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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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A picture from the Russian side that is said to show the bombing of a Western aid warehouse in Odessa....The picture shows the MiGs


Does the footage help to crush russias pathetic army?

Guess not. So i dont care.
You don't care to be educated on some matters? Ok. Put your head in the sand and shout "sieg heil".

Malcolm Nance, a Navy intelligence veteran and former TV commentator who is now the public face of the legion, called the volunteers who died “protecting angels, along with all those people who lost their lives in this senseless Russian invasion.”
Are these the people they went to protect?

You don't care to be educated on some matters? Ok. Put your head in the sand and shout "sieg heil".

Are these the people they went to protect?

View attachment 840513

Dude seriously. Those people do not murder, rape and destroy cities. Putin and his goons are doing that.

Russia is facist to the core. And Russia will be damaged to the point where it cant murder, rape and destroy anymore.

5th column traitors in Europe are already silenced.
Dude seriously. Those people do not murder, rape and destroy cities. Putin and his goons are doing that.

Russia is facist to the core. And Russia will be damaged to the point where it cant murder, rape and destroy anymore.

5th column traitors in Europe are already silenced.
Watch the video and then you'll see who is the fascist. Just watch it.
WWII was a reluctant war fought by the British and the US. The Nazis were natural allies of the British, and wanted them onside, hence the appeasement if Hitler by the Chamberlin government. It's only when Hitler started to appose British and US interest did war breakout. We're now seeing Europe and the US supporting their inherent ideology of the Nazis in Ukraine. It's a shame Trump isn't in power.
Not the Ruble is rising, Dollar and Euro are falling...

Screenshot 2022-05-03 162259.png
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