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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Wow, I love it. Listen up you Somalian and other "Z" worshippers. A fine gentlemen explained everything to you, he even had a Z on his cap. "all children are the same to us and wil be protected if they are white skinned and born on our slavic land"!!!


This is what every russian thinks deep down. well not every, but vast vast majority. It would be total folly to think any non white person has a bright future in an Imperial russian resurgence.
These type of fighters are the key ideological fighters of Z brigade. Rest are just ethnic minority mercenaries. They are caught in this Slavic civil war. As per official figures from Moscow, Russia's Slavic casualties in war is very small. Most people who have died are from ethnic minority regions like Dagestan etc.
Hey dick,it's not "Chinese" bullshit. It's footage from Ukrainians. From Ukrainians themselves. Watch and learn.

Does the footage help to crush russias pathetic army?

Guess not. So i dont care.

These type of fighters are the key ideological fighters of Z brigade. Rest are just ethnic minority mercenaries. They are caught in this Slavic civil war. As per official figures from Moscow, Russia's Slavic casualties in war is very small. Most people who have died are from ethnic minority regions like Dagestan etc.

Its an aspect that should be on the table. Decolonisation must also be done on russia.
Its an aspect that should be on the table. Decolonisation must also be done on russia.
That is not in Western interest. Balkanization of Russia will lead to more Chinese client states. Only favorable outcome for Europe is a friendly and federal Russian Empire. Federalism in Russia is important to make sure that Moscow can be manipulated when it gets bright ideas 🤔
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America is the biggest threat to Europe. America wants to unite the entire human race under a single hegemony. That is not acceptable.
USA desperately trying to do that before USA spiral into abject bankruptcy and imploding into outright civil wars internally

And to be laughed at and despised even more by all countries around the world .

USA deathly scared of their impending implosion and bankruptcy.

And being laughed and mocked at and ridiculed by the rest of the world

USA trying her best to pull rest of the world down before USA spiralling into bankruptcy :enjoy:
That is not in Western interest. Balkanization is Russia will lead to more Chinese client states. Only favorable outcome for Europe is a friendly and federal Russian Empire. Federalism in Russia is important to make sure that Moscow can be manipulated when it gets bright ideas 🤔

Russia is already too big for it's budget.

If there is a +100 million population combined with huge landmass but poor economy then problems will arise even during peace time. Russia is also heavily corrupted making things worse.
Russia is already too big for it's budget.

If there is a +100 million population combined with huge landmass but poor economy then problems will arise even during peace time. Russia is also heavily corrupted making things worse.
Relative to western countries, this is true. But Russia is richer than many other countries.
Al-Arabiya correspondent in Donetsk Raed Al-Agbar: The Russian army is advancing slowly in Donbass and takes control of two cities, amid the Ukrainian army's retreat to the west

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