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Lieutenant General Salman Fayyaz Ghani Sacked/Resigned

LOL, what?? even after 'swindling votes' more like if there was a free election, Imran Khan would sweep the elections, that's why they (GHQ) have the election comission under their palms, the latter known for inteferring in riging elections on their behalf, as they have constantly done in the past (even against the founder of Pakistan Fatima Jinnah), the only dirty people are the people sitting at GHQ, we are well aware how they operate, they have a proven dirty track record for the past 70 years.

The cancer GHQ doesn't want to lose control control of the country they hijacked, you talk about outcome, what has Pakistan become under their so called leadership? Disremembered east dominion, lost Kashmir, cowered away when facsist India crossed the so called 'red line..' instead of putting all their ducks in a row, they colluded with the US to do a regime change and they brought in their Mafia PDM and sent the country back into downward spiral.. to meet certain death... Pakistan is now on the brink, at least they can give themselves medals defeating Pakistan..

Your amongst a dwindling niche supporting these Mir Jaffars, your peers here and many memebers here who are military enthusiasts who favour the army more than the populace, know the difference between right and wrong, thats what seperates patriots amongst traitors. Your holy cow generals comitted high treason, there's no going back on that, they violated the constitution, and they have to pay a heavy price!
Ur using my post to have a dig at me when you can’t even reply what I asked. Grow up otherwise don’t quote me
Imran Khan would have to immediately denotify both the current sitting Army Chief, ISI Cheif and also Dirty Harry otherwise his credibility will be zero. He will then need to ensuure that they legally held to account for their actions. Also, then he will have to move the entire hieararcy of the Army to be under the MOD and defence minister. After which, he will need to stop the Army's property enterprise - thereby allowing private enterprise to fill that space. Nationalise all Pakistani Armed owned businesses and then sell them to private industry and investors.

The whole ecosystem of being given land on retirement has to be stopped. Pakistan is there to be carved up and given over to generals - period.

I can go on and write a long list - but it has all been said before - but there can be no "going back to the old order". There needs to be fundamental and structural change in the future to make sure Pakistan Army leadership can never destablise Pakistan again for its own self centred economic and political interests, by making sure the Pakistan Army has "no economic or political interests by taking those interests off the table.."

The Pakistan Army will not on its own give up its assets and its controls - it needs to be taken from them and then a strong constitutional framework of accountability has to be put on the army to make sure this sh*t cannot happen again.

The people of Pakistan must reign supreme over Pakistan, and not the Pakistan Army...

Also, the return of proceeds from these assets then should be used to help pay down the national debt..
These are good suggestions.

But would some of these steps be too drastic?

Denotifying Asim, Anjum, Naseer is a good step. Also making sure COAS only interfaces with the Defense Secretary.

Other than that, there needs to be a committee enacted to reduce the military role within the executive branch.
I will say the danger is to both sides with high tensions. If something happens to IK, the blowback will severely affect the military. So I think that PTI and the military need to sit down and hammer out an understanding; maybe this COAS isn't an excellent choice to engage with in talks, but both sides can choose an honest, neutral individual they can trust.

In all this fighting, the only beneficiary is PDM acting all innocent, and the army knowingly or unknowingly is being played by PDM and taking the brunt of the anger.
Military don't need to sit down and talk to anyone, they have the power and are the power brokers.
These are good suggestions.

But would some of these steps be too drastic?

Denotifying Asim, Anjum, Naseer is a good step. Also making sure COAS only interfaces with the Defense Secretary.

Other than that, there needs to be a committee enacted to reduce the military role within the executive branch.
I think biggest mess here is intervention of ISI in political affaris and present ISI head seems to be a criminal minded person whose biggest tattics is deception and extra judicial conducting of affairs. We need an army chief who is not interested in political domain and is not a party in political system. Yes both COAS and DG ISI need to be de-notified.
Military don't need to sit down and talk to anyone, they have the power and are the power brokers.
Lol they talked to everyone from BLA to MQM

This fake bravado is devoid of historical facts
Imran Khan, if were to become a PM, would be expected to reign in the establishment.

If he doesn’t then he’ll lose huge chunk of support and deservedly so. It will be a difficult job but this needs to be done for the long term interest of Pakistan.

One thing we know is, the status quo is unsustainable. There seems to be no semblance of rule of law. The constitution is a tissue paper. In addition, Pakistan will experience sustained period of stunted growth and its economic and security interest will be compromised from which it might never recover from.
Imran Khan would have to immediately denotify both the current sitting Army Chief, ISI Cheif and also Dirty Harry otherwise his credibility will be zero. He will then need to ensuure that they legally held to account for their actions. Also, then he will have to move the entire hieararcy of the Army to be under the MOD and defence minister. After which, he will need to stop the Army's property enterprise - thereby allowing private enterprise to fill that space. Nationalise all Pakistani Armed owned businesses and then sell them to private industry and investors.

The whole ecosystem of being given land on retirement has to be stopped. Pakistan is there to be carved up and given over to generals - period.

I can go on and write a long list - but it has all been said before - but there can be no "going back to the old order". There needs to be fundamental and structural change in the future to make sure Pakistan Army leadership can never destablise Pakistan again for its own self centred economic and political interests, by making sure the Pakistan Army has "no economic or political interests by taking those interests off the table.."

The Pakistan Army will not on its own give up its assets and its controls - it needs to be taken from them and then a strong constitutional framework of accountability has to be put on the army to make sure this sh*t cannot happen again.

The people of Pakistan must reign supreme over Pakistan, and not the Pakistan Army...

Also, the return of proceeds from these assets then should be used to help pay down the national debt..

Wiping out Sharifs and Zardaris from politics should be a priority. Declare governor rule in Sindh and hunt the Zardaris. Do not let the Sharifs fly away. No jail, straight to meeting their maker.

All generals allied with Sharifs and Zardaris are court martialed.
One of the member raised a pertinent question, what happens if Imran Khan becomes a PM and would have to work with Asim Munir or subsequent Chiefs at Lt Gen level. What would be the relationship be like?

Well the PM should understand that there is no way in hell he should be leaning towards the Generals for any political favours or any such thing.

As for the Generals, they should drill it in their heads that a hybrid regime is impossible. Stay within the limits of prescribed constitutional role and only focus on military matters. In addition, work towards withdrawing their roles from all non military matters.

A strictly professional relationship.
If there is clear evidence munir has been involved in political engineering he should be sacked and then another army chief steps in.
If there is clear evidence munir has been involved in political engineering he should be sacked and then another army chief steps in.
Its a question of how deep is the involvement, not if there is an involvement.
Its a question of how deep is the involvement, not if there is an involvement.
Any involvement means his not upheld his duty to the constitution and nation therefore is unfit to lead. If pak leaders are held to a high standard these issues will occur allot less.
Ur using my post to have a dig at me when you can’t even reply what I asked. Grow up otherwise don’t quote me

Your the one who's using malicious unfounded snide comments against PTI, for something GHQ is actually guilty of, and i'm the one whos needs to grow up? jog on mate.. I can tell the difference between what is right and wrong.

And as for your questions, you asked how the COAS and PTI will more forward together?, that's simple in a democracy the Army Chief is accountable to the Defence Minister, so he should know his aukaat, hence no politicking (stay within his constitutional limits as a YES MAN), but obviously that's not acceptable to you, as in your narrow minded vision that destroyed this country in the first place, your thinking "well since the unelected COAS cannot work with PTI, we cannot allow the latter to come to power" so in other words peoples right to choose their own leader can go to hell..

Your clutching straws at this point, and oh You can alway block me, I did the latter to you so I didn't have to read your treacherous nonsense this past year.. I Just undid it just recently and by the looks of it i guess it was foolish on my part to entertain the idea maybe.. just maybe you come to the realisation that you supported crooks.. and mended your ways.. alas i was wrong.
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Your the one who's using malicious unfounded snide comments against PTI, for something GHQ is actually guilty of, and i'm the one whos needs to grow up? jog on mate.. I can tell the difference between what is right and wrong.

And as for your questions, you asked how the COAS and PTI will more forward together?, that's simple in a democracy the Army Chief is accountable to the Defence Minister, so he should know his aukaat, hence no politicking (stay within his constitutional limits as a YES MAN), but obviously that's not acceptable to you, as in your narrow minded vision that destroyed this country in the first place, your thinking "well since the unelected COAS cannot work with PTI, we cannot allow the latter to come to power" so in other words peoples right to choose their own leader can go to hell..

Your clutching straws at this point, and oh You can alway block me, I did the latter to you so I didn't have to read your treacherous nonsense this past year.. I Just undid it just recently and by the looks of it i guess it was foolish on my part to entertain the idea maybe.. just maybe you come to the realisation that you supported crooks.. and mended your ways.. alas i was wrong.
dont worry about him, his exposure to the actual army practices is most probably very limited and may have been through a family member or friends, nothing else. he is just one of those zombie gits who like to larp and claim that they have insider news.
The problem is that military is bloody strong in every aspect, it can take on hits from own citizens, Indian Army, TTP, BLA and still keep functioning.
So does that mean you test the limits of the system and make an enemy of your own people ?
At least 2 of the mentioned " opponents" above have caused you irreversible damage...
Is taking hits from own citizens something a nation's military be proud of ?
The games and half hatched plans your fellows have played have destroyed this nation.

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