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Indian Army Colonel Rapes Friend's Wife in Officers Mess !

why rape and commit a crime when wife swapping common in their ranks

He likely doesn't have a wife to swap.

India should send him to Pakistan to be chemically castrated.

We could make an industry out of it, probably have tens of millions of rapists living in that country.

They have a thing for white women, unsure if it is racial inferiority complex or exposure to western culture, it does seem pretty deep rooted in the psyche of every Bhramin male....

Lol, can't recall who posted this first on here but I'll post it again:

Indians are known for this sort of behavior. This man was promoted to Colnel.

I was going to post a joke about how he was probably promoted 2 ranks but if he actually was promoted after this India's army is a joke and I don't see any reason for not wiping it out.
Modi: give this purush a 'veer chakla medal'.
Army Colonel Booked for Raping Friend's Wife at Officers Mess in Kanpur
File photo of Indian Army personnel. (Representative image)

File photo of Indian Army personnel. (Representative image)
The accused allegedly offered an intoxicating drink to his friend to make him unconscious and raped his wife, he added. The accused also allegedly assaulted the woman when she put up a resistance.
  • LAST UPDATED:DECEMBER 13, 2020, 22:30 IST

An Army colonel posted here was booked on Sunday for allegedly raping a friend's wife at an officers mess, police said. The victim's husband, a civilian, lodged an FIR against the Army officer at the Cantonment police station, Superintendent of Police (East) Raj Kumar Agarwal said.
According to the complainant, his wife is of Russian descent and has been living in India for 10 years. "Police have launched a probe and efforts are being made to nab the colonel. His friend has stated in the FIR that the colonel had invited his wife and him to a party on the occasion of his promotion to the rank of colonel from that of lieutenant colonel on Saturday," Agarwal said.

The accused allegedly offered an intoxicating drink to his friend to make him unconscious and raped his wife, he added. The accused also allegedly assaulted the woman when she put up a resistance.
A case has been registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and several police teams have been formed to nab the accused.

Opps problem occurs when one is civilian otherwise wife swapping is a common practice in Indian armed forces.
If this is not a fake news well He gave away colonel rank and for what ? 1 time fk .
Really mind boggling .
@ 5:44
chauffer: Nimaste sir where can i take you
man: to rand*

This video should be shown to all Indian back-office company sales folks seeking new business in US/EU companies. Absolute joke.
You raped a whole country in 1971 and you are proud of it, why quoting us for such singular news? Out of 1.4 Million armed forces personnel one such news makes your day then stay busy in it.
False allegations and proven wrong many times and again this thread is about India Armed forces sex crimes not about Pakistan and if you like to discuss Pakistani issues then open a new thread and tag me there....Don't troll to derail this thread,
Why you trying to save wife swappers and rapist military personals?
You raped a whole country
Lols that includes men too.
False allegations and proven wrong many times and again this thread is about India Armed forces sex crimes not about Pakistan and if you like to discuss Pakistani issues then open a new thread and tag me there....Don't troll to derail this thread,
Why you trying to save wife swappers and rapist military personals?

Lols that includes men too.
If such things don’t get reported in Pakistan doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Don’t tag me in stupid places.
Victim was Russian not Indian. She probably didn't agreed for a swap hence the brutality.
Maybe the Russian's husband is the one who politely declined the swap. Only a madman would hand over a hard earned Ferrari for a Tata in return.
Don’t tag me in stupid places.
As long as you promise not to shitt or rape people in stupid places.
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