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  1. N

    China provokes India again as it deploys tanks opposite Indian posts at LAC

    Common people can't differentiate between t90 15 ot 72 tanks. Lol The Indian defence journals are joke they copy each other material with sensational headlines. Don't think too deep about that. And regarding this new tank front of Indians seems a Fake news. No sane or even 10% intelligent...
  2. N

    Thousands of troops face freezing winter in Ladakh as talks fail to thaw relations between India, China

    Fan boy aside we don't have winter clothes even. But this stand off has and will continue to force govt to buy more. 2hich is good for commen soldier who is last in the chain to receive anything. So in case of future war with china atleast they would have proper clothes to fight. Fanboys here...
  3. N

    Is LCA Programme finally dead?

    To be fair quote the number of orders they got before starting the production. I think iAf has no choice now . They will order Tejas as we don't have budget 4 anything else. But you never know ,Modi friends might win the tender and India orders foreign fighters so who knows .
  4. N

    Amid border row with China, Indian and French Rafales to carry out SKYROS wargames in Jodhpur.

    I think Rafael basically will take over mirage roles with enhanced capability. Before any1 argue remember iAf had no choice but to relegate Mirage the role, which should be given to medium fighter. Like Rafael
  5. N

    Kashmiri Farmers labelled as Freedom Fighters & made to confess forcibly

    From my personal experience, freedom fighters are used by every person in power , police, politicians foreign fighters etc I pity kashmiris, They should learn from Punjab. Punjabi themselves decided enough was enough and decided to save next generation from this circle. It's like every 1...
  6. N

    China raid alert at 20 spots from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh

    I agree with your assessment 4 this year. What India is forced to do Right now: Now India is building bridges tunnels and roads. They are supplying huge amount of Material means gaining logistics expertise and the deficiencies that they are facing .(Knowing on paper and having face it is...
  7. N

    India has forced a stalemate in Ladakh. That’s a defeat for China

    As long Indian troops doesn't create bunkers on top and China doesn't bring artillery near mountains. Both are just looking a way out of this .
  8. N

    China raid alert at 20 spots from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh

    Same applies to China as well. You can afford it doesn't mean you should start opening fronts left and right. Lol China has forced India to develop the North at speed and thats rare thing for a Indian govt. Not good long term policy when you not going to do anything but sit at border. You are...
  9. N

    China raid alert at 20 spots from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh

    You do know that every move India makes China has to reciprocate ? Lol India beefing up birder is not good 4 China also. Only party I see benefiting hugely is Pakistan. China is just plain stupid don't mind my saying. You should learn from pak a thing or 2 .
  10. N

    Malaysia Johor Sultan tells public "Don’t act prematurely" over Muslim woman’s marriage to Indian hockey player

    What the heck so much noise over a marriage ? I have seen 2 sikh muslim couples in canada no 1 bats a eye. You scroll through tik tok will find many like that. As punjabi are naturally more closely related culturally with each other. So love is very natural thing. You guys are still living in...
  11. N

    IAF has enhanced India’s deterrent and coercive posture in Ladakh

    Lol news are shit in India. Both countries know where the planes are through satellite, you can't hide planes in this age.
  12. N

    China’s T-15 Tanks ‘Steal The Show’ In High-Altitude Battle Drills Near Ladakh Border

    I meant the shelling range . 4km or 7km etc. The reason light tanks are considered dud is that during a battle Tank is always the prime target so enemy always uses its most lethal weapons on it. So if the tank can't survive that it becomes useless and resource hog. Cause no matter how much...
  13. N

    China’s T-15 Tanks ‘Steal The Show’ In High-Altitude Battle Drills Near Ladakh Border

    Indian media is a joke when it comes to defence Technical stuff. They many times used JF pics instead of Indian jets lol. They are only good at creating click bate headlines. By the way do you know the range of this light weight tank. Cause I'm very skeptical it could make much difference. If...
  14. N

    10 Reasons Why India’s LCA Tejas Will Be ‘Shot-Down’ By Pakistan’s JF-17 Thunder In Global Arms Market

    I don't think any1 will buy tejas . Not because its inferior, its just too much customized according to the Indian needs. And hence so much variety of systems are mixed together that only an idiot would buy it. For inda its different story. We are building it so can tinker with it as we want...
  15. N

    Indian Army Colonel Rapes Friend's Wife in Officers Mess !

    If this is not a fake news well He gave away colonel rank and for what ? 1 time fk . Really mind boggling .
  16. N

    Live video: Indian soldiers are joke even at throwing stones

    Man you guys need to up your game. I genuinely read troll fighting threads to have laugh but lately no brilliant comedy comments coming from any sides. You guys need to take a break and feel the force.
  17. N

    Video of Chinese forces capturing a hill top and Indian soldiers running away

    I think video is real but not recent as there's snow everywhere in ladakh. This video might be the early start of hostilities, as you can clearly see ,honest are in riot gears and Indians not. So I assume this is the start of china denying land access to Indian soldiers , now I think soldiers...
  18. N

    Indian Human Space Testflight- Booster Delivered

    You are comparing oranges with apples. ISRO works totally differently than Chinese or American space agency. Indians here are just bragging and dont know the real purpose of ISRO. Just search isro budget of each year, than compare it with money spent by China and US that year on Space. Than do...
  19. N

    Latest photos of INS Vikrant from Chinese source

    You're right , aircraft carrier are useless nowadays. As we have mid ar refuelled, plus islands can be better used . I think india doesn't want to loose the expertise or experience of building and operating the aircraft carrier. Navy damm well knows most useful in war is submarines not white...
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    Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers to launch Project 17A Nilgiri-Class Stealth Frigate for Indian Navy

    He's partially right. Everyone i have talked to ask this question. Why we never arm our navy to teeth. Its always below what it can carry. Just compare Chinese or any other navy for same tonnage. Its really a mystery.
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