plan and then there is God’s plan.
Why the f?(& do Indians come to this forum? If you need to take a dump, go do it on your own Indian forums
To annoy you which they are successfully doing. Ignore them and they will go away.

Brofessor sb,

Thanks for posting this.

This is what I had posted on Wednesday 10:02 PM

The night is darkest just before dawn.

And then TIME magzine used the same phrase. And now you, sir! This is truly a historic moment for me.

As GK Gokhale observed "What Bengal thinks today, the world thinks tomorrow"


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