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  1. mhosein

    Pakistani-American Delegation visits Israel

    Well then.... Pakistan lost its only honest, trustworthy Prime Minister, was replaced by a thug, thief and traitor. Pakistan's Judiciary sold its soul to the devil and Pakistan's Army Chief went to Washington DC to wag his tail. Now HAIWANAT who masquerade as Pakistanis have gone to that...
  2. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    The problem with people is that they do not understand Russia, its history, its people, its scars. And the West, a prisoner of its own nature, has failed and will always fail in understanding Russia. Which is why there will not be a rapproachment between Russia and Europe. The latter is hostage...
  3. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Ukraine's assault on Snake Island led to Ukrainian military losses ... 30 TB2 Drones shot down, 10 helicopters as well as 4 fighter jets of the Ukrainian Air Force shot down, 50+ Ukrainian Army troops killed in combat and 3 Ukrainian Navy ships sunk. The attacks on Snake Island were ordered by...
  4. mhosein

    Pakistan is weeks away from default, decisive actions must be taken by estab.

    Buddy what establishment? What country? The Judiciary is an INSULT to the Justice System, the Parliament is the JOKE to the System of Governance, the Military Leadership has BETRAYED its first duty of protecting the country. There is no government in Islamabad, rather there is a MAFIA sitting...
  5. mhosein

    PTI worker in Peshawar sent to jail on remand over Maryam Nawaz’s deepfake video

    Does not make a THIEF, LIAR, TRAITOR, MURDERER, MUNAFIQS ... a saint.
  6. mhosein

    Dont talk about inflation pmln govt to anchors

    In case Pakistanis were living in some sort of deluded fantasy, here is a wake up call .... there is no Messiah coming to save Pakistan. If you claim to be Muslim, then today there is another point in history where Pakistanis have the opportunity to stand up against tyranny and fight for the...
  7. mhosein

    What Putin's General Was Doing in Ukraine, According to US Top Secret Report

    If you are experiencing a lack of factual knowledge, then here is a refresher course for you: U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of...
  8. mhosein

    Irked by Imran Khan’s allegations, Justice Minallah asks whether PTI has trust in courts

    Forget whether PTI has any faith or trust in the Justice System of Pakistan, NO PAKISTANI IN THEIR RIGHT MIND HAS ANY TRUST OR FAITH IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM. Pakistani politicians, judges, army chiefs, presidents and bureaucrats are like Tawaifs, as the old saying goes "Paisa phek, Tamasha dekh".
  9. mhosein

    Pashtuns are jews ... A documentary...lost tribes of Israel.

    Even Jews don't know anymore who they really are, or which ones are authentic Jews. Today Zionists are the ones who dictate the narrative of Judaism. It is the Zionists who created the illegal state of israel. So sure, if someone wants to lump in Pukhtun as Jews, does not have any baring on reality.
  10. mhosein

    What Putin's General Was Doing in Ukraine, According to US Top Secret Report

    In case you have not followed what's gone on the last 30 years. NATO has reached Russia's borders and has deployed heavy weapons, which aren't sitting there to look pretty. It was the Western leaders who promised that they would not move one inch East of River Elba. This has been documented...
  11. mhosein

    Russian Military equipment .

    Iskandar or Iskandariyyah is in Arabic for the name, Alexander. Its got NOTHING, NOTHING to do with India or Sikhs.
  12. mhosein

    What Putin's General Was Doing in Ukraine, According to US Top Secret Report

    The difference between you and me is that I am neither Western, nor Russian. So I see what most Westerners fail to see. Being Muslim, I view situations from the lense of faith in God, not the sordid and deluded mindset of the West. The amount of evidence that is piling up with the history of...
  13. mhosein

    Jinnah's Warning

    When a nation has not even listened and adhered to the warnings of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. What possible hope could we have that this nation would have ever listened to the ONE LEADER OF MUSLIMS, Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Can you see a pattern forming here?
  14. mhosein

    pti mianwali Jalsa

  15. mhosein

    What Putin's General Was Doing in Ukraine, According to US Top Secret Report

    Your first mistake, equating Russia to Soviet Union where Bolshevik scum cannot be compared to Orthodox Christians. And as for Afghanistan, 20 years of war, $1.67 trillion bleeding the U.S Treasury and a sizable number of your soldiers maimed or bodybagged, culimating in a humiliating withdrawal...
  16. mhosein

    What Putin's General Was Doing in Ukraine, According to US Top Secret Report

    President of the Russian Federation has issued a blunt warning to the West, the RED LINE has been drawn and if you cross it, Russia has unmatched arsenal that no one has or can compete with and if the West tries to cross that RED LINE, there will be fatal consequences for the West. After 500...
  17. mhosein

    Russia threatens to “plunge the UK into the depths of the sea” with radioactive tsunami

    Ah the British, the pioneers of lies, deception and drunk on hubris. When I read the news link being British, that's when I know it's pure, unadulterated bu!l$hit
  18. mhosein

    Attack on Shabaz Gill (PTI) vehicle on Highway hit and run from behind

    Pakistan under the government of LIARS, THUGS, TRAITORS, TERRORIST AND MUNAFIQS ... Sponsored of course, by America, the terrorist state.
  19. mhosein

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Wishful thinking above and reality below Western hypocrisy and lies continue to unravel at break neck speed!!
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